838 MetaFilter comments by Neale (displaying 451 through 500)

Bush, by a technicality. They've run out the clock. Oh dear. This could be messy.
comment posted at 8:23 PM on Dec-12-00

Irony is out; sincerity is in. Is it true? Is irony dead? Is sarcasm passé? Have we finally snarked out once and for all? If so, what place will our beloved ironists (and sarcastinators) have in this new Age of Earnestness?
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Nov-17-00

Joe Clark (a fellow Torontonian, no less) has provided food for thought in his "Deconstructing 'You've Got Blog'" screed. While Joe scores some valid points, I think he misses the mark in a few major ways. In the process, he comes across as cynical, and a bit wounded, too. [more inside]
comment posted at 9:25 PM on Nov-14-00

Third federal circuit upholds criminality of Childless Pornography. Anyone know a good source for jackboots?
comment posted at 7:11 PM on Nov-13-00

NYTimes.com reports (or does it?) Bush winning KY and IN
I think this is some kind of mistake, rather than an off-sides. Explanations?
comment posted at 7:17 PM on Nov-7-00

POST FINAL PROJECTIONS HERE, PLEASE. That's final projections only, not still-changing exit poll results, which can go in the thread below. (And no, that's not a link two sentences back.) VNS and the Bush and Gore campaigns have a projection in the presidential race, which is hidden inside to protect the weak. Also, a projection in the New York Senate race.
comment posted at 8:26 PM on Nov-7-00

Has there been a negative Nader thread here yet?
"According to his former editor David Sanford, Nader is a hypochondriac who refuses dinner invitations from anyone with pets, because he thinks cats cause leukemia, and simply hates dogs."
There are even crazy quotes.
comment posted at 11:33 PM on Oct-25-00

You can have my All-Stars when you pry them from my cold dead feet. If they discontinued Vans, I'm not sure what I would wear..
comment posted at 4:07 PM on Oct-18-00

The GOP just spammed me. I received an email sent supposedly on behalf of "Jim Nicholson, Chairman, Republican National Committee" inviting me to become an "eChampion":

Once you've registered as an eChampion, you will receive fact-filled e-mails twice a week on the upcoming election, the candidates' stands on issues, etc. Your role as an eChampion is to send these e-mails on to AS MANY friends, neighbors and family members as possible, and invite them to register as eChampions themselves at http://www.echampions2000.com.

No, I didn't opt-in to some Republican mailing list. For a start, I'm Canadian, in Canada, and if I was going to vote for a right-wing wing-nut, it would be Stockwell Day. Talk about "idea viri"...
comment posted at 2:19 PM on Oct-10-00

Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic Jakob Nielsen says "to take the Internet to the next level, users must begin posting their own material ... the vast wasteland of Geocities confirms this. Giving users a home-page editing program does not turn them into good writers." Meg takes Nielsen to task: "his recommended approach is crazy ...Why bog kids down with HTML?" Blogs, of course, are her solution. But for some folks this simply doesn't add up. Saying kids shouldn't learn HTML because Blogger exists is like saying they shouldn't learn to add because calculators exist.
comment posted at 10:52 PM on Sep-30-00
comment posted at 5:02 PM on Oct-1-00

What if they had a school shooting and no one reported it? *sigh* I watched the typical US evening news broadcasts hoping to see some coverage of this event, but there was none. I don't want to believe that the reason it went underreported was because it happened at an "inner city" school and the media has the perception that "those people kill each other all the time, what's one more?" but the small, dark, pessimistic part of myself is starting to believe I'm right.
comment posted at 5:48 PM on Sep-26-00

Does this teach any males here anything? I'm sure that it would be very useful to someone. Though I'm not sure who exactly.
comment posted at 12:01 AM on Sep-27-00

TiVos are raining from the sky! Jason Kottke won, so I entered. I won, and while my piece was obviously a piece of literary genius, it wasn't *that* good. I think we need to do a scientific study -- who can write the stupidest "Why I Want a TiVo" essay and still win?
comment posted at 10:04 PM on Sep-25-00
comment posted at 2:31 PM on Sep-26-00
comment posted at 3:56 PM on Sep-26-00
comment posted at 4:27 PM on Sep-27-00

This girl is, literally, fighting for her life. Her name is Kaycee, she's 18, and she is desperately fighting cancer. And if everyone could put down their mice, stop typing on their keyboards, close up their browsers, and think one good thought for this girl -- and her family -- maybe, hopefully, it would help.

Halcyon's set up a message board for her. If you're so moved, you know what to do...
comment posted at 5:37 PM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 6:08 PM on Sep-17-00

Fosters Beer's new site and ad campaign is a ripoff/parody of another certain beer ad campaign. What's with the small country pride? Tired of the Americanization of the world? Or just the (American) corporatization of the globe?
comment posted at 4:38 PM on Sep-14-00

Women in sports judged on looks more than ability. That's all well and good, but her remedy of "genuine equality in sports at all levels" rings hollow with me.
comment posted at 2:14 AM on Sep-14-00

"Moodwatch" now in Eudora 5.0 "Moodwatch" is, apparantly, something that "watches" for offensive language in your e-mail and then rates your mail accordingly.

According to Eudora, "MoodWatch can detect aggressive, demeaning or rude language in the email you send and receive by looking at both individual words and complete phrases."

I find this to be pretty disturbing. Okay, so right now it can't be used to censor, and right now it can be turned off. But suppose, at some point in the future, it can be used to censor, it's on all the time, and your employer is monitoring the content of everyone's mail to ensure that no one's offending anyone else?

And who decided on the standard for offensiveness to begin with? If you look in their example, use of the phrase "what are you thinking?" was enough to get the highest "offensiveness" rating. What the fuck??!!

