2067 MetaFilter comments by Witty (displaying 501 through 550)

A look at the US through China's eyes. The US has been critical of China's human rights practices for decades. In retaliation, China examines the US, and finds it comes up short in many ways. Instead of indulging itself in publishing the "human rights country report" to censure other countries unreasonably, the United States should reflect on its erroneous behavior on human rights and take its own human rights problems seriously. Summarized text in NYT
comment posted at 10:40 PM on Mar-28-05

Risin' up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
comment posted at 5:46 PM on Mar-21-05

It came from the 1971 Sears Catalog!! Child models of the damned! Tacky bedspreads. Gracious women.The Nursery of Death. Lamps and awful paintings. At home wear - you wouldn't be caught dead outside the house wearing these. Pages and pages of incredibly yucky things people bought and put in their homes. I know, I was there. (Underwear links questionable at work, maybe.)
comment posted at 6:32 AM on Mar-20-05
comment posted at 7:10 AM on Mar-20-05

Transferring the problem does not transfer the moral responsibility. According to Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark, Afghanistan is the hub of a global network of detention centres, the frontline in America's 'war on terror', where arrest can be random and allegations of torture commonplace. I leave it up to each reader to judge for themselves, but if they are right can the world afford to turn a blind eye?
comment posted at 6:36 AM on Mar-20-05

Six degrees of Nirvana, see how bands are connected to each other.
comment posted at 5:35 AM on Mar-17-05

Watching "The L Word" might cost an Ohio cop her job. A police officer assigned to a school in Camden, Ohio may lose her job because a few students saw that she had a screen saver which included promotional photos for a TV show that featured (gasp) lesbians. Remind me again why anyone with brains bothers to live in rural Ohio any longer?
comment posted at 6:08 AM on Mar-17-05

The greatest cover ever. 10 years ago, a Norwegian band called Hurra Torpedo performed a cover of the 80s classic "Total Eclipse of the Heart". Thankfully, Bill Bradford has shared with the world this sublime rendition of Meatloaf's Finest Contribution to Society. [via ubermondo]
comment posted at 4:36 AM on Mar-16-05

the simplest ideas are usually the best ones. Its easy to forget that the internet is a relatively new medium. Whats the bet that in the future that we will all be wishing that we still had all of our content that we contributed to "cyberspace" such as reviews, comments, posts... Who knows if 10 - 15 years from now, if the sites we post on will still be up, even stable sites such as MetaFilter may not exist in the future. sites have shut down before, taking everyones content with it. Its a simple idea, why not just store your content, be it on your desktop or a web application? So who wants to start a MeFi label over at bulletin board buddy.
comment posted at 4:49 AM on Mar-16-05

The Haunted Nintendo "On one occasion, the arrow icon moved down to the 2 player icon without me touching the controller..."
comment posted at 1:40 AM on Mar-15-05

Star Wars Revelations (13 MB QT file) A new, lush looking Star Wars fan movie. The CG looks (I think) close to the real deal. The production Web site is hammered at the moment. But here's an article with background on the production [via slashdot]
comment posted at 4:09 AM on Mar-15-05

Oh Say Can You Seethe • The Board of Education in Brick, NJ "may toughen its policy on use of wireless telephones in schools, after a videotape showing a Brick Township High School teacher screaming at his students to show respect for the national anthem — and then pulling the chair from underneath one student who refused to stand — was posted on several independent Web sites (.wmv)." Some have come to the teacher's defense, and three students connected to the incident have been arrested for separate charges of prior vandalism--which they also taped.
comment posted at 10:51 AM on Mar-9-05
comment posted at 3:21 PM on Mar-9-05
comment posted at 3:47 PM on Mar-9-05

You've seen the best album covers... but have you seen the worst? [some nsfw]
comment posted at 9:33 PM on Mar-2-05
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Mar-2-05
comment posted at 9:41 PM on Mar-2-05

