Raisins: More Than Nature's Candy
January 8, 2011 12:22 PM   Subscribe

A box of raisins saves a family from the Nazis. The Pop Laval Foundation in Fresno, CA adds an interesting WWII story to a historical photo from a local raisin processing plant.
posted by gusandrews (25 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
slfbp? still, holy shit. Is there more to the backstory?
posted by dunkadunc at 12:26 PM on January 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

I'm sorry -- sflbp?
posted by gusandrews at 12:28 PM on January 8, 2011

"Single-Link Facebook Photo", I'm assuming.
posted by jsnlxndrlv at 12:31 PM on January 8, 2011

Yes, sorry. I did check to make sure it was accessible to people without an account first.
posted by gusandrews at 12:31 PM on January 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

I think you meant to link to the Pop Laval Foundation Nazi Raisin Story. The story seems rather far-fetched ... I'd like to see some other sources for this story before believing it.
posted by benzenedream at 12:50 PM on January 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

The rap sheet on raisins is long and full of atrocities. This just might be the only positive thing raisins have ever been associated with.
posted by Atom Eyes at 12:51 PM on January 8, 2011 [4 favorites]

Yes, sorry. I did check to make sure it was accessible to people without an account first.

On my iPhone I'm directed to a login page.
posted by ChurchHatesTucker at 12:58 PM on January 8, 2011

The rap sheet on raisins is long and full of atrocities. This just might be the only positive thing raisins have ever been associated with.

Butbutbut...raisins are nature's candy...
posted by Strange Interlude at 1:09 PM on January 8, 2011

Raisins are awesome and terrifying all at once.

Mom, they're singing. They can't want me to eat them.
posted by cmyk at 1:12 PM on January 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

This is freaking amazing, thank you!
posted by Unicorn on the cob at 1:21 PM on January 8, 2011

The rap sheet on raisins is long and full of atrocities. This just might be the only positive thing raisins have ever been associated with.

I just ate a handful to make a point. A tasty, tasty point.
posted by ersatz at 1:43 PM on January 8, 2011

I don't like raisins but I'm not particularly fond of Nazis either. I'll go ahead and call this one even.
posted by kate blank at 1:58 PM on January 8, 2011 [7 favorites]

You know who else didn't like Nazis?
Simon Raisinthal.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 2:10 PM on January 8, 2011 [6 favorites]

I love the haircuts in the photo.
posted by exogenous at 3:29 PM on January 8, 2011

Does anyone believe anything posted on Facebook any more?
posted by Large_Pudding at 3:52 PM on January 8, 2011

From Harper's Index:

Sales of licensed California Raisin merchandise in North America last year: $450,000,000

Sales of California raisins in North America last year: $400,000,000
posted by Wet Spot at 4:25 PM on January 8, 2011 [2 favorites]

Craisins are better. And funner to say.
posted by DU at 5:48 PM on January 8, 2011

So is this just going to sit here until Snopes proves or disproves it? I couldn't find anything else on a google search.
posted by Corduroy at 6:33 PM on January 8, 2011

Butbutbut...raisins are nature's candy

Wrong. Dates are nature's candy.

But thanks for playing. :)
posted by Bruce H. at 8:34 PM on January 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

I thought beets were.
posted by lumensimus at 8:45 PM on January 8, 2011

The whole "note in the package" thing kind of reminds me of this story about the iPhone factory worker who had pictures of her taken on a brand new phone. Although, obviously without anyone being rescued.
posted by delmoi at 9:08 PM on January 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

Picture of the Day - January 8, 1926!! (Is the picture not directly related to the story??)
posted by dhens at 11:43 AM on January 9, 2011 [1 favorite]

ghens might just have snoped it. I did think their hair and getup was a little too 20s for a warstory....
posted by dabitch at 6:20 AM on January 10, 2011

Well, the picture may have just been illustrative of the company, rather than illustrative of the people *in* the story.

I choose to believe it is a true story, because it makes me feel happy.
posted by dejah420 at 12:07 PM on January 10, 2011

additional from Pop Laval Foundation (comment in the original link):
He did come to Fresno for a time. Sadly, as he got older, the trauma he had endured was too much for him and he suffered from a lot of health and mental issues. He did marry and have a family - one of his daughters has been researching this story for some time.
I'd like to know more, too.
posted by CCBC at 12:38 PM on January 10, 2011

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