June 11, 2023

DOOM maps to SVG to laser cutter

"I’ve heard a lot about classic Doom’s data format and decided to write some Rust code to extract its maps and convert that to vector graphics I could laser cut."
posted by brundlefly at 3:28 PM PST - 9 comments

The Impossible Task of Costuming Time Travel (SLYT)

At the intersection of Dr. Who Fandom, historical costuming expertise, and beanplating, lies this. "In terms of the costume design for the show, though, I've broken this down into three essential categories: Earth's timeline in our reality; fictional species and extraterrestrial cultures; finally, we have the Time Travelers, for whom the rules of dress defined in the previous two categories may be in flux." [more inside]
posted by amtho at 12:36 PM PST - 9 comments

What's the next chorus to this song now?

We swung Mack the Knife in Berlin town. The magnificent Ella Fitzgerald live in West Germany in 1960, singing the obligatory Mack the Knife (very well-known at the time from releases by Bobby Darin and Louis Armstrong). She forgot the lyrics? No problem!!
posted by JanetLand at 9:27 AM PST - 15 comments

Jesus wept.

One of the most dangerous hours in America is now 11 o’clock on Sunday morning. [CW: guns, violence, killing, religion, wishful thinking]
posted by chavenet at 8:13 AM PST - 33 comments

There is solace in the wrong type of food

The meaty, the starchy, the battered - late night foods for the cold, the tired and the drunk There are national cuisines, there are regional dishes, and some foods really belong to one city. And then there are the hyperlocal chippy traditions of the UK - and doubtless equivalents around the world. Each is, as the article says, "local history on a polystyrene tray." [more inside]
posted by YoungStencil at 7:44 AM PST - 67 comments

I had to find myself to to make my way back.

Happy Pride Month! It takes over a minute before the funk begins to take hold in Meshell Ndegeocello's [Wikipedia] new single Clear Water [5m], but its claws sink in quickly and the Funk will not be denied. Her new album The Omnichord Real Book comes out next week [Albumism article with links to more songs]. Meshell is joined by Staceyann Chin for an evening of music and spoken word at MCA Chicago in 2020. [1h13m] Meshell talks to Adrian Younge in 2021 about her career and philosophy. [51m] [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 5:23 AM PST - 6 comments

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