838 MetaFilter comments by Neale (displaying 501 through 550)

Rampant Redesigns: It seems to me that everyone is spending their time redesigning. Could this trend among blogs be revealing a weakness... that the same old thing can and will get boring?
comment posted at 5:40 PM on Jun-6-00

"On Monday, a small international group of computer rebels plans to introduce what they are calling a data haven, perched precariously on a World War II military fortress six miles off England's coast." Sealand will become their refuge for rebel data. Will they remain sovereign? Will they get away with anything?
comment posted at 2:27 AM on Jun-4-00

This redesign looked swell on my Mac, but the tables are all screwy when I look at it through Windows (at work). Explorer 5 ain't the same on both platforms. Argh!! Not a hard fix, but what do you do when your 'blog looks like ass and you can't fix it for a whole day!! I know it's uncool to link to oneself - I'm not just trying to generate pageviews. I'm genuinely pissed off about all these web standards problems!
comment posted at 5:18 PM on Jun-2-00

the age weblog [via wetlog, of course]

it's pretty obvious she's reading MeFi [and memepool] -- but not linking to them.
comment posted at 9:39 PM on May-25-00
comment posted at 9:49 PM on May-25-00
comment posted at 9:57 PM on May-25-00
comment posted at 10:19 PM on May-25-00
comment posted at 10:24 PM on May-25-00
comment posted at 11:18 PM on May-25-00

Ugly, ugly ugly. The Salon.com redesign is finally - and unfortunately - live. It's not a magazine - it's a portal! Mignon Khargie - wherefore art thou? Blegh.
comment posted at 10:00 PM on May-22-00

blog nicely!
comment posted at 4:50 PM on May-22-00
comment posted at 11:12 PM on May-22-00
comment posted at 4:19 AM on May-23-00
comment posted at 8:06 PM on May-25-00
comment posted at 8:11 PM on May-25-00

Dr. Dre follows in Metallica's footseps and hands over a list of 239,612 user ID's to Napster to for possible termination of these accounts.
comment posted at 10:58 PM on May-17-00

Round 2: Robotgirl gina vs. Riothero mark In the Great Blog Off, the contest is already heating up before the battle has even begun. I just wonder what the topic will be...
comment posted at 9:34 PM on May-16-00
comment posted at 11:32 PM on May-16-00

Watch Jason Win Live! Which acceptance speech is he going to use? My bet is on "I'm too drunk to cry..."
The awards are being given now... right now... go... quickly!
comment posted at 9:23 PM on May-11-00
comment posted at 9:52 PM on May-11-00
comment posted at 10:20 PM on May-11-00

Any server can read all your IE cookies. From any domain. Anyone. I was just explaing to my folks that the reason cookies are (generally) safe is that this was NOT possible. Well, it's possible now.
comment posted at 10:51 PM on May-11-00

The Great Blog-Off is coming- so far 8 bloggers will be madly competing for 24 hours to find the best links on the web on an as-yet-unknown topic. A lesson in futility or potentially dirty, self-absorbed fun? Discuss amongst yourselves.
comment posted at 10:26 PM on May-9-00
comment posted at 4:38 PM on May-10-00

Pyra - a company built to flip? Sippey makes the most important statement and one that I have posted here before... Both Blogger, and Pyra are great products but where is the BUSINESS MODEL. Matt do not censor this please... it is a very valid point whether you like it or not...
comment posted at 9:32 PM on May-2-00

Another Diablo II beta sign-up is this monday. This time they will be taking 100,000 users so maybe everyone will have a slightly better chance of getting selected. (I doubt it)
comment posted at 5:36 PM on Apr-29-00

It's Penis Day at Wetlog, apparently. [ If you think only adults have penii, you might want to treat some of those links as adult content... ]
comment posted at 7:40 PM on May-1-00

