birds! tadpoles! unicorns!
July 3, 2006 8:29 PM   Subscribe

A good resouce for bird idenification / watching: USGS's Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter includes calls, photos and population coverage maps and seasonal birding checklists. And on a completely unrelated note, they have a sweet guide on the morphology of tadpoles. -mi-
posted by bigmusic (4 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
More resouces for helping to identify birds have been posted previously: 1, 2, 3, 4. Oh and here's the unicorns.
posted by bigmusic at 8:30 PM on July 3, 2006

bigmusic, Thanks for the rich resources on birds and birding. My favorite bird site is this one with thousands of birdsongs and information about birds in Africa, Asia, Oceania...backyard birding, images and more.
posted by nickyskye at 10:57 PM on July 3, 2006

One Australian site not linked to by the above - Birds in Backyards, which has a good identifier.

Whenever I put a seed bell out, our back yard is infested with these and these, which occasionally retreat at speed when a flotilla of these turn up.
posted by dansdata at 4:50 AM on July 4, 2006

Just so you know...
an Eastern Rosella showed up at one of my bird feeders recently. Of course, it must have been an escaped pet, as I live in New Jersey, United States!
Great link, by the way!
posted by annieb at 4:06 PM on July 4, 2006

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