Don't make Hunter mad.
March 10, 2001 6:11 PM   Subscribe

Don't make Hunter mad. Hunter S. Thompson doesn't think the production company that optioned The Rum Diaries is doing a very good job. And he tells them. Man, does he tell them.
posted by cfj (14 comments total)
the style of the reporting preceding the lovely letter reminds me of danny devito's character in LA confidential somehow...
posted by pikachulolita at 6:44 PM on March 10, 2001

That's a really poopy background color.
posted by jennyb at 6:47 PM on March 10, 2001

Holy shit, that's a steaming letter. I'd hate to be on the receiving end :)

Btw, that's quite a cast.
posted by pnevares at 7:01 PM on March 10, 2001

Indeed, excellent cast, pnevares.

That letter was classic HST...I'm getting tired of this waterhead fuckaround...heaven help us if he ever discovers MetaFilter! Just kidding (maybe).
posted by Watcher at 8:05 PM on March 10, 2001

He's so reserved. I wish HST would just come out of his shell and say what he really means...
posted by muppetboy at 8:23 PM on March 10, 2001

hunter s. thompson - journalist, author, one man jihad.
posted by will at 12:26 AM on March 11, 2001

"I'm in a mood to chop yr. fucking hands off."

Ha ha! Cripes, I hurt. Outta breath and a bad case of grinning rictus.
posted by Mo Nickels at 1:49 AM on March 11, 2001

Harlan Ellison, eat your heart out.
posted by Potsy at 2:33 AM on March 11, 2001

Here's the offending Ms Holly Sorenson; quite a C.V., a real work of art.
posted by johnny novak at 3:06 AM on March 11, 2001

Namecalling, threats of physical's like, SO juvenile!

Sure makes me glad I've avoided this author's work.
posted by rushmc at 7:50 AM on March 11, 2001

if the average juvenile could sling invective like that, the web would be much more interesting...
posted by cfj at 9:38 AM on March 11, 2001

LOL, well said, cfj.
posted by Watcher at 2:25 PM on March 11, 2001

Does Hunter really have a way with words? Or does he just need a new colostomy bag? Just asking...

posted by jfuller at 6:45 AM on March 12, 2001

I vote for #2, jfuller...which is what his writing style strongly puts one in mind of...
posted by rushmc at 9:43 PM on March 12, 2001

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