I have to push the pram a lot!
July 18, 2006 10:26 PM   Subscribe

posted by Ignition at 10:43 PM on July 18, 2006

"Gimme a tranya in a tankard, wench — and make it a double!"
posted by rob511 at 10:45 PM on July 18, 2006

The shot for "between our quests we sequin vests" is alarmingly well-chosen.
posted by George_Spiggott at 10:46 PM on July 18, 2006

Wow, a twofer! Star Trek kinda and MontyPython sorta. With effects worthy of Dr. Who. Make that a threefer.
posted by Cranberry at 10:52 PM on July 18, 2006

This is so awesome I'm speechless. Geek heaven.
posted by tula at 10:55 PM on July 18, 2006

posted by quite unimportant at 10:57 PM on July 18, 2006

You forget how f'n campy and corny TOS was at time.

Hey, it was the 60s...
posted by frogan at 11:00 PM on July 18, 2006

Just when I thought TOS couldn't seem campier.
posted by Terminal Verbosity at 11:00 PM on July 18, 2006

Awesome. Thanks.
posted by librarina at 11:03 PM on July 18, 2006

*mind explodes*

Just awesome. Really, really awesome.
posted by greycap at 11:31 PM on July 18, 2006

Before I open that link, is this thing going to eat my soul and mind like "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins"?

If so, I'm not touching that with a 60 foot pole.
posted by loquacious at 11:35 PM on July 18, 2006

...my inner nerd explodes

With delight?
posted by The Tensor at 11:37 PM on July 18, 2006

Awesome. This is what the internet is for.
posted by chudmonkey at 11:41 PM on July 18, 2006

...my inner nerd explodes

Those are your innerds.
posted by pracowity at 12:06 AM on July 19, 2006 [2 favorites]

another version from the Record of Lodoss War series
posted by pantsrobot at 12:22 AM on July 19, 2006

God, I did not realise TOS had so much dancing...

As a random aside, BBC2 has started showing TOS on Saturday afternoons. We're only two episodes in ("The Cage" and "The Man Trap") and I already know that I will never be able to leave my house again.
posted by Katemonkey at 12:25 AM on July 19, 2006

...and on review that already shows up in the youtube sidebar. Still, it's very well synced up; easier with animation than live action I guess
posted by pantsrobot at 12:26 AM on July 19, 2006

Captain Pike made me spit coffee, as did the last line.
posted by Phred182 at 4:03 AM on July 19, 2006

Bloody good show. Too bad the Broadway version wasn't as entertaining.
posted by Gungho at 4:14 AM on July 19, 2006

Heh. Both versions are great. Its amazing how much more silly a show can become if one simply plays it faster.

...not that TOS was a bastion of seriousness...
posted by Atreides at 4:42 AM on July 19, 2006

posted by grubi at 5:16 AM on July 19, 2006

It's just a model.
posted by furtive at 5:47 AM on July 19, 2006

posted by carsonb at 5:53 AM on July 19, 2006

Awww... I thought it was going to be Shatner and Nimoy singing. THAT would have been great.
posted by GuyZero at 6:11 AM on July 19, 2006

posted by piratebowling at 6:15 AM on July 19, 2006

Hilarious! I'm in heaven. I only wish I could see it on a bigger screen with surround sound.

and yes, the "push the pram a lot" line is genius.
posted by witchstone at 6:15 AM on July 19, 2006

Oh love it! Thank you!
posted by airgirl at 7:01 AM on July 19, 2006

This is great.
posted by arcticwoman at 7:13 AM on July 19, 2006

That made me so very, very happy. Thank you.
posted by CunningLinguist at 7:13 AM on July 19, 2006

It's just a model.

See, that's where you're wrong. It's only a model.

/Monty Python pedant.

PS: Amazingly awesome video.
posted by malthas at 7:19 AM on July 19, 2006

Well, great. Now there's a song and a batch of images I won't be able to get out of my head all day.

[this is awesome]
posted by yhbc at 7:23 AM on July 19, 2006

Also worthy of note, the Lego version that is included with the Holy Grail DVD set.
posted by sindark at 7:55 AM on July 19, 2006

Oh, Christopher Pike, thou art the Universe's scarred, beeping punchline to all jokes.
posted by robocop is bleeding at 8:00 AM on July 19, 2006

Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

Oh, and just eat some more Nerds to replace that exploded inner nerd you mentioned. If it doesn't improve, call me in the morning.
posted by mooncrow at 8:36 AM on July 19, 2006

Does saying "thank you" in this thread gain me admittance and full Nerd Membership privileges? Seriously, that was awesome
posted by spock at 8:40 AM on July 19, 2006

My torch for Chekhov burns anew.
posted by padraigin at 8:49 AM on July 19, 2006

Much as I tend to agree with a lot of the "not another YouTube FPP" bitching... that was fantastic.
posted by infidelpants at 9:01 AM on July 19, 2006

posted by ObscureReferenceMan at 9:09 AM on July 19, 2006

Cranberry, speaking of Doctor Who, here's one with the Cybermen.
posted by webmutant at 9:17 AM on July 19, 2006

What the hell is that at 40-41 seconds? Jefferson Starship?
posted by pracowity at 9:26 AM on July 19, 2006

What the hell is that at 40-41 seconds? Jefferson Starship?

