Perfect Popcorn by Alton Brown
December 19, 2008 8:26 AM   Subscribe

My new hero is Alton Brown because of his show Good Eats on my lady friend's favorite TV network, the Food Network. She was watching Good Eats one night and I heard him announce he was going to demonstrate his recipe for Perfect Popcorn. I am here to testify that it works like a charm. I don't recall ever attempting a recipe from a cooking show but I am always looking for a way to improve my popcorn makin' skills. A video is available here if you need more instruction.
posted by zzazazz (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Popcorn is pretty good stuff, but I think Food Network, Alton Brown, and Good Eats are pretty damned mainstream and this makes more sense as a personal blog post than as something worth posting on the front page of mefi. -- cortex

Alton Brown is an interesting quandary for me. On the one hand, I love his show, and I love his popularization of cooking.

On the other hand, he's a born-again Christian, which is difficult for me to reconcile with his science emphasis. It's frustrating.
posted by scrump at 8:31 AM on December 19, 2008

His books are good too - a text version of his show, including the humor.
posted by elendil71 at 8:32 AM on December 19, 2008

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