September 26, 2000

"Internet Killed The Video Star"

"Internet Killed The Video Star" should be the Official© Anthem of the Internet
posted by owillis at 9:46 PM PST - 5 comments

What if they had a school shooting and no one reported it?

What if they had a school shooting and no one reported it? *sigh* I watched the typical US evening news broadcasts hoping to see some coverage of this event, but there was none. I don't want to believe that the reason it went underreported was because it happened at an "inner city" school and the media has the perception that "those people kill each other all the time, what's one more?" but the small, dark, pessimistic part of myself is starting to believe I'm right.
posted by likorish at 4:27 PM PST - 10 comments

And you thought the 2600 was dead...

And you thought the 2600 was dead... no way, baby. It's alive and kicking and oh-so-groovy. (Warning: link leads to big ass movie. Slow connections beware.)
posted by RakDaddy at 3:57 PM PST - 9 comments

Does this teach any males here anything?

Does this teach any males here anything? I'm sure that it would be very useful to someone. Though I'm not sure who exactly.
posted by davidgentle at 2:57 PM PST - 80 comments

Malcolm Gladwell on JFK Jr's Crash

Malcolm Gladwell on JFK Jr's Crash New from the New Yorker. Actually the article talks mostly about the difference between choking and panicking, mostly in Sports. Still, the discussion about the plane crash is the most fascinating. Perhaps thats because of my morbid fascination with plane crashes:

Chapter 1 of "Inmates Are Running the Asylum" by Alan Cooper (American Crash in Cali, Colombia).... Bruce Tognazzini on Interfaces that Kill (John Denver).... The Lessons of ValuJet 592 by the masterful William Langweische.... The same Mr. Langweische has a book called "Inside the Sky: Meditations on Flight" which looks interesting.
posted by lockecito at 1:18 PM PST - 2 comments

S26 protests get violent.

S26 protests get violent. Once again, those bloody radicals are blamed for turning a nice nonviolent protest bad. I seem to recall someone dismissing my criticism of the movement for not being on the same ideological page.
posted by norm at 1:11 PM PST - 19 comments

The Economist redesigns its web site.

The Economist redesigns its web site.
It's in the fine-tuning phase and doesn't launch until next week, but it's linked off the current Economist home page. (more inside)
posted by werty at 11:37 AM PST - 17 comments

US Supreme Court denies the government's Microsoft appeal, 8-1,

US Supreme Court denies the government's Microsoft appeal, 8-1, and sends it back to the goddam Circuit Court for yet another year of hysterical lies and bullshit. Score one for the enemy.
posted by Snarl at 10:09 AM PST - 10 comments

They always get this wrong,

They always get this wrong, and it's really annoying. Shouldn't a paramilitary group headed by a marxist be considered "left-wing"? Somehow the definition of "right-wing" seems to include everything the media finds distasteful. Over and over again, I see Hitler referred to as "right-wing" when he was very much leftist. The word NAZI is an acronym for the German Socialist party.
posted by mildew at 10:05 AM PST - 15 comments

C.J. Hunter failed drug tests.

C.J. Hunter failed drug tests. What I don't get is why the IOC brought this up now, months after it happened, and right when the track and field events are going. He's not even competing in the Olympics. He's there to support his wife, Marion Jones. What purpose is served by announcing this information except to bring doubt on Marion's efforts to win her events. The IOC and the media have done a bad thing here, in my mind, it confuses and disgusts me.
posted by cowboy at 7:35 AM PST - 15 comments

Frank Butcher's Philosophical Car Lot (via NTK; too good not to share). Features the Eminem/Butcher 'My Name Is...' on MP3.
posted by Mocata at 6:39 AM PST - 4 comments

No way but to decommission the World Bank and IMF

No way but to decommission the World Bank and IMF -- BusinessWorld columnist Walden Bello explains why the policies of these two institutions have magnified world poverty and inequality, and traces the opposition movement from its origins in the Global South, to Seattle, Prague and beyond:

"The historic Prague Spring of 1968 spelled the beginning of the end of the Soviet Empire. Will Prague, the site of the World Bank-IMF annual meeting for the year 2000, join Seattle in December 1998 and Washington, D.C. in April of this year as one of the catalytic events ushering the beginning of the end of hegemony of corporate-driven globalization?..."
posted by johnb at 3:07 AM PST - 8 comments

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