head hacks
April 12, 2008 10:42 AM   Subscribe

Russell Higgs has been adorning his face and head with various objects and posting photographic portraits online since July 2006. Dutch artist Levi van Veluw also likes to modify his face by putting things on it and photographing the results.
posted by madamjujujive (11 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
I was expecting horrific body mods and ludicrous tattoos. This is much better. Thanks!
posted by ardgedee at 10:48 AM on April 12, 2008

Fascinating. Thanks, madamjujujive.

"head hacks" -- I lurve it.
posted by bonobo at 11:01 AM on April 12, 2008

In a slightly different vein, that reminds me of this guy (here's a fave).
posted by adamrice at 11:46 AM on April 12, 2008

What van Veluw does reminds me very strongly of paintings of the Italian renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
Also: Veluwe represent!
posted by jouke at 12:48 PM on April 12, 2008

In a slightly different vein, that reminds me of this guy (here's a fave).

Those are good, but he's no hobo clown.

Christ that photo cracks me up. The poetry really seals the deal.
posted by damn dirty ape at 1:35 PM on April 12, 2008

Both of these men for president. Thanks!
posted by not_on_display at 3:35 PM on April 12, 2008

So these guys were drunk, right? And this is what their friends did to them?

Either way, needs more teabagging photographs. kthxbye.
posted by PeterMcDermott at 4:18 PM on April 12, 2008

Levi van Veluw is a favorite of mine. I don't know if it's something about the way he poses, or the portraits as individual pieces, or the project's concept on the whole; they're fascinating to me. The ballpoints in particular are outrageous. I may be mistaken, but I think there are a few notable exclusions from his recent site renovation. I asked him about it back when he was testing the new site and apparently they're just old and not to his liking. My response was, "but *I* like 'em!" Thanks for the link, mjj, top notch! and I'm off to see the other StuffOnMyArtist guy.
posted by carsonb at 6:12 PM on April 12, 2008

oops, need to wiggle that last j in there.
posted by carsonb at 6:16 PM on April 12, 2008

^ So these guys were drunk, right? And this is what their friends did to them?

Either way, needs more teabagging photographs. kthxbye.

Fine. Here. Look what you made me do.
posted by bonobo at 6:32 PM on April 12, 2008

Russell Higgs Hironori Akutagawa has been adorning his face and head rabbit with various objects and posting photographic portraits online since July 2006 May 1999.
posted by neckro23 at 10:47 PM on April 12, 2008

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