America's Christian Values Will Be Destroyed By A Girl in a Tux Kelli Davis, a straight-A student at Fleming Island High School, will not have her picture published in her Senior Yearbook because she wore a tux. Under the principal's policy, only male students may wear tuxes in the photographs. Davis, who is openly gay, is not allowed to be pictured in traditionally male garb. In addition to banning the photograph, the school principal also fired the yearbook editor for refusing to remove Davis' picture. A photo of the betuxed Kelli Davis is available here.
comment posted at 10:26 PM on Mar-1-05
comment posted at 10:28 PM on Mar-1-05
comment posted at 10:41 PM on Mar-1-05
comment posted at 11:11 PM on Mar-1-05
comment posted at 11:52 PM on Mar-1-05
comment posted at 12:25 AM on Mar-2-05
comment posted at 11:12 AM on Mar-2-05

The gays continue to spread their “homosexual agenda” through cartoons and children’s shows. First it was Tinky-Winky (the Gay Teletubbie), then SpongeBob SquarePants and PBS’s Buster. Last night it was The Simpsons. And now today we learn that Shrek is up to no good! What should a proper upstanding citizen do? Get me the President!
comment posted at 7:53 PM on Feb-21-05

Moral Politics - A Morality-Based Political Test - "This test is (or at least tries to be) a different political test. Most tests assess your opinion by questioning your stance on political issues. This test explains why you think what you think by mapping your personal moral system." 16 questions.
comment posted at 11:26 AM on Feb-22-05

Treason: Hurting America's Feelings --from fafblog: Now you may think "oh well Fafnir America's a big country it can take care a itself" but in fact it is very sensitive. When you say its mom's ugly or criticize its foreign policy or kick sand on its face at the beach it is just as hurt as if you'd sold its state secrets.
comment posted at 1:55 AM on Feb-19-05

The Washington Bullets Wizards haven't been to the NBA playoffs since 1997, haven't won a playoff series since 1982, and last captured the NBA championship all the way back in 1977. Some of these dubious streaks may end soon, as the team currently sports a winning record and is sending two players to this weekend's NBA All-Star game, a feat they haven't accomplished since Crocodile Dundee was in theatres.

What kind of fans follow such a historically inept franchise? While other fan blogs earnestly recount league happenings or their teams' wins and losses, the WIZZNUTZZ have fondly embraced their team's parade of NBA losers and outcasts, building an online shrine to such former players such as 7'7" center Manute Bol, perennial felon Rod Strickland, unskilled backup center Jahidi White ("Who he play for???"), and assorted petty criminals. During the season they offer "incites" into the play of their lord and savior the reverend Kwame Brown, the failed comeback of Michael "Salieri" Jordan, the NBA Championship of the Detroit Wizards, and other edutaining commentary on the league (for additional league commentary see: ChaunceyBillups). The Wizznutzz are currently beside themselves with their team's success, but they know that the Wizznutzz story is a story about overcoming odds, but mostly not overcoming odds!!!!

Don't forget to buy a Jahidi thong when you're done reading.
comment posted at 12:08 AM on Feb-17-05

"After all, women are fragile and delicate creatures; that is why men should lead the way to distant planets and carry women there in their strong hands," said Russian Academy of Sciences' Anatoly Grigoryev to students of the Moscow International University, by way of explaining why there will be NO WOMEN on the first flight to Mars. Ok, that sounds right. But they might at least need some swishy gay guy to wash socks and do dishes for the fellas, nyet? (Meanwhile, looks like Comrade Anatoly here is bucking for a job at Harvard.) (RIA link via NASA Watch).
comment posted at 2:52 PM on Feb-10-05

9/11 Report Cites Many Warnings About Hijackings Rice claimed we were totally surprised by 9/11...not so! "In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations, according to a previously undisclosed report from the 9/11 commission....
comment posted at 2:15 PM on Feb-10-05

Twenty-year sentence for selling two Oxycontin pills "I want to be a good person." said Johnson. "I wish I could have the chance to better myself and repay my debt to society. I want to go to college. ... It was just two little pills. ... This one time, please give me a chance. Please." A small town in Indiana doles out tough sentences and offers classes on the community's out of control drug problem.
comment posted at 11:45 AM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 12:12 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 1:01 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 1:09 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 1:32 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 1:36 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 1:40 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 2:46 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 3:13 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 5:39 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 5:41 PM on Feb-8-05
comment posted at 6:08 PM on Feb-8-05

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