May 7, 2002

Just a defacto "Nope".

Just a defacto "Nope". "Refugees" from the US seeking asylum in Canada will no longer have any hoops to jump through. The hoops are to be replaced by impenatrable legal barriers, otherwise known as "inking the deal".
posted by crasspastor at 10:02 PM PST - 6 comments

Big organization carelessly ships dangerous free gifts to new customers. Those greedy, uncaring, heartless, soulless corporations, at it again. Oh wait... this time it was Consumer Reports that did it.
posted by pmurray63 at 9:23 PM PST - 4 comments

The Red Scare of 1919-1920

The Red Scare of 1919-1920 in Political Cartoons. Git! You long-haired Bolshevist.
posted by obedo at 8:10 PM PST - 6 comments

welcome to "fat b' midget tossing"

welcome to "fat b' midget tossing"
your target is to reach 100 points whilst hurting as few little people as possible... or whatever

more shockwave insanity. * link found at analog cereal
posted by bwg at 7:40 PM PST - 5 comments

A report released at a conference this week suggests a parent should be very worried because high school students with body piercings tend also to have smoked, used alcohol, had sex, skipped school and gotten into fights.

The author of the report proudly annonced that later this week he would be releasing several new reports such as "Black Males - More likely to commit crime" and other assinine topics.
posted by christian at 5:24 PM PST - 39 comments

Pipe-bomb suspect sent campus paper a suicidal manifesto

Pipe-bomb suspect sent campus paper a suicidal manifesto The Badger Herald received a letter from pipe bomb suspect Luke John Helder postmarked Omaha, Nebraska, Friday, May 3, 2002. In the letter, signed by Helder, he said he is willing to die for his cause and threatened the lives of others. "I will die/change in the end for this, but that's ok, hahaha paradise awaits!" the letter said. "I'm dismissing a few individuals from reality, to change all of you for the better, surely you can understand my logic."
posted by sacre_bleu at 5:15 PM PST - 27 comments

Rush Limbaugh whines about Ozzy Osbourne

Rush Limbaugh whines about Ozzy Osbourne Rush calls Ozzy a brain-fried, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, long-haired, purple-finger nailed, multi-colored hair, FM type. Hey, that maggot comment isn't true.
posted by BarneyFifesBullet at 4:31 PM PST - 25 comments

No plans, no graduation.

No plans, no graduation. An LA County school district is forcing students to reveal their post-high school plans to participate in their high school graduation. If they refuse to provide evidence of further education or training (college, military, internship, etc.), they will not be allowed to participate. If I was a student, I'd sue. What do you think?
posted by MikeB at 2:59 PM PST - 44 comments


THE CITY DOES NOT EMPLOY INDIVIDUALS WHO NOW USE OR HAVE USED TOBACCO PRODUCTS WITHIN THE LAST TWELVE MONTHS. - Is this legal? I myself do not smoke, but it seems dangerous that governments or corporations may be able to refuse to hire you based on something you may legally do on your free time. Is this common? More importantly, is this the start of a very slippery slope?
posted by eas98 at 2:46 PM PST - 111 comments

Made spider sense tingle.

Made spider sense tingle. Four word film reviews that are sometimes better than the movie.
posted by pedantic at 2:37 PM PST - 19 comments

Army Radio reported that at least one person was killed and 30 injured in an explosion in Rishon Letzion, either at a banquetting hall or a disco, on Sakharov Street in the town's new industrial zone. Initial reports stated that the explosion occurred at around 11:00 P.M., and emergency service were on the way to the scene moments later. Peace? Yeah right...
posted by martz at 1:49 PM PST - 44 comments

Must people who work in book shops have an English Literature degree?

