2205 MetaFilter comments by Steve_at_Linnwood (displaying 551 through 600)

All this will pass. "A day will come when all this will pass away...all this will pass and a new, a noble existence will begin. "I am not here for ever", he tells himself again and again, "soon I shall be there - there where there is liberty, all that I dream of, all that the suffering soul desires. Here is a heavy sleep, a nightmare. There it will be waking, beautiful and happy. Open the doors of the prison, send away the warders, strike off the chains, it will be enough. I shall find the rest for myself, in this free and beautiful universe which I did not know how to appreciate before, although I saw it." A commentary on Dostoevsky's House of the Dead, a fictionalised account of his four year's of hard labour.
comment posted at 7:41 AM on Nov-3-04

While you were re-electing a president:
Senator-elect Jim DeMint: Thinks that unwed pregnant women and gays are unfit to be schoolteachers.
Senator-elect Tom Coburn: Wants the death penalty for abortion doctors.
Senator-elect John Thune: Mr. School Prayer Amendment.
Voters in 11 states voted to ban same-sex marriage. The lowest margin was 57%-43%. The highest (Mississippi) was 86%-14%. Kentucky's also bans civil unions. That one was 75%-25%.
The Senate will likely be split 55-45 in favor of Republicans, creeping closer to a filibuster-proof supermajority. Meanwhile, 89% of these guys are older than 65.
Enjoy your tax cut, America. You're going to need it.
comment posted at 7:36 AM on Nov-3-04

As the polls close election results come in. (A full list of official election result websites inside.)
comment posted at 3:17 PM on Nov-2-04

Early exit polling shows strong Kerry battleground states edge : lots of variables in play, and these numbers do not include early voting. Further, early exit polling has in the past tended to favor Republicans. This election, though, that trend may no longer hold. We'll see. Get out and vote! Vote vote vote! (more inside).
comment posted at 2:07 PM on Nov-2-04

Michael Moore's final election message. Good luck everyone*.
* asterisk
comment posted at 5:41 PM on Nov-1-04
comment posted at 6:08 PM on Nov-1-04

The Big Picture Yep...one day left. MSNBC.com presents a broadband-only interactive that puts you in the hot seat of a Campaign Adviser. The "Produce and Ad" bit is a hoot.
comment posted at 5:44 PM on Nov-1-04

And the winner is... Kerry with 77% of the vote!
comment posted at 5:47 PM on Nov-1-04
comment posted at 6:07 PM on Nov-1-04

The Rumors On the Internets Are True! "Our goal is to present you with these clips to help you make an informed choice next Tuesday." Your one-stop-shop for documentary clips related to Kerry and Bush, presented by the Internets Vets for Truth.
comment posted at 12:16 PM on Oct-29-04

World (er... MLB) Champions once more. The last time the Boston Red Sox lost was in the 86 World Series. The last time they won was 86 Years Ago, when they beat the Chicago Cubs in the 1918 World Series. (The Cubs finished that season with 86 wins.) This year, after retiring the Anaheim Angels 8-6, they lost three straight to the New York Yankees in the ALCS and seemed to be on the verge of failing once again. Eight straight wins later, they finally manage to eighty-six the Curse of the Bambino.
comment posted at 8:58 PM on Oct-27-04

Iraq says 'impossible' explosives taken before regime fall Bush: wrong before. Wrong again..."A top Iraqi science official said it was impossible that 350 tonnes of high explosives could have been smuggled out of a military site south of Baghdad before the regime fell last year...."
comment posted at 1:30 PM on Oct-27-04

Amnesty International Condemns U.S. for War on Terror Torture
Amnesty's report accused Washington of stepping onto a "well-trodden path of violating basic rights in the name of national security or 'military necessity'."
comment posted at 1:38 PM on Oct-27-04

Why I love live TV. Anyone remember Elvis Costello shaking things up a bit on SNL in 1977? Succulent pop-star Ashlee Simpson did the same thing tonight only it wasn't intentional. Appears the lip synch track started before she was ready. Video also mirrored here if first one gets filtered'
comment posted at 1:05 AM on Oct-24-04

SEIU union and other Democratic groups have been holding rallies at early voting locations in Palm Beach County, where they have a captive audience of voters standing in line. Normally campaign workers can not come with in 50 feet of polling places, but apparently that rule does not apply to this year's new Early Voting in Florida.
One woman who voted early in Boca Raton, at the Southwest County Regional Library, complained that as she stood in line, two men behind her were "trashing our president," Fletcher said, declining to identify the woman. She tried to ignore them. Then the man touched her arm and said, "Who are you voting for?"

