Inventive insurgency
February 16, 2008 3:33 PM   Subscribe

What? No rubber fake vomit or dog shit?
posted by 45moore45 at 3:35 PM on February 16, 2008

Are you for real?
posted by Dizzy at 4:01 PM on February 16, 2008

This is the realest FPP I've seen on The Blue for days.
posted by kozad at 4:20 PM on February 16, 2008

Fake connection post.
posted by Kirth Gerson at 5:02 PM on February 16, 2008

Rubbish. The "fake homosexual sex" is still homosexual sex, it's just had for different purposes.

Plenty of "straight" men have "fake homosexual" sex. They're not "gay" or anything. They just don't mind letting fags suck 'em off. Or helping a buddy out when his girl's outta town. A little 420, a little porno, and let's see what happens, amirite dude?
posted by hermitosis at 5:05 PM on February 16, 2008

That Vitamalz looks disgusting. For those of you who don't have German, it appears to be a beer-flavored energy drink. Maybe somebody der kann Deutsch besser verstanden oder in Deutschsprecheland leben can give us some more information about it.
posted by Electrius at 5:15 PM on February 16, 2008

A little 420, a little porno, and let's see what happens, amirite dude?

No thanks, but I'm flattered.
posted by Mr. President Dr. Steve Elvis America at 5:49 PM on February 16, 2008

Fake fake
fake fake
fake fake.
posted by louche mustachio at 6:29 PM on February 16, 2008

Did anyone else notice the tags on this?

wait waiting for
posted by mrzarquon at 6:42 PM on February 16, 2008 [1 favorite]

Rubbish. The "fake homosexual sex" is still homosexual sex, it's just had for different purposes.

Did you bother to read the link? These animals aren't having sex at all. It's called 'pseudo-copulation', not because the homosexuality is fake, but because the *sex* is fake. They don't actually do it, they just pretend to fuck them before going on to actually fuck their girlfriend.

Plenty of "straight" men have "fake homosexual" sex. They're not "gay" or anything.

In contrast, where I come from, this kinda stuff counts as 'real' gay sex. Willingly letting another man suck your dick is gay, regardless of you choose to self-identify.
posted by PeterMcDermott at 3:48 AM on February 17, 2008

Electrius: "That Vitamalz looks disgusting. For those of you who don't have German, it appears to be a beer-flavored energy drink."

Nothing yould be farther from the truth.

Vitamalz is a brand of "Malzbier" (lit. "malt beer"), a type of beverage that has been around since the Middle Ages . It is basically a "real" beer, the difference being that the yeast is added at 0°C, so the malt sugars aren't turned into alcohol. The result is a sweetish, complex, malty taste vaguely reminiscent of Guinness or other heavy-bodied beers.
The thing about Vitamalz seems to be that they try to distance themselves from their competitors (like Karamalz) by emphasizing the "hip" and "healthy" aspects of that drink and marketing themselves accordingly.
posted by PontifexPrimus at 5:34 AM on February 17, 2008

Now that's a good post!
posted by zwemer at 5:46 AM on February 17, 2008

That fake terror link is great. I had forgotten about all the stuff the USA was setting up in Africa.
posted by furtive at 5:58 AM on February 17, 2008

Plenty of "straight" men have "fake homosexual" sex. They're not "gay" or anything. They just don't mind letting fags suck 'em off. Or helping a buddy out when his girl's outta town. A little 420, a little porno, and let's see what happens, amirite dude?

*fap fap fap fap fap*
posted by papakwanz at 6:47 AM on February 17, 2008

Peter, I was being sarcastic. Apparently I faked you out.
posted by hermitosis at 6:51 AM on February 17, 2008

Fake poor people.
posted by nax at 3:37 PM on February 17, 2008

Apparently I faked you out.

Unfortunately, my sarcasm meter went off yesterday, along with the rest of the power on my downstairs ringmain. My only excuse is that it's the kind of argument that I see made seriously all the time on Metafilter.

Hopefully, I'll get an electrician out to fix 'em both today.
posted by PeterMcDermott at 2:01 AM on February 18, 2008

Speaking of fake, this weekend, using molecular gastronomy, I made fake caviar. Well, I mean, it wasn't supposed to taste like fishberries, but it was supposed to look like caviar. (The dessert was made with puff pastry (toast points) chantilly cream and pomegranate caviar.) Twas super yummy.
posted by dejah420 at 7:45 PM on February 18, 2008

dejah420: "Speaking of fake, this weekend, using molecular gastronomy, I made fake caviar. Well, I mean, it wasn't supposed to taste like fishberries, but it was supposed to look like caviar. (The dessert was made with puff pastry (toast points) chantilly cream and pomegranate caviar.) Twas super yummy."

"This page is private.

Oops! You don't have permission to view this page."

posted by PontifexPrimus at 1:35 AM on February 19, 2008

Weird. They aren't locked, I dunno why it did that. Try this.
posted by dejah420 at 12:14 PM on February 20, 2008

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