9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 5201 through 5250)

"The mind-set that invites a couple to use contraception is an anti-child mind-set," she told me. "So when a baby is conceived accidentally, the couple already have this negative attitude toward the child. Therefore seeking an abortion is a natural outcome. We oppose all forms of contraception." Don't even mention the mind-set behind a vaccine for HPV.
comment posted at 7:36 PM on May-9-06
comment posted at 12:19 AM on May-16-06

Yesterday, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wrote a letter to the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush. Here it is. (Courtesy Le Monde, 8 page PDF, English.) The letter has been "dismissed by its recipients as a rambling philosophical treatise." (Times) Further coverage at NYT and Le Monde (French). The letter ends 27 years of diplomatic silence.
comment posted at 9:15 PM on May-9-06

[419Filter] The Perfect Mark: After losing thousands and being sentenced to prison, John Worley is still convinced the Nigerian governmental officials and their fortune exist.
comment posted at 5:20 PM on May-9-06

Worried that the nearby field is going to become cookie-cutter houses? No need to do anything rash, instead do a little planting.
comment posted at 7:42 PM on May-9-06
comment posted at 9:25 PM on May-9-06

Running nearly a marathon every single day (24 miles) might seem a little crazy. Keep perspective, though: it's all in preparation for running 40 miles a day for three months straight, across the country. What's more, the guy is 6'5", and will go through roughly 8000 calories a day -- as many in the jaunt as most people eat in an entire year. And then you realize that the whole thing is being done for charity. Now that takes balls (of your feet).
comment posted at 2:38 AM on May-9-06

A good rant about "delusional advertising" but if you have 10 minutes to TOTALLY waste, click on the "PLAY" button for Pirelli's amazing(ly silly) short film featuring The Malkovich as a priest using four tires and a cross to fight a demonic Naomi Campbell over the soul of a sports car.
comment posted at 12:03 AM on May-9-06
comment posted at 12:36 AM on May-9-06
comment posted at 1:44 AM on May-9-06

In a new afterword to "The End of History and the Last Man", Fukuyama reflects on how his ideas have survived the tides of criticism and political change.
comment posted at 11:04 PM on May-8-06

A talk given by Matt Webb on fictional futures, and a whole lot besides. Just some text and some pictures, but he takes you on a most excellent brain adventure, from Italo Calvino to a map of all the biochemical reactions on Earth to Vannevar Bush’s machine, the Memex with dozens of stops in between. One of my favorite parts -- and the coolest use of RSS I've ever seen -- is a tool to subscribe to your personal lightcone. [via]
comment posted at 11:45 PM on May-7-06

Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush In this excerpt from his book, Eric Boehlert writes about how "[c]owardly and clueless, the U.S. media abandoned its post as Bush led the country into a disastrous war. A look inside one of the great journalistic collapses of our time."
comment posted at 6:40 PM on May-7-06

Why Hillary Can't Win (by Markos "Kos" Moulitsas). Why John Can't Win (by Byron York). (via)
comment posted at 6:58 PM on May-7-06

Happiness [pdf] A financial analysis.
comment posted at 8:38 PM on May-7-06
comment posted at 8:47 PM on May-7-06
comment posted at 1:39 PM on May-10-06
comment posted at 2:07 AM on May-12-06

Fox pussies out. Recently a bill passed in mexico legalizing all drugs under certain specified quantities. The bill was promoted By Vincente Fox's party, and came from his offices. However he decided not to sign it under U.S. pressure.

There go my vacation plans.
comment posted at 2:10 AM on May-4-06
comment posted at 7:56 AM on May-4-06
comment posted at 8:47 AM on May-4-06

Manlyweb.com -- One Real Damn Manly Site. We set out to create a web site for real men. Men who do their own engine work. Men who don't just read it for the articles. Men who know that good whiskey doesn't need to be mixed with anything, except maybe an ice cube or two.
comment posted at 11:07 PM on May-3-06
comment posted at 12:32 AM on May-4-06

Canadian PM Stephen Harper eats babies. Or at least that's what many Toronto commuters read on their commutes Thursday, Friday, and Monday (they decided to leave the news up over the weekend). Another case for real news becoming more like The Onion?
comment posted at 11:14 PM on May-3-06

Steven Colbert (TruthyMan!) headlines the White House Correspondents Dinner -- and Bush is not amused. Will there be fallout? C-Span focused on Bush expression (lack of) during the slamming ... (link to story with video).
comment posted at 12:28 AM on Apr-30-06
comment posted at 2:03 AM on Apr-30-06
comment posted at 2:20 AM on Apr-30-06
comment posted at 7:03 PM on Apr-30-06
comment posted at 2:01 AM on May-1-06
comment posted at 2:33 AM on May-1-06
comment posted at 2:34 AM on May-1-06
comment posted at 5:00 AM on May-1-06
comment posted at 1:48 PM on May-1-06
comment posted at 8:29 PM on May-1-06
comment posted at 1:02 AM on May-2-06

Living with War. Neil Young's new album is being streamed over the internet in its entirety. (via TMW)
comment posted at 7:21 PM on Apr-28-06
comment posted at 3:57 AM on Apr-29-06

"After our transparently bogus story and our impossibly shitty video appeared on the website... we received a flood of messages from big-shot bigfoot hunters who were dying to find out about [the] footage. Our plan was working." So, Penn and Teller faked the Sonoma bigfoot footage. But only the BFRO fell for it. Conveniently, they deleted the evidence of that. With so many sasquatch enthusiasts expressing doubt about the video when it was released, can our favorite Libertarian and mime really use it to prove that bigfoot is bullshit?
comment posted at 10:49 PM on Apr-27-06
comment posted at 11:30 PM on Apr-27-06

The Great Microsoft Blunder. Short but scathing article about how Microsoft has continually dropped with ball with Internet Explorer.
comment posted at 9:33 PM on Apr-27-06
comment posted at 9:37 PM on Apr-27-06
comment posted at 9:56 PM on Apr-27-06
comment posted at 11:19 PM on Apr-27-06
comment posted at 3:52 AM on Apr-28-06

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