Costello Reissues
September 4, 2001 8:55 PM   Subscribe

Costello Reissues Just returned from the mall, shocked at the price tags on the new Rhino Elvis Costello reissues. Having already bought the Ryko versions as well as the original vinyl back in the day, my anger is twofold. As a big Costello fan, I feel exploited. As a habitual CD buyer, I'm amazed at the price of back catalog stuff in the chains. Somebody please tell me there's a real reason for these high CD prices. Is it me or is the gap between online and chainstore prices way wider than it should be?
posted by davebush (6 comments total)
I got the reissues Saturday, but via online. They're great, and I own vinyl, original issues and the first reissues. The extras are worth it alone. No buyer remorse here!

I used to work in a mall, and all I can suggest is...don't buy CDs in a mall! Since they don't have a "list price" on them, as books do, it seems like a store in a mall can put any price they want on them. It comes down to the convenience of picking them up in a controlled environment. You're a captive audience, and they know it, just as you end up buying a soda for $3.50 at the movies.

Online you have to search for them, and find the best deal. If you're at all web savvy, this is no big deal, but for the vast majority of shoppers it's just not worth the time. And besides, you know that "internet" thing will steal your credit card, identity and perhaps even your very soul.
posted by jaustinspace at 9:48 PM on September 4, 2001

Welcome to the working week.

Stuff costs what people are willing to pay. If you (and people like you) don't buy overpriced CDs -- or buy one and make copies -- they'll lower their prices and you'll all win.

[Or they won't bother to make those CDs, and you'll all lose.]
posted by pracowity at 1:38 AM on September 5, 2001

Maybe prices are high because companies know that some people buy reissues of things they already have and automatically buy anything released by certain artists?

Personally, I find there's so much good music out there, and so many second hand and reduced price CDs, that I hardly ever pay full price.
posted by andrew cooke at 1:59 AM on September 5, 2001

First off, the link points to a double disc with many songs not on the original album (I don't know about the Ryko release). So the price isn't so out of line. Of course, until Net transactions are taxed, it will often be cheaper to buy online. Lastly, as andrew cooke says, you can find many titles used online or off--I get most of mine through or ebay (just got Couch's Fantasy for $2.99, plus shipping, on the latter--good as new). I'd already downloaded the mp3s, but they were of varying quality.
Just an addendum to the above.
posted by aflakete at 3:11 AM on September 5, 2001

The Ryko reissues had tons of unreleased stuff. I don't have them handy here at work, but it looks like these releases add even more. It's like any other "collectors" reissue: You probably won't get better sound quality than the Ryko reissue, and the new tracks are probably closer to the bottom of the barrell than the previous set. But maybe you're a fanatic Costello completist. What's it worth to you?

Are they re-releasing the whole Costello catalog? I might check out a Trust reissue.
posted by jpoulos at 8:51 AM on September 5, 2001

Rhino is the master of creating compilations and value-added re-issues. For example, the My Aim is True re-issue contains nuggets such as (sorry, RealAudio links) a honky-tonk demo version of Blame it on Cain and a cool live version of Less Than Zero. I think 2 cd sets like these are worth $17.95. As a big Costello fan, I'm overjoyed that his back catalog appears to be getting the complete Rhino treatment.
posted by dchase at 9:31 AM on September 5, 2001

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