9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 6301 through 6350)

Hey, ho! He's...gone. Today Johnny Ramone joins Joey and Dee Dee at the great Blitzkrieg Bop in the sky (though admittedly he might not have much to say to either of them). This comes just days after a benefit/tribute concert in L.A. commemorating the 30th anniversary of the first Ramones gig. Catch the new documentary End of the Century in the meantime. Then again, maybe you'll just wanna be sedated.
comment posted at 6:25 PM on Sep-16-04

Roman Vassilenko, the press secretary for the Embassy of Kazakhstan, wants to clear up few misconceptions about his country. Women are not kept in cages. The national sport is not shooting a dog and then having a party. You cannot earn a living being a Gypsy catcher Wine is not made from fermented horse urine.
This is a response to Borat, a character from "Da Ali G Show." Previously discussed here, and here.
comment posted at 2:40 AM on Sep-16-04

Nature presents Bush and Kerry talking science. I never thought I'd see an incumbent president flip-flopping on Mars!
comment posted at 2:42 AM on Sep-16-04

Ever wanted to get away from the neighbours? Any neighbours? Phelps Dodge, a mining company, is selling off Kitsault, BC, a remote company town built in the early 80s to support a mine that later went bust.
comment posted at 11:00 PM on Sep-14-04

Colin Powell in Four-letter Neo-con 'crazies' Row Perhaps Colin should have said they were cheney crazies.
comment posted at 3:57 PM on Sep-14-04

Hurricane Risk for New Orleans: "if that Category Five Hurricane comes to New Orleans, 50,000 people could lose their lives. Now that is significantly larger than any estimates that we would have of individuals who might lose their lives from a terrorist attack. When you start to do that kind of calculus - and it's horrendous that you have to do that kind of calculus - it appears to those of us in emergency management, that the risk is much more real and much more significant, when you talk about hurricanes. I don't know that anybody, though, psychologically, has come to grip with that: that the French Quarter of New Orleans could be gone." (Nb. this excerpt from a fascinating 2002 American RadioWorks documentary does not refer specifically to Ivan.)
comment posted at 2:46 AM on Sep-15-04

What If Bush Wins? Sixteen writers ,right and left, predict the likely consequences of a second term for President Bush.
comment posted at 6:30 AM on Sep-14-04

Oprah I've never cared for her. Except today she gave away 276 new cars to her studio audience, members of which were selected based on need. I now like Oprah. A lot.
comment posted at 11:35 PM on Sep-13-04
comment posted at 3:50 PM on Sep-14-04

When you hold a moment of silence for 9/11, it's good to stand with your hand on your heart. But if you're the President, you reach for your crotch.
comment posted at 12:40 AM on Sep-13-04

Anyone up for a little paintball? I'll bring my own gun.
comment posted at 1:38 AM on Sep-12-04

9/11: Who do we blame? George W. Bush? Democrats? Bill Clinton? Ronald Reagan? The FBI? "The government"? Saddam Hussein? God? Maybe it was punishment for years of legal abortion. Maybe if we had destroyed the sodomites [pdf] those 3000 people would still be alive. Maybe. But with all these conflicting reports, will we ever really know who is truly responsible for the 9/11 attacks?
comment posted at 6:12 PM on Sep-11-04

Sure, it's just more Bush-bashing, but it's gussied up durn pretty. Philip Gourevitch on Bushspeak.
He is grossly underestimated as an orator by those who presume that good grammar, rigorous logic, and a solid command of the facts are the essential ingredients of political persuasion, and that the absence of these skills indicates a lack of intelligence. Although Bush is no intellectual, and proud of it, he is quick and clever, and, for all his notorious malapropisms, abuses of syntax, and manglings or reinventions of vocabulary, his intelligence is—if not especially literate—acutely verbal.

comment posted at 5:43 AM on Sep-10-04

Just One Question... "How many times have you been arrested, Mr. President?"
$1002.21 Bounty to the first person to ask George W. Bush this question in a public forum. [PayPal donations accepted to increase the bounty]
comment posted at 12:25 AM on Sep-10-04

Fiction Bitch "The Fiction Bitch doesn't want to encourage new writers. She wants to weed out terrible writers before they go on to bore millions of innocent publishing house interns to tears."
comment posted at 4:39 PM on Sep-9-04

CNN reports that Jakarta has been bombed. Here's the explosion cloud rising. Here's a shot of Plaza 89 after the explosion, and here's another from a different perspective. Has flickr beaten textamerica in the race to beat CNN? Are ma_girl and fauzanazmi so different that they must use moblog services to suit their personalities or is it something else? How much specialization and differentation can we expect in the moblog arena? Will there be moblog streams of current events like this bombing in Jakarta? Will tagging suffice for such a task? Or is this just another terrorist bombing in Jakarta, I'm up late, and found a photo from a bombing before the story even broke on any of the major news sites? Ennui.
comment posted at 2:17 AM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 2:45 AM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 3:06 AM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 4:22 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 4:28 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 7:19 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 11:18 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 11:21 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 4:32 AM on Sep-10-04
comment posted at 5:19 AM on Sep-10-04

