January 13, 2004
skin flick skins
For the gamer who has everything. Character skins (and more) for Unreal Tournament designed by (and based on) former pornstar Asia Carrera. NSFW.
Schadenfreude's a bitch, ain't it?
Marilyn is Wrong! Because your life doesn't contain enough nitpicking.
Man Giveth, the Church Taketh, Whateth Be the Problem?
Man Wants Church Donation Back
A man, in the midst of a serious bout of depression, gives away almost his entire life savings, $126,000, to a local church. He later realizes that this was not the smartest thing to do. He asks the church for the money back. The church, not surprisingly, says they've already spent it and so he can't have it back.
What's next?
Bust out the lawyers!
A man, in the midst of a serious bout of depression, gives away almost his entire life savings, $126,000, to a local church. He later realizes that this was not the smartest thing to do. He asks the church for the money back. The church, not surprisingly, says they've already spent it and so he can't have it back.
What's next?
Bust out the lawyers!
Grand Royal Auction
Psst...wanna buy a record label? The Beastie Boys' defunct Grand Royal record label (former home of Luscious Jackson, Atari Teenage Riot, Ben Lee, Sean Lennon, Bis, Buffalo Daughter and Money Mark) is on the auction block. The successful bidder walks away with various master recordings, license agreements, recording agreements and miscellaneous contracts.
Israel's founding war
Wisconsin could get weirder?
Clearly, kids trapped inside Pick-A-Toy machines is only the lastest example of weirdness As a recent Wisconsinite, I've noticed everyone from The Simpsons to The West Wing gets in a few easy swipes at the cheese state. But this is a nice (and new) collection of historical weirdness in Wisconsin. From images of Cow Chip Tossing to a Female Band Playing to Cows, this state clearly has some issues.
Why Gollum shouldn't win an Oscar.
Why Gollum shouldn't win an Oscar. Many Lord of the Rings fans think Andy Serkis should be nominated for an Academy Award for his work in the films, but as Roger Ebert writes, the actor shouldn't benefit because animators kept Gollum from falling into the Uncanny Valley.
Spalding Gray Gone?
Rev. Moon advocates genocide
The Genocidal Moon
"There will be a purge on God’s orders, and evil will be eliminated like shadows," the Unification Church leader Rev. Sun Myong Moon, the owner and primary funder of money-losing right-wing Washington Times, said last week. (The comments were posted online by Rev. Moon’s webmaster and picked up by blogger John Gorenfeld.) "Gays will be eliminated, the 3 Israels will unite. If not then they will be burned. We do not know what kind of world God will bring but this is what happens. It will be greater than the communist purge but at God’s orders."How should the media be responding to this call for genocide? Have any major media outlets been covering this story? Why not?
News Classification System
From the creators of the OpenDirectory Project comes their new effort: a classifying news crawler : Topix.net. They've got some cool text processing that allows them to classify each story in terms of content and geographic location. Very cool ideas in agreggation!
It's really remarkable how you have been able to show the key elements of the double helix with balloons. -- F Crick
Ballonmoleküle is a great primer on how to make shapes (be they molecular models or wiener dogs) out of balloons. Be sure to check out the gallery for some cool photos of balloon molecules and a comment from Francis Crick.
The best PR ends up looking like news. You never know when a PR agency
"The Media vs. Howard Dean." Salon (subscription or Flash ad viewing required) observes that the media have been doing everything in their power to attach negative labels to US presidential candidate Howard Dean. Will the adage that "there's no such thing as bad publicity" prevail? Meanwhile, the Internet is increasing in relevance as a news source, according to a recent survey. Which websites do you peruse for political coverage, if any?
What are the real causes of terrorism?
What are the real causes of terrorism?
Tired of the "they hate our freedoms" spiel? What are the real causes of terrorism? and are we addressing them or in fact exacerbating them? "... the variable that came up most frequently was not poverty or human-rights abuses, but perceived humiliation. Humiliation emerged at every level of the terrorist groups I studied — leaders and followers."
Tired of the "they hate our freedoms" spiel? What are the real causes of terrorism? and are we addressing them or in fact exacerbating them? "... the variable that came up most frequently was not poverty or human-rights abuses, but perceived humiliation. Humiliation emerged at every level of the terrorist groups I studied — leaders and followers."
Is That a Condom in Your Soup, Or Are you Just Hapy to See Me
What's worse? A Chickenhead Chicken McNugget or the Cream of Condom soup from McCormick & Schmick's?
BBC's Q&A: Iran election crisis
What's the newest political row in Iran about? The refusal by Iran's Guardian Council to approve hundreds of reformist candidates in the parliamentary elections on 20 February has provoked a political crisis.
Embryo Images
Embryo Images. A tutorial on mammalian embryology, using images of mouse and human embryos. Check out the eye.
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