WWII Infographics
April 11, 2010 7:10 PM   Subscribe

Max Gadney works at the BBC in London, but he also creates graphics and infographics for WWII Magazine in the US. (Flickr Photostream).
posted by zarq (11 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
The first link goes to his blog, which contains a lot of interesting WWII-related graphics and articles he's found on other sites.
posted by zarq at 7:11 PM on April 11, 2010

"Launching the Steel Tsunami" has to be a euphemism for something.
posted by Horace Rumpole at 7:20 PM on April 11, 2010

There's a WWII magazine? Seriously, people, stop fantasizing about "good" wars and live in the present.
posted by DU at 7:34 PM on April 11, 2010

Superb graphical communication of often hard to grasp WWII technical info. In Mr. Gadney's work, a picture is, in fact, worth a thousand words. Must see stuff for any student of WWII.

Thanks, zarq. Max's blog has been added to my bookmarks.
posted by rdone at 7:36 PM on April 11, 2010

This shows even how dated is has become for an artist to have their own personal homepage. As we move toward a fully networked culture, fleeting individualism is moving to a point of eased connectedness (though I qualify my remarks by saying that Neue Slowenische Kunst will probably downsize to just having a home office.)
posted by parmanparman at 7:50 PM on April 11, 2010

I know we were slamming infographics yesterday but these are really cool
posted by p3on at 7:57 PM on April 11, 2010

There's a WWII magazine? Seriously, people, stop fantasizing about "good" wars and live in the present.

Hardware geeks need porn too.
posted by The Whelk at 8:38 PM on April 11, 2010

There's a WWII magazine?

I looked it up. According to my public relations database, they have a reported circulation of 100,000 -- about what you'd expect for a magazine that focuses on such a specialized interest. Many trade publications (for a variety of industries) have circulations in that ballpark. The magazine's profile:
Covers several aspects and happenings of World War II including famous battles, little known incidents and usually forgotten sidebars. Each issue contains rare photographs, paintings and detailed drawings from the biggest archives in the world.
I suspect it probably appeals to history buffs and those who were directly involved in or affected by the war as well as those who would romanticize it.
posted by zarq at 8:44 PM on April 11, 2010

rdone, you're quite welcome. :)
posted by zarq at 8:45 PM on April 11, 2010

Artist Chad Hagen has a series called Nonsensical Infographics.
posted by longsleeves at 5:42 PM on April 13, 2010

A picture is absolutely worth a thousand words.
posted by Taylor1976 at 10:01 AM on April 17, 2010

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