And the winner is ... Beetlebaum
August 25, 2010 8:48 PM   Subscribe

Only her hairdresser knows for sure.
posted by doctor_negative at 8:57 PM on August 25, 2010

Whatever else happens, we cannot let my wife see this.
posted by boo_radley at 8:58 PM on August 25, 2010

I like his one concession to the implausibility of the thing by going "Of course they are."
posted by Solon and Thanks at 9:02 PM on August 25, 2010 [7 favorites]

why is that man beating My Wife knows Everything with a stick?
posted by clavdivs at 9:08 PM on August 25, 2010

Assault is passing Battery, Assault and Battery!

Pyramid Termite, you win simple for the obscure Spike Jones reference in the post title. Here is your one Internets.
posted by StrangeTikiGod at 9:15 PM on August 25, 2010

...and Feitlebaum.
posted by CunningLinguist at 9:16 PM on August 25, 2010 [2 favorites]

One of the great unresolved issues: was it Beetlebomb or Feetlebaum? I think Doodles Weaver took that secret to his grave.
posted by oneswellfoop at 9:36 PM on August 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

I remember when I was a teenager, my friends and I would joke about funny things you'd name a kid and how hilarious those would be, you know, if you didn't love your kid enough to not saddle them with an awful name.

Instead of growing out of it, I should have just bred race horses.
posted by Gucky at 9:37 PM on August 25, 2010

I remember watching a horse race between "Who's In Front" And "I'm Not Sure" and nearly died laughing.
posted by ShawnStruck at 9:38 PM on August 25, 2010 [4 favorites]

It would only be funnier if Tiger Woods were calling the race.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 9:43 PM on August 25, 2010 [5 favorites]

Good god at first I thought he was having an on-air breakdown. That was awesome.
posted by Navelgazer at 9:47 PM on August 25, 2010 [1 favorite]

Another classic in the field (17 seconds).
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese at 10:04 PM on August 25, 2010 [2 favorites]

know now.
posted by unliteral at 11:02 PM on August 25, 2010

One One was a racehorse.
One Two was one too.
One One won one race.
One Two won one too.
posted by adamvasco at 1:30 AM on August 26, 2010 [4 favorites]

oneswellfoop - i vote for beetlebaum
posted by Jofus at 1:54 AM on August 26, 2010

Mary Hinge takes the lead in the Inappropriate Name Stakes!
posted by Jakey at 4:25 AM on August 26, 2010

I want to see him call a race between She's My Sister and She's My Daughter.
posted by Horace Rumpole at 5:22 AM on August 26, 2010 [7 favorites]

(Actually, the horse was Feetlebaum all along. Apart from calling races for the Spike Jones shows, Doodles Weaver would do a routine where he'd demolish a song by singing it with spoonerisms and stopping to throw in one-liners like "Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub: How unsanitary!" Those routines were performed by a character Doodles called Professor Feetlebaum. And now you know the rest... of the story. Good day!)
posted by Spatch at 5:37 AM on August 26, 2010 [2 favorites]

One of my favorite yearly contests in the Washington Post used to be the "Name Their Offspring" contests with the Triple Crown horses.
posted by empath at 5:47 AM on August 26, 2010

Here's George Jones calling a race.
posted by Killick at 6:19 AM on August 26, 2010

Presumably when its put out to stud, the winner will breed Your Mother Should Know.
posted by l33tpolicywonk at 7:48 AM on August 26, 2010

Well, you learn something every day. I always thought it was Beetlebaum. And Doodles was Sigourney's uncle.
posted by warbaby at 8:08 AM on August 26, 2010

I'm terribly sorry. I am inexcusably late to this thread, but felt I must reference this. It's very popular with those searchy engines.
posted by DaddyNewt at 1:27 PM on August 26, 2010

posted by CunningLinguist at 2:46 PM on August 26, 2010

ob spike jones song

i swear, sometimes it's beetlebaum and sometimes it's feitlebaum
posted by pyramid termite at 9:06 PM on August 26, 2010

Fetal Bomb?

Jones was way ahead of his time!
posted by chairface at 10:57 PM on August 26, 2010

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