Planetary Pathogens
May 8, 2008 8:11 PM   Subscribe

West Nile virus and Avian influenza and Chronic wasting disease, oh, my! (and Monkeypox...) Outbreaks of disease in populations of wild and domestic animals, having such a heavy impact on human health, has led the United States Geological Survey and the University of Wisconson to develop a way to track news of disease outbreaks around the planet: The Global Wildlife Disease News Map.
posted by Kronos_to_Earth (6 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Man, there are half a dozen outbreaks in New Jersey. Even mother nature makes fun of that state.
posted by munchingzombie at 8:22 PM on May 8, 2008

Woo hoo!! Go Badgers!
posted by Sam.Burdick at 8:30 PM on May 8, 2008

Chronic Wasting Disease... dude! I get that every morning!
posted by not_on_display at 8:57 PM on May 8, 2008

I thought the whole "tubercular cattle" thing was a way to curb non factory farm beef. Is this an X Files level "FEMA" scare, or is it legit?
posted by The Light Fantastic at 1:24 AM on May 9, 2008

Lung cancer, heart attack, diabetes, drug overdose
Choke on a chicken bone, hit by a lightning bolt
Spider bite, airplane crash
Car wreck, a cap in your ass
posted by bwg at 4:05 AM on May 9, 2008

They must have removed some of the New Jersey posts -- I only counted three cases of rabies and some stranded marine mammals (which may or may not have had rabies). If they remove the posts, does that mean the threats are no longer extant?

No mention of Lyme disease, but ticks are "running" rampant here in South Jersey this year. (Ticks don't really run, but they can move very fast, so they can often hide in your clothing before you can spot them.) A friend of mine contracted Lyme disease (very nasty) over the winter and couldn't believe it; she thought ticks couldn't survive in the cold. I've seen ticks active when the air temperature was in the 40s (Fahrenheit). In some areas of New Jersey, up to 90 percent of the ticks are carriers of Lyme disease. So, if anyone wants to start a tick farm, this is the place!
posted by Spidermaster at 1:46 PM on May 12, 2008

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