November 18, 2000
No, PostgreSQL does not suck.
No, PostgreSQL does not suck. Some of the people who wander into my weblog get there from a page at OpenACS, the site for the Postgres port of Phil Greenspuns' ArsDigita Community System wherein takes place a "MySQL's Better!" "No, it's not!" discussion. Here's a bit more data.
When asked, Apple said "Of course we're going to sue them, what sort of silly question is that?"
Reporter Road Rage
Reporter Road Rage Fox News Channel anchor ran over another reporter with his car at the Florida State Capitol. Anything to cover the "Battle for the White House"...
Lies, greed and puppets.
Lies, greed and puppets. Survivor of a "puppet holocaust" or marionette living a lie? Free Howdy!
Who are these guys? And why have they registered a thousand or more domains, only to have them all point at the same generic portal? I bumped into them three times today while doing searches for DHTML, Budd Uggly, and boxing. No banners, no logo, no company info, and search results are a framed page from Strange.
Extremely important question: Should 5-year-old kids be allowed to bungee jump?
what will be supported
what will be supported now that browsers are a-changin' again? handy resource from a Netscape product manager.
why blog the marchFIRST careers page?
why blog the marchFIRST careers page? because the third emplyee from the left doesn't even work at marchFIRST. he works with me at Leapnet. hee!
Next, they cheat death.
Next, they cheat death. Looks like those spam emails about US income taxes being illegal are actually getting results. [NYTimes: blah registration blah]
Yet another reason the Canadian Aliiance party can go f*** themselves.
Frygate! - Who needs Craig T. Nelson to impose order in The District? DC Metrocops seem to have it all in hand. They sure taught this 12-year old girl a thing or two...
It's that time of year again...
It's that time of year again... Here's a friendly reminder. When you go caroling this holiday season, be sure to get all your copyrights in a row before venturing about the neighborhood. You never know when someone might turn you in. [caution, the preceding was laced with sarcasm]
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