More a conversation than a comic
January 24, 2001 6:30 PM   Subscribe

More a conversation than a comic - and that's no bad thing. Of particular note is his "I Can't Stop Thinking", and the 24hr Comic. Author of Zot, too.
posted by holloway (2 comments total)
Scott McCloud is great. His latest book, "Reinventing Comics" is really really good. Totally recommended. He has a great eye for new ideas in comics. I really like his work. And I write very short sentences. Heh.
posted by ookamaka at 7:50 PM on January 24, 2001

Compared to Understanding Comics, a masterpiece that well and truly blew my mind for the way it pulled so many elements of art and cognitive science together and made it all make sense, I thought Reinventing Comics was a bit obvious. Of course, I realize my expectations were way too high.
posted by kindall at 8:07 PM on January 24, 2001

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