Oh, damn. There's those three chillis.
comment posted at 8:10 PM on Sep-12-00

ProjectCool isn't faring well since Glenn Davis and Teresa Martin left and DevX took over. Sightings isn't being updated and the Future Focus archive was wiped out.
comment posted at 5:39 PM on Sep-11-00
comment posted at 10:58 PM on Sep-11-00

For Sale: FuckedCompany.com. What do think the person who buys it will do with the site?
comment posted at 5:32 PM on Sep-11-00

I am hallucinating. Or, this is just peculiar. One of those things that makes me feel as if there's a big joke that everyone else gets but me. (see also, everyone blogging the little-girl-with-the-bike recollection.)
comment posted at 11:11 PM on Sep-8-00
comment posted at 6:22 AM on Sep-9-00

VIM33D has been released. This is truly cool; a totally new approach to AI, and it's damned fun to watch. I've spent literally hours. (more inside)
comment posted at 3:56 AM on Sep-4-00

The Fucked Company community are not being fair to Bryan. (via BryanBoyer.com). With various different threads they are being more than cruel to him. I personally found his blog about his startup rather fascinating. This maybe a good time to reevaluated our perception of FC as a website/game/community.
comment posted at 11:48 PM on Sep-1-00

Just for the record, I am NOT Wendigo, I am not related to Wendigo, I'm not even sure what a Wendigo is (or El Wendigo, for that matter), and I am NOT suing a cybersquatter for the Wendigo.com domain name.
Thank you, MetaFilter, for allowing mne to get that off my chest. And anybody who calls THIS self-linking is cruisin' for abusin'.
comment posted at 7:41 PM on Aug-26-00

Adobe sues Macromedia over infringement of their patented tabbed palettes.
"Adobe filed a lawsuit against Macromedia® alleging infringement of our intellectual property, specifically our patented tabbed palette, which is a key user interface element and method invented by Adobe and incorporated into our products."
comment posted at 12:19 AM on Aug-11-00

Has the nytimes login workaround http://www10.nytimes stopped working as well? I'm getting a login page. First partners.nytimes, now www10... what's the world coming to?
comment posted at 3:16 AM on Aug-8-00

No more Mister Nice Guy. They've built a web crawler looking for piracy sites. It should be interesting. I wonder how many computers and how much bandwidth they're assigning to the job?
comment posted at 9:37 PM on Aug-2-00

When did Claudia Schiffer become an expert in computers? And why would I care what she thinks should be installed on one? (Light and casual: jokes. That's the way, now.)
comment posted at 2:04 AM on Aug-2-00

Awesome splash page spoof of KPMG's marketing-speak site. Of course now that web design is over, I guess it's better that sites start looking alike.
comment posted at 9:08 AM on Dec-3-01

Imminent Death of Internet Predicted! Napster killed the Internet star, says record exec Edgar Bronfman Jr. "Let me tell you what else is in trouble here: the Internet. In the end, the Internet itself will not be able to survive if it becomes a haven for illegal activity. Copyrights must be protected online."
comment posted at 12:05 AM on Jul-20-00

Alan Herrell running for a seat in ICANN. He was the glue that held the etoy/eToys protest together, strong supporter of The Million Mom March, and exposed the Evils of Double-Click's hidden agenda.

He's running for office, and I can't think of a better man for the job of fighting for our rights....
comment posted at 1:17 AM on Jul-11-00

Does Jorn's workaround for the NYTimes still work? I tried http://partners.nytimes.com/library/financial/personal/070900personal-napster.html only to find myself directed to a login page. Has The Man finally got wise?
comment posted at 4:07 AM on Jul-10-00

Dru Jay has a good article on voluntary micropayments, and the theme is something the failed micropayments crowd never thought of: instead of forcing the charge before you see it, treat a site as shareware, and pay after you've enjoyed it. Thanks to two individuals, I'm $0.50 richer today. Are voluntary paypal donations the wave of the blogging future?
comment posted at 2:14 AM on Jun-21-00

The Oscars TM AMPAS will NOT consider any movie that was first shown on the Internet.
Looks like our firends at HowWrong Productions, the creators of "Jesus! The Semi-Animated Sorta-Movie!" have beenShafted.
Now they'll have to rent a theater for the sequel: "Jesus' Big Score", and then probably nobody'll show up.. cause they'll all be at The Schmolympics!
You owe me, Talbot. Big time.

comment posted at 3:56 AM on Jun-18-00

Jesus! The Animated Movie. Am I breaking some kind of MeFi law by linking to Neale? Please check out the work of our MetaFilter dad Matt and Neale (a fine father in his own right) and send them a card while you're at it.
comment posted at 2:13 AM on Jun-18-00
comment posted at 1:58 AM on Jun-19-00
comment posted at 6:42 AM on Jun-19-00
comment posted at 6:42 AM on Jun-19-00

Kids aren't particularly gullible. Though I must admit, I like the slug Neale put on this story better...
comment posted at 11:14 PM on Jun-12-00

While I think that Jason's point is completely legit, hurting people in the process seems a bit overboard. any thoughts?
comment posted at 9:11 PM on Jun-12-00

I want to win a webby dammit! Now I have a 12 step program to help me achieve success! Thanks c|net!
comment posted at 11:38 PM on Jun-12-00

Corel lays off 320. Why wasn't Michael Cowpland one of them? Why does that man still have a job at that company?
comment posted at 8:13 PM on Jun-8-00

Speculation time: Will MSFT go up or down tomorrow on the market? Whatcha all think?
comment posted at 10:29 PM on Jun-7-00

OUCH!!!! That had to hurt.
comment posted at 5:40 PM on Jun-7-00

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