1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 551 through 600)

ELECTION: "I'm with the Bush-Cheney Team: I'm here to stop the vote!" That pretty much says it all for me...
comment posted at 7:48 PM on Dec-11-00
comment posted at 1:24 PM on Dec-12-00
comment posted at 2:54 PM on Dec-14-00

Ain't gonna be no link here, but just a comment. Other deadlines may slip, but Florida has to settle things by Monday, December 18, or they don't get to participate in this election. Inside is an analysis of what happens then.
comment posted at 7:54 PM on Dec-11-00

The Grinch who stole eBay? Here's a weird one; help cheerfully accepted. The link is to a search on eBay for Novatel Minstrel's; I decided I wanted to buy one. Everywhere I run the search from, I get substantially different results. Like, 2 answers vs 12. I'd be interested to know if other people who hit the link see similar behavior... This smells weird... kinda like the Amazon differential pricing think, but I can't see a reason why...
comment posted at 12:52 PM on Dec-8-00
comment posted at 1:38 PM on Dec-8-00

Warner Brothers is going after Harry Potter fan sites. This isn't the first time. It should be interesting to see if they come after The Leaky Cauldron Weblog. It seems they're going after sites with "Harry Potter" as part of the domain name. However they do have a trademark for "Leaky Cauldron".
comment posted at 12:55 PM on Dec-8-00

Where were you when you heard that John Lennon had died, 20 years ago today? I was seven, getting ready for school when the news came over on our old radiogram, and I can remember my mother's white-faced shock: one of those moments that emblazoned itself upon my memory.
comment posted at 1:15 PM on Dec-8-00

WAP usability report - Cheap! only 18 bucks, Jakob cares about you, otherwise he would have charged you 80k.
Quick run-down : 70% of the users answered no when asked whether they would like to have a WAP phone within one year; even the simplest tasks take much too much time to provide any satisfaction to users; even after spending a week using a WAP phone, user performance remained appallingly low;
comment posted at 1:20 PM on Dec-8-00

FLASH: Iridium Saved. I don't get to write too many two word flashes... The DoD, specifically DISA, signed an 11th inning 2 year $72 million contract with Iridium LLC, saving them from splashing the constellation. [more...]
comment posted at 10:42 AM on Dec-7-00
comment posted at 10:43 AM on Dec-7-00
comment posted at 11:34 AM on Dec-7-00
comment posted at 2:06 PM on Dec-7-00
comment posted at 7:57 PM on Dec-11-00

Who loves ya baby AmIHotOrNot with a twist, humiliated by receiving a paltry 2.3 ? Could it be that ninety nine percent of the votes came from vegetarian midgets that smoke ? Wouldn't it be nice to know you are a solid 9.4 amongst the one percent of blonde Amazonian godess' ? Get detailed demographic info on the types of people voting for you :)
comment posted at 7:44 PM on Dec-6-00

And this month's award for the most useless application of modern technology goes to.......Alison's PantsCam! Give a couple of college students a digital camera, a wireless network, and some free time, and they'll provide streaming data of the insides of their pants. Once again, I go to the wrong University.
comment posted at 7:52 PM on Dec-6-00
comment posted at 7:49 AM on Dec-7-00

Sony's latest ad campaign has been pulled from the networks for being too edgy. It's certainly got an edge that I doubt children would understand, but they're still pretty funny (part 2 and part 3). Is this what happens when we have to protect everyone from anything remotely racy? Do you agree with the decision to pull them off the air?
comment posted at 5:12 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 8:01 PM on Dec-6-00
comment posted at 7:51 AM on Dec-7-00

University "journalist" threatens the President's life. How stupid do you have to be??? Don't they know that threatening the President's life, even in a joking manner is a Felony Offense?
comment posted at 4:48 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 5:13 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 8:08 PM on Dec-6-00

If you tried to switch hosting services only to have your domain held hostage, and if no one else can help, maybe you can hire DomainRescue.
comment posted at 1:03 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 5:23 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 8:12 PM on Dec-6-00

A Very Wookie Christmas. I'm speechless in horror. This actually happened? This actually made it to the airwaves? Thank heavens Lucas is keeping it deeply, deeply hidden forever.
comment posted at 8:22 PM on Dec-6-00

Screen Wars, a decent stab by Stephen Levy from Newsweek/MSNBC at summarizing the changes afoot in desktop OS GUIs. Credit where credit is due for some notable Apple alums; more faith than is justified in .NET.
comment posted at 5:29 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 5:31 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 8:37 PM on Dec-6-00
comment posted at 7:37 AM on Dec-7-00

Cell Phone Guns Discovered. “We find it very, very alarming,” says Wolfgang Dicke of the German Police union. “It means police will have to draw their weapons whenever a person being checked reaches for their mobile phone.”
comment posted at 9:44 AM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 1:08 PM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 8:50 PM on Dec-6-00

Wired wants your nomination for worst Vaporware of the year 2000. (Hardware included.) Read the 1999 article here.
comment posted at 8:56 PM on Dec-6-00

ELECTION: Supremes remand decision to SCOFL. He may have balls, but his *luck* is running low.
comment posted at 1:45 PM on Dec-4-00
comment posted at 6:05 PM on Dec-4-00
comment posted at 9:52 AM on Dec-5-00
comment posted at 2:18 PM on Dec-5-00

Since 1965, the Pioneer 6 space probe has quietly maintained its orbit around the sun between Earth and Venus. This week, in commemoration of the anniversary of its launch, NASA will attempt to re-establish contact with the oldest surviving spacecraft.
comment posted at 9:53 AM on Dec-5-00

THIS is a light saber?!? "There really isn't anything out there, other than a baton and pepper spray, that can halt a dangerous suspect without doing him or anyone else harm," Herr said.

comment posted at 12:21 PM on Dec-4-00
comment posted at 6:13 PM on Dec-4-00

Quintessentially.com is the most horrifying thing I have seen for a long time. It’s a members-only club for the Tatler-reading classes – people for whom the Sunday Times is a serious newspaper. Dare you delve into the invidious ‘benefits’ conferred by membership of this club (‘Quintessentially members will have very special treatment’!), or gaze upon the faces of the well-heeled sloanes and berties behind it?
comment posted at 6:15 PM on Dec-4-00
comment posted at 6:16 PM on Dec-4-00

Metafilter pornolized. (via FARK)
comment posted at 6:19 PM on Dec-4-00

Christy Turlington has early-stage emphysema Another good reason not to smoke cigarettes. Discussion?
comment posted at 12:44 PM on Dec-4-00

Chicago to enlist graphic designers for friendlier ballots. [free reg may be req'd] There's been a bunch of discussion about the usability problems with various voting systems, notably punch-card ballots. Chicago didn't have anything as dramatic as a "butterfly" prexy ballot or two pages' worth of candidates, but we still had close to 120,000 discards from 2.1 million votes -- and when compared with jurisdictions using other systems, there's little evidence to suggest that voters are skipping the presidential ballot. That's just how bad manual punch card technology is. Even if we can't get rid of them just yet, at least we can make sure they aren't confusing. Did I just post the twenty-sixth link on Metafilter today? GO AWAY. METAFILTER IS FULL. :)
comment posted at 12:17 PM on Nov-30-00

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