Vito Acconci
December 13, 2006 11:49 PM   Subscribe

Shelley Jackson talks with Vito Acconci VA: "The way I thought of pieces like Following Piece was, there’s a city out there. I attend to this city. How do I key myself into this city. How do I tie myself into this city. I can pick out people in this city to follow."
posted by hard rain (2 comments total)
Wow. There were times when that was like reading something out of City of Glass.

Interesting post.
posted by squidfartz at 4:16 AM on December 14, 2006


I saw a Vito Acconci show in the early 80's at the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati.

I forget the what the pieces were (Vito hanging himself from a thousand tiny fish-hooks? Wait... was it the one where visitors crushed him beneath the floor as they entered the room?), but I remember it fueled my deep hatred of "conceptual art," and made me embrace more representation forms.

What a goof!
posted by jpburns at 4:44 AM on December 14, 2006

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