CBC's Documentary about gay rights in Iran
March 23, 2007 7:10 AM   Subscribe

CBC documentary about the gay rights movement within Iran: Part One, Two, Three.
posted by BuddhaInABucket (4 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
CBC does me proud (and as a former resident of Toronto, let me say that there is a surprisingly high concentration of gay Persian men, most refugees fleeing this sort of violence).

That much being said, I think the editors didn't need to flash the images of two young boys hanging at every transition. It was a bit "20/20." But then again, this is a situation where a bit of sensationalism might help the cause....
posted by LMGM at 8:17 AM on March 23, 2007

posted by kolophon at 9:14 AM on March 23, 2007

Wow. Yes, thanks very much for posting this.
posted by trip and a half at 7:48 PM on March 23, 2007

This is an excellent post, thank you.

It's a blessing and a curse to have this video on YouTube. The CBC could never get this distributed internationally the way that YouTube can, and it's a story that needs to be seen all over.

But at the same time, the fact that it is on the Internet means that it can be seen in Iran - the CBC should have realised that it wouldn't stay in Canada and have worked harder to protect the people they interviewed.
posted by jb at 2:27 PM on March 24, 2007 [1 favorite]

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