Who wants to marry a washed-up sitcom and cheesy movie star?
February 22, 2000 1:27 PM   Subscribe

Who wants to marry a washed-up sitcom and cheesy movie star? Tom Arnold decides to use the web on his quest for love...
posted by mathowie (3 comments total)
Coming a week after the Fox Fiasco, his timing is exquisite.
posted by Steven C. Den Beste at 1:35 PM on February 22, 2000

Well, I was all excited about marrying Tom Arnold, but then I saw that great deal on DSL, and I forgot all about that one guy.
posted by fil! at 1:54 PM on February 22, 2000

Well, there are at least 49 other women clueless enough for Tombo from the "Marry" show alone...

FOOP DISCLOSURE: The only time I was ever hired for the job title "Comedy Writer" was with a radio syndication company to replace Tom when he went to work for his then-wife Roseanne; and I didn't last as long at that job than he did at his. Sigh.
posted by wendell at 1:56 PM on February 22, 2000

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