How long til you buy the farm? • "The Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator© was designed to translate what we have learned from studies of centenarians and other longevity research into a practical and empowering tool for individuals to estimate their longevity potential." Wasn't this on a Futurama episode?
comment posted at 7:44 PM on Sep-9-04

World wants Bush out. "Only one in five want to see Bush re-elected," "Senator Kerry was particularly favoured in traditionally strong US allies." Should America take into consideration the international support of their presidential hopefuls, or can they really go it alone in today's global community?
comment posted at 4:31 PM on Sep-9-04

Playboy to feature video game characters in the nude. Going too far, or the logical next step?
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Sep-8-04

George Bushes's Military record: a critical analysis This pdf file is about as definitive a look as we are likely to get on the Bush military record. Clearly most post4ers/readers of Metafilter do not support Bush, but having some clear-cut evidence at hand to use in arguments against those who attack the Kerry militaryrecord, this will give the Bushites reason to move on to other topics
comment posted at 2:13 AM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 7:32 PM on Sep-9-04
comment posted at 7:35 PM on Sep-9-04

How do you ask someone to be the 1,000th person to die for a mistake? Of course there are people who say the US Media is playing down the casualties. But why would a powerful country need to lie about its losses?
comment posted at 11:23 PM on Sep-7-04
comment posted at 2:49 AM on Sep-8-04

So, does posting unreported news on mefi decrease the likelihood the corporate media will pick it up? Let's find out. Greg Palast is at it again, but is anybody listening? Former Texas Lt. Governor admits pulling strings to get Dubya into National Guard and then keeping quiet for big-time money.

... now all we need is a "control group" story. Any ideas? Email me.
comment posted at 11:57 PM on Sep-6-04

Coral: The NYU Distribution Network "Are you tired of clicking on some link from a web portal, only to find that the website is temporarily off-line because thousands or millions of other users are also trying to access it? Does your network have a really low-bandwidth connection, such that everyone, even accessing the same web pages, suffers from slow downloads? Have you ever run a website, only to find that suddenly you get hit with a spike of thousands of requests, overloading your server and possibly causing high monthly bills? If so, Coral might be your free solution for these problems!"
comment posted at 2:16 AM on Sep-7-04

Factfilter: Sen. Bob Graham's new book shows coverup.on Saudi's behalf Bush had concluded that ''a nation-state that had aided the terrorists should not be held publicly to account,'' Graham wrote. "It was as if the president's loyalty lay more with Saudi Arabia than with America's safety.'' And there's stuff about Iraq, too. After wearing 9/11 like a tiara during the convention, will the facts finally be aired?
comment posted at 2:20 AM on Sep-7-04

Twenty Years Ago, The BBC produced a topical drama called Threads - little did they know the furore it would go on to create. [more inside]
comment posted at 4:38 PM on Sep-6-04

When delegates attack! Do you know who this is? Last seen in Madison Square Garden wearing a Monster.com shirt. Video mirrored here.
comment posted at 6:20 AM on Sep-6-04

Bush's missing service year and missing records? no worries. Bush wearing a medal he didn't earn? no problemos. Kerry's 5 Vietnam war medals? Pentagon inquiry. [reg maybe required: use mefi/mefi]
comment posted at 11:46 PM on Sep-5-04

RumorFilter: The Family by Kitty Kelley, comes out on the 14th. It reveals how Dubya has had a very special friend in the mayor of a Tennessee city, who has has cohabited at the Texas ranch many times is just one of the rumors flying around about this book. Kitty's written about Sinatra, Nancy Reagan, Jackie O, and the Royals, so what's she got up her chiffon sleeves this time? Start dishing!
comment posted at 11:03 PM on Sep-4-04

200 dead. In a time when terrorism is a major political platform and given that this event has had a bigger death toll than any other major terror activity since September 11, why is this not bigger news?
comment posted at 3:58 AM on Sep-4-04

World War IV
  • 1914-1918: World War I
  • 1939-1945: World War II
  • 1945-1990: World War III (Cold War)
  • 2001 ongoing: World War IV
Every generation has their war to end all wars. Welcome to ours. World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win. [via GlobalSecurity.org]
comment posted at 8:00 PM on Sep-3-04
comment posted at 8:15 PM on Sep-3-04
comment posted at 12:44 AM on Sep-4-04
comment posted at 7:56 PM on Sep-4-04

Zell Miller obviously doesn't read Snopes or else he would have known that Kerry didn't ever intend on arming our military with sticks and clubs spitballs. the Martini Republic reminds us that in July snopes debunked the heart of miller's attacks that he delivered in his keynote on wednesday.
comment posted at 8:09 PM on Sep-3-04

George W. Bush: Words Speak Louder Than Actions. "So don't listen to the Filter, or the facts. Listen to the words." [6.2MB Quicktime, via Boing Boing.]
comment posted at 4:10 AM on Sep-4-04

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