"I said, `I don't think that's an appropriate question,'" the woman said she responded.

"Uh oh! We have a Bush supporter here," screamed the man behind her.

For the 2 1/2 hours she had to wait in line, she was heckled by the man. As they neared the voting room, someone in the rear of the line yelled, "I sure hope everyone here is voting for Kerry!" she reported.

That's when the man behind her held his hand over her head and screamed, "We have a Republican right here!" There were "boos and jeers" from the crowd.
comment posted at 10:54 AM on Oct-23-04

University Study - Most Bush Voters Are Extremely Stupid [Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format]
comment posted at 10:18 AM on Oct-22-04

Think that Bush has the Catholic vote sewn up? Think again. Despite the efforts of some to make Catholics one-issue voters, many Catholics are more concerned with the views on social justice [pdf] of the Church in this hotly contested [Real] race. It’s a weird year to be a Catholic voter.
comment posted at 10:21 AM on Oct-22-04
comment posted at 10:32 AM on Oct-22-04

comment posted at 9:13 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:22 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:44 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:51 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 9:54 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 10:23 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 11:17 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 11:25 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 11:30 PM on Oct-21-04
comment posted at 11:34 PM on Oct-21-04

2 Percent: Original recipe.
Extra crispy.
It's not that tough a choice.

So, what's up with those undecided voters? A slightly more polite version of Samantha Bee's "How the f*** do you dress yourself in the morning?!" question.
comment posted at 10:15 AM on Oct-20-04

TV-B-Gone. A remote with only one button: Off.
comment posted at 9:38 AM on Oct-20-04

John Kerry supports using evil powers to blast back a crowd
The lighter side of photo ops. [via MoFi]
comment posted at 9:43 AM on Oct-20-04
comment posted at 2:32 PM on Oct-20-04

Vietnam Veterans for George W. Bush? "This web site was created and personally paid for by a Vietnam combat veteran as a service to his country and has no financial connection with any political party or campaign organization." ...and he does not pussy foot around!
comment posted at 10:48 PM on Oct-19-04
comment posted at 9:34 AM on Oct-20-04

I'm a Democrat for Bush.
Sarah Baxter is a life-long Labour voter in Britain and a registered Democrat in the United States. So how come she wants George W Bush to remain president?
comment posted at 3:13 PM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 3:28 PM on Oct-18-04
comment posted at 10:57 PM on Oct-19-04

Kerry won.
comment posted at 8:56 AM on Oct-14-04

Hans Blix speaks. (RealPlayer) Hans Blix gave a recent interview with BBC Radio 4 in which he indicates that UN weapons inspectors were on the verge of private interviews with witnesses to the destruction of Iraq's WMD stockpiles shortly before the Bush administration forced inspectors to leave.
"I think that it would have been desireable for us to have more time. . . I think that the Iraqis were actually beginning to try to do cooperation of substance, and they were almost frantic to do so. . ." In his report to the UN on March 7th, 2003 Blix said UN inspectors were on the verge of inspecting a site where much of Iraq's WMDs were disposed and that "The investigation of the destruction site could, in the best case, allow the determination of the number of bombs destroyed at that site." Did the Bush administration "rush to war" in order to prevent the fatal undermining of their justification for war?
comment posted at 8:04 AM on Oct-13-04

Framing the Economic Debate. If you read Metafilter, you've no doubt seen a few links criticizing Bush's handling of the economy. The unabashed partisans at the Heritage Foundation have put together a document from which many of Bush's talking points about the economy (tonight, and throughout the campaign) are likely to come.
comment posted at 12:51 PM on Oct-8-04
comment posted at 1:24 PM on Oct-8-04

Star Wars Chick. Not to be confused with the star wars kid. Besides, Star Wars Chick looks much better in her handmade Slave Leia Cosutme [ via memepool ]
comment posted at 5:53 AM on Sep-30-04

Forged Documents? For Shame.
comment posted at 8:12 PM on Sep-10-04
comment posted at 11:39 PM on Sep-10-04
comment posted at 11:39 PM on Sep-10-04

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