WTF!?! Everyone's favorite band (back in high school) Metallica is suing Napster and a handful of universities for unlawful trading of their music. This is ridiculous, and I hope it doesn't set a precedence. If anyone would just slap a revenue model on napster so artists could get paid for their work, none of this piracy crap would happen. And Metallica, what about the other apps that do the same thing, are you going to sue them too? And what about every other band on earth? What do you expect to get out of universities, tighter controls over bandwidth, or student monitoring of internet usage? What about every cable modem and DSL provider that lets people use Napster, are you going after them too? Why don't you sue everyone on earth that's heard your songs but didn't pay for them? Side question: Is it better to burn out or fade away?
comment posted at 11:37 PM on Apr-13-00

What's going on at blogger today? The damn thing goes down more than anyone i've ever dated.
comment posted at 4:37 PM on Apr-13-00

Joing! I never meta-blog... wait, that's been done... The foopster tosses his hat into the ring of blog blogging. I'm hoping this is going to give Sally a run for her money.
comment posted at 10:05 PM on Apr-12-00

Love that Blogger redesign. Normally I wouldn't blog about this here, but they leave me little choice. (Other than jumping ship and kludging some scripts together). I want my free service that I pay nothing for and should be grateful just to have now!

On a serious note, I love Blogger, think it's great, and use it myself, but is it bad to become dependant on a third party tool? You've basically placed the life of your site at the whim of the tool provider. Granted, Ev, Meg, PB, [that fourth guy], Matt, and now Jack seem like pretty nice people to be at the whim of, but wouldn't it be better to do it 'on your own?'

Just thinking out loud, as soon as it's back up I'll go to my little traveled corner of the web and stay there.
comment posted at 7:01 PM on Apr-11-00

Laying the smack down on some hoe has never been funner. Playing this turn-based game is even more enjoyable by the "real-time" aspect. You can be notified via ICQ when you are being attacked, and likewise for your victims. If you are bored at work, this game can ease your pain.
comment posted at 9:58 PM on Mar-30-00
comment posted at 2:56 PM on Mar-31-00
comment posted at 4:17 PM on Mar-31-00
comment posted at 6:16 PM on Mar-31-00
comment posted at 3:03 AM on Apr-1-00

Sick of your Wu-Name? I was never fond of 'Ol` Filthy, Sweaty Bastard' anyhow. Now you can get Your Own Cyborg Name. And Oh BOY!, is "S.I.K.K.: Synthetic Individual Keen on Killing" a much slicker name! watch out now.
comment posted at 5:50 PM on Mar-30-00
comment posted at 5:53 PM on Mar-30-00

For those of you that don't want to wade through the previous discussion - I'll summarize.     "It's all good."
comment posted at 4:02 AM on Mar-24-02

A grunge museum? Another great idea from Microsoft. But at least Britney Spears is around to produce some innovative ideas for her music videos.
comment posted at 7:08 PM on Feb-27-02

Everyone screams for ice cream! I found out that Edy's owns the icrecream.com domain. It's actually quite a nice site, and if anything, it has the certain level of childood simplicity one associates with ice cream. I especially like the taster and was honestly disappointed that his tour schedule isn't posted.

Maybe not as dynamic as Ben And Jerry's, but appropriately sweet.
comment posted at 5:09 PM on May-10-01

Now this is something I just don't get. Getting worked up because some people are posting longer entries? Can someone explain this to me? So Ben Brown mentioned that he prefers longer posts, and a few people responded to the idea favorably. But then there's backlash to this idea? Can someone please explain to me how someone writing long posts is somehow wrong? Is anyone holding a gun to your head making you read anything on the web? If Ben Brown's posts are too long, don't read them. If Jack's or Brig's are too long, don't read them. If I'm wrong here, please set me straight. I must not have read the weblog rulebook that states posts should be short and snarky, if anyone has a hyperlink to said rule book, please post that too.
comment posted at 6:23 PM on Feb-24-02
comment posted at 4:35 PM on Feb-25-02
comment posted at 7:53 PM on Feb-26-02
comment posted at 7:54 PM on Feb-26-02
comment posted at 11:54 PM on Mar-8-02
comment posted at 6:56 PM on Mar-14-02
comment posted at 9:30 PM on Mar-19-02
comment posted at 10:58 PM on May-20-02
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Jul-24-02

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