Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please
August 6, 2010 5:14 AM   Subscribe

Although mainly known as a photojournalist André Kertész had an interesting run in the early Nineteen Thirties with distortion (click through); as is also shown here and here (NSFW; some repitition )
posted by adamvasco (5 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I've seen the conehead one a bunch of times, and it is funny, but I think the nudes are more interesting. Thanks.
posted by Forktine at 6:14 AM on August 6, 2010

Forktine - that was Arthur Fellig .
posted by adamvasco at 8:11 AM on August 6, 2010

If repetition is not safe for work then I think my workplace lacks OSHA compliance.

I will now view the pictures
posted by LogicalDash at 8:17 AM on August 6, 2010

The distorted human bodies are interesting, but the distorted Eiffel Tower is the one I found most fascinating. Human bodies can change shape, and come in many shapes and sizes. So seeing one distorted isn't particularly alarming or attention grabbing. But seeing an object that you have a very distinct impression of that has been warped and twisted around can have a huge effect. At least for me, anyway.
posted by LoudMusic at 9:01 AM on August 6, 2010

What I love about his distortions, as compared to, say something similar that I could do with a filter in photoshop or whatever, is that the image scales cleanly through the distortion- there's no digital 'noise' or aliasing because reality (as viewed with reflected photons) is so high-res.

The gradients through levels of magnification make these images look magically real compared to the digitally morphed stuff I've gotten used to.
posted by Casimir at 3:35 PM on August 6, 2010

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