September 27, 2000

The best Comic in recent memory NOT written by Scott McCloud

The best Comic in recent memory NOT written by Scott McCloud
Remember the Real World in San Francisco? That was the one with Pedro dying of AIDS and Puck getting kicked off. Well, I just read a book about Pedro and Judd's friendship called Pedro and Me. This is the best comic I have read since 'Jar of Fools' or 'Understanding Comics.' I read it today at lunch and it moved me to tears. Anyone who knows someone with AIDS should read this book.
posted by DragonBoy at 10:37 PM PST - 2 comments

when you aren't protesting anything, why not protest nothing?
posted by palegirl at 10:36 PM PST - 9 comments

Clearing minefields is terrifying enough, but mines that move around will make it virtually impossible: "The self-righting mines will detect the distance to their neighbours using ultrasonic sensors and communicate with each other by radio. If some of the mines are removed or destroyed to make a path through the minefield, the remaining mines will sense that they are missing and hop around until they form a regular pattern again."
posted by palegirl at 10:34 PM PST - 8 comments

Forget Amazon. Screw Ebay. Ditch Half.

Forget Amazon. Screw Ebay. Ditch Half.
posted by Brilliantcrank at 10:09 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

Here's a project

Here's a project for anyone who knows xml and has a bit of time to spare...
posted by Bane at 9:18 PM PST - 8 comments

Should I be flattered?

Should I be flattered? Or am I just overly paranoid? I used to cover my page with a cartoon dabitch ranting about ads, and huge "mail me" buttons (well huge buttons everywhere). It was some kind of faze I was going through last fall - In January this year BrandEra opened it's door - and they have the ad gal. This is kind of funny. :)
posted by dabitch at 8:58 PM PST - 1 comments

Greek Ferry Sinks; 64 dead.

Greek Ferry Sinks; 64 dead. I know this is just another news item to you guys. But to us Greeks it's a travesty (besides a tragedy obviously). Crew watching a soccer game; ferry hits charted, lighted rock; ship was 7 years past European legal lifetime age (to help some shipping companies get fatter profits). Only thing that might get reforms in shipping safety moving is, well, media attention. So, there.
posted by costas at 8:05 PM PST - 1 comments

Free TiVo? Heck, I want a Free Car.

Free TiVo? Heck, I want a Free Car. I don't care if Amazon is selling Cars online now, I want my next car to be free. This company gives you a free car, wrapped in advertising, for up to two years. Not a bad deal considering the cost of cars these days. You can get a Ford explorer (no word on the tires) or a VW beetle. I'll be watching my TiVo TV from the back seat!
posted by DragonBoy at 6:18 PM PST - 15 comments

Don't have what it takes to compete in the Olympics? Buy your way to glory.
posted by sandor at 2:46 PM PST - 6 comments

Zap those wolves into submission

Zap those wolves into submission - Conspiracy buffs beware. This one's true.

So the U.S. Agriculture Department, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Department are conducting experiments involving livestock, electricity and wolves in Montana - on a ranch owned by Ted Turner.

Apparently those nasty wolves have a habit of biting livestock, so to stop it they are strapping electric collars on the wolves to train them with an electric jolt when they get "within biting distance" of a particular calf. The "trained" and somewhat damaged wolves are set to be released into the wilds in October.

Beautiful counter-quote for this is from a USA Today article about Ted Turner's preserve. Turner is quoted as saying "You can see what we're doing, right? We're just getting out of nature's way. That's all we want to do - get out of the way and let nature go back the way it was." (halfway down page)
posted by kokogiak at 1:12 PM PST - 1 comments

Jackie Chan is... RAMBO! Well, almost.

Jackie Chan is... RAMBO! Well, almost.
posted by tiaka at 11:27 AM PST - 6 comments

Talk About Media Bias

Talk About Media Bias
While some people complain about "most weblogs' liberal bias" (even though the infamous Drudge gets more web traffic than all the blogs combined), here is one of Hollywood's most liberal corporations (with top execs throwing lotsa bucks at Gore) deciding that the way to succeed at radio in one of the most liberal media markets in America is to fill a talk station with voices that start with Limbaugh and turn right (and frequently cross the line between simple Incorrectness and out-and-out bigotry). Explain THAT in 250 words of less (No TiVos will be awarded).
Link lifted from Pop Culture Junk Mail's Alt-Log, an entertainingly biased medium
posted by wendell at 10:54 AM PST - 8 comments

Tom Clancy doesn't write his own books!!!

Tom Clancy doesn't write his own books!!! While not totally surprising, somewhat disappointing if the story and rumors are true.
posted by da5id at 10:13 AM PST - 9 comments

Are you Pee-Shy?

Are you Pee-Shy? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. In fact, recent studies show that about 7% of the public, or 17 million people, may suffer from this social anxiety disorder. Often referred to as Pee-Shy, Shy-Bladder, Bashful Bladder, etc.

It could be more people than that. And the majority of them are men. But how many have the guts to step forward and publicly admit it? Not many.
posted by da5id at 10:08 AM PST - 16 comments

The DropLift:

The DropLift: A wonderful culture jamming project. I was involved in the early stages, back when it was initially being discussed. I can't believe that they actually made it happen! The DropLift site itself provides all the materials necessary to get involved.
posted by aladfar at 9:43 AM PST - 8 comments

Looks like Mr. Mojo *won't be* Risin'

Looks like Mr. Mojo *won't be* Risin'
posted by Optamystic at 9:07 AM PST - 2 comments

Norm and Cliff may be headed to the Supreme Court to battle some sticky isssues. Should a studio own characters and use them in any way they see fit, despite the actors' wishes? Or do actors have a say in how their likenesses are used? Who really "owns" a character?
posted by mathowie at 7:56 AM PST - 14 comments

i happened to catch bush on larry king live last night.

i happened to catch bush on larry king live last night. what i found to be especially interesting was his body language. talking about women, being popular with women, winning the women's vote - shaking head "no" the whole time...having women in top level govt. positions - shaking head "no"...he shook his head "no" a lot. talking about reagan and what a great president he was - shaking head "yes".
posted by centrs at 12:57 AM PST - 14 comments

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