No. It was "The way to Eden".

With Skip Homeier as Dr. Sevrin
Mary-Linda Rapelye as Irini Galliulin
Victor Brandt as Tongo Rad
Charles Napier (now a famous charachter actor who plays cops) as Adam
Deborah Downey as Mavig

They are singing:

"Head'n off to Eden,
Yeah brother.
Gonna live off whatever we find..."

Want to know what the wall safe combination in Episode 27 was?
posted by tkchrist at 10:00 AM on July 19, 2006

posted by tizzie at 10:06 AM on July 19, 2006

This is good. This is VERY good.
posted by ZenMasterThis at 10:46 AM on July 19, 2006

Great editing - whoever made that knew both memes intimately
posted by mouthnoize at 11:00 AM on July 19, 2006

This new learning amazes me, Sir Jonson! Tell me again how sheep's bladders may be used to prevent earthquakes!

(disclaimer: may not have quite remembered that right.)

This is effin' funny.

tkchrist... isn't it 1, 2... 5!?

But what's Yeoman Rand's cabin number?? Huh? Huh???!?

posted by zoogleplex at 11:11 AM on July 19, 2006

tkchrist - I think I love you.

zoogleplex - Well, 3F-125 was her first room number. The second was 3C-46.

I have not yet watched the video with sound (I'm at work) but I already find it hilarious.
posted by etoile at 11:24 AM on July 19, 2006

posted by dejah420 at 12:52 PM on July 19, 2006

"This video has been removed by the user."

posted by potsmokinghippieoverlord at 1:44 PM on July 19, 2006

Please tell me there's another source! I tried to show the hilarity to someone else, and how it is gone!
posted by piratebowling at 1:47 PM on July 19, 2006

All good things come to an end.
posted by greycap at 4:10 PM on July 19, 2006

Oh fuck, I go to watch it with sound and it's gone. There is NO god.
posted by etoile at 4:49 PM on July 19, 2006

Well that was quite a tease.
posted by smackfu at 4:50 PM on July 19, 2006

The Youtube poster says he was asked by the creator to remove the video from YouTube. (The Creator...?)
posted by Snerd at 4:58 PM on July 19, 2006

I'm guessing it's not the Great Bird. I sent a YouTube note a little bit ago to the creator asking for tips on what to Google, because nothing I am trying is coming up with it.
posted by etoile at 5:09 PM on July 19, 2006

Er, not the creator, the person who posted it on YouTube. I am dazzled by the need for Python Trek and can no longer see the keyboard clearly.
posted by etoile at 5:10 PM on July 19, 2006

I too am bummed that it disappeared before I could share. If anyone finds a mirror, please let us know. :)
posted by dejah420 at 6:02 PM on July 19, 2006

Is this it listed on this page? Scroll a little over half way down in the page, or seach for "Knights of the Round Table"


posted by BillsR100 at 6:03 PM on July 19, 2006

Ah, I spoke too soon. A download of the video from the creators can be found here.
posted by dejah420 at 6:20 PM on July 19, 2006

Damn me and my non-previewing self. BillsR100 gets the shiny new quarter for finding it first. :)
posted by dejah420 at 6:22 PM on July 19, 2006

Holy Dilithium Crystals! Check out the other stuff on that creator page - FIFTEEN Trek music video remixes and much MUCH more.
posted by mwhybark at 6:59 PM on July 19, 2006

etoile - amusingly, I have seen a video project in which tkchrist performs that very Partidge Family song.
posted by mwhybark at 7:01 PM on July 19, 2006

That site is going to get hit with the Slashdot effect, but you can't stop the YouTube.
posted by etoile at 7:08 PM on July 19, 2006

etoile: you rock!
posted by SPrintF at 8:04 PM on July 19, 2006 [1 favorite]

Holy SHIT, BillsR100 & dejah420, that page is UN. REAL. As always, a comment in my posts provides a better link than my actual post.
posted by jonson at 8:42 PM on July 19, 2006

If you've ever noticed the K/S slash phenomena (or just enjoy silliness), the 'Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps' vid is _so_ worth downloading.
posted by djwudi at 11:07 PM on July 19, 2006

Poor, poor Commodore Pike. Hilarious.
posted by EarBucket at 4:50 AM on July 20, 2006

Excuse me, that's Fleet Captain Pike.
posted by Snyder at 11:58 AM on July 20, 2006

etoile - amusingly, I have seen a video project in which tkchrist performs that very Partidge Family song.

Aaaaaargh! NOOOOOOO!

He does. He actually really does!
posted by tkchrist at 6:42 PM on July 23, 2006

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