Percentage of city’s households with digital receivers- 11
December 22, 2006 7:37 AM   Subscribe

The City Desk is a blog dedicated to covering the history and traditions of a city that does not exist. Get the dirt on about the tramway that never happened or take a gander at fascinating statistics about the population. Heck, there's even a definitive origin for the term "Black Friday."
posted by beaucoupkevin (8 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
After browsing for a while, I'm still not sure what it is, but I like it.
posted by Ickster at 8:37 AM on December 22, 2006

Reminds me of one of my favorite comic artists, Ben Katchor, who also explores a city that doesn't exist.
posted by PlusDistance at 9:07 AM on December 22, 2006

i like it too--thanks! (is really is a little bit like Katchor)
posted by amberglow at 9:37 AM on December 22, 2006

Neat thanks.
posted by blahblahblah at 10:58 AM on December 22, 2006

Greg Nog! Take a bow, you're now a MeFi celebrity!
posted by Smart Dalek at 12:02 PM on December 22, 2006

Mr. Katchor's work has been an influence, as have been the 1950s New York Times columns of Meyer Berger.
posted by ice_cream_motor at 1:05 PM on December 22, 2006

Great post. There's something very Philadelphian about this blog.
posted by deafmute at 10:14 PM on December 22, 2006

So- on a cold October night in 1919, while he was out of town, conducting business in Philadelphia, the theives hit, cleaning out three full underground vaults of the Biddlesworth millions. The crooks were never caught, but everyone was sure that the Moskowitz mob were to blame. But nothing could be proven. Angelo had an air-tight alibi and the police hadn’t a single lead. Two months later, Moskowitz and his top lieutenants were among those killed in the zeppelin tragedy at Watson Airfield and the location of the gold and jewels died with them.

posted by craniac at 8:20 AM on December 23, 2006

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