Must people who work in book shops have an English Literature degree? "At Foyles, the book-lover's bookshop, I approach the counter with a copy of James Joyce's Ulysses. "I bought this book the other day," I say, "and I want my money back. It's full of typing errors and there's no punctuation." But who dumbed down first, the readership or the book trade? Also, I notice Books etc isn't included, perhaps because the clerks in that chain have to write little reviews of all the books they read, which are then put on the edges of the shelves ...
posted by feelinglistless at 1:39 PM PST - 39 comments Everything you want to know about shaving your head.
posted by kirkaracha at 12:39 PM PST - 27 comments

The Magnifier. What a great way to present visual detail and overview at the same time. Why can't Mapquest do this?
posted by luser at 11:42 AM PST - 16 comments

And you thought the middle east was bad...

And you thought the middle east was bad... Here in our own country theres three relatively unknown warring factions using incest, group sex, mutilation and serial killings as guerilla tactics. When will Washington step in and draw the line? When will the madness stop?
posted by atom128 at 11:14 AM PST - 11 comments

Pim Fortuyn Murder Suspect is Environmental Activist

Pim Fortuyn Murder Suspect is Environmental Activist The suspect mainly concerned himself with the fight against bio-industry and fur farms. Mr Fortuyn just recently said he would lift the scheduled ban on raising animals for furs.
posted by nobody_knose at 9:59 AM PST - 33 comments

Fun with Google: The FBI released the name of the suspected midwest pipe bomber today: Luke Helder, Rochester, Minnesota. The Internet tells us Luke has a rock and roll band too. The band's CD is titled, interestingly enough, "Sacks of People."
posted by werty at 9:38 AM PST - 51 comments

Louisiana State University is suing one of their own law students.

Louisiana State University is suing one of their own law students. The schools is suing over Douglas Dorhauer's (a second year law students) use of the domain (cease and desist letter and formal law suit ) . The school is claiming violation of federal and state laws that protect their intellectual property, among other things. They are especially displeased with the unauthorized use of "LSU" (which is owned by the university) in the domain. The school feels that people could become confused over who actually runs the site (despite a disclaimer and the fact that it is a .com and not. edu) and the site could lead to misinformation for students. They seem to have a very shaky case, and he seems to have a fairly strong defense . Legal experts are siding with the student: They do seem to be focusing their complaint incorrectly on commercial uses. He's not offering any services whatsoever." (Marjorie R. Esman, the chairwoman of the New Orleans Bar Association's intellectual property committee.) Won't it be fairly embarrassing for the school if they loose this case. (nytimes article via nextdraft)
posted by m@L at 9:25 AM PST - 8 comments

Israelis folil bombing attempt at the region's tallest building

Israelis folil bombing attempt at the region's tallest building Lest you think the area swiftly moving toward a peaceful resolution, it seems that there is to be no letup.
posted by Postroad at 9:05 AM PST - 18 comments

Enron cheated California

Enron cheated California - The Los Angeles Times is reporting the discovery of a memo detailing how Enron manipulated prices by fraud during the power crisis while blaming the problem on powerplants.

One of their strategies was actually called 'Death Star'. Look like the Enron Empire has suffered the same fate as the Palpatine's Empire.

LA Times login: cpunks password: cpunks
posted by Argyle at 8:16 AM PST - 18 comments

I think he liked the new Spider Man movie.

I think he liked the new Spider Man movie. Not only includes many arguments for why the movie is great, but goes so far as to say that Art is "culturally irrelevant," has been replaced by movies as the most successful reflection of our times, and that this movie will stand not merely as the best film of 2002, but might well be studied in the future as the creative work most symbolic of America in these troubled modern times. Wow. Now THAT's a good flick!
posted by conquistador at 8:01 AM PST - 43 comments

Congress Woman requests Flash game removal

Congress Woman requests Flash game removal on The game is not being removed for its violent content, or depection of blood and gore. Instead it is the subject matter of the game that has raised the spectre of censorship.
The game in question, Kaboom!, is about suicide bombers, the object being to blow up as many people as possible.
Do you think that a game about a Palestinian captured by the Israeli army to act as a human shield would warrant the same type fo request?
posted by DragonBoy at 7:43 AM PST - 34 comments

Take the tabasco challenge.

Take the tabasco challenge. Warning: Contains scenes of sickness and mucus.
posted by Spoon at 2:16 AM PST - 6 comments

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