2221 MetaFilter comments by interrobang (displaying 651 through 700)

Ancient tsunami devastated Mediterranean possible root of flood myths and current major religious belief.
comment posted at 5:10 PM on Nov-30-06

ethnic cleansing from the Balkans to Israel the policies of ethnic cleansing employed by the Nazis are used against the Palestinians.
comment posted at 3:39 PM on Nov-30-06

PermaPuppies - they never get big. Spoof commercial biotech site is just viral advertizing for Michael Crichton's new book, but some of the ads are fun.
comment posted at 8:00 AM on Nov-30-06

GQ interviews Al Gore. "I have a battery-powered hubris alarm on my belt. And it's set on vibrate, and it's going crazy."
comment posted at 8:40 AM on Nov-30-06
comment posted at 8:56 AM on Nov-30-06

Jewcy asks The Big Question-- Why Are Atheists So Angry? with Sam Harris and Dennis Prager. Email exchanges on the topic--and if you can get past the incredibly loaded and one-sided question, really interesting.
comment posted at 2:48 PM on Nov-29-06

Let's Say Thanks is a website that allows you a simple means of delivering a card to a member of the US Armed Forces serving overseas. While some of the pre-written sentiments will not meet with many Mefite's approval, you can just type your own. Of course, you may think that this is a bit cheesy, but maybe sharing a little kindness with someone who risks their life everyday (for whatever reason) isn't such a bad idea.
comment posted at 10:45 AM on Nov-29-06

The comic "Preacher" is finally being adapted for TV. Rumors have circulated about a possible adaptation for some time, but they have now been verified by HBO. The bad news is that the director/writer behind "Daredevil" and "Ghost Rider" is writing the pilot.
comment posted at 10:52 AM on Nov-29-06

Buy Syd Barrett's stuff! The estate of Syd Barrett is going up for auction on Wednesday. Some interesting items include several A4 note binders with Syd's handwritten notes, a pair of handpainted speaker boxes and a Pollock-esque handpainted stool.
comment posted at 10:01 AM on Nov-28-06

The easiest breakfast you'll ever make! Fear not holiday shoppers, the horror of pouring cereal from a box is over for everyone on your shopping list.
comment posted at 6:59 PM on Nov-27-06
comment posted at 8:53 PM on Nov-27-06
comment posted at 8:54 PM on Nov-27-06

Comics creator and Alan Moore collaborator Eddie Campbell is blogging. He joins fellow UK artists Sean Phillips, Chris Weston, Colin Wilson, Frazer Irving, and Dave Taylor in offering glimpses behind the creative process.
comment posted at 9:56 AM on Nov-27-06

Look-in was a British TV and comics magazine that featured interviews, crosswords, etc. Of interest to those of us raised raised on 70s and 80s television, there was a wealth of gorgeously-rendered licensed comics material inside. These strips included Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Space: 1999, and Terrahawks. (Via)
comment posted at 11:25 PM on Nov-24-06

People are strange when you're a stranger.
comment posted at 12:59 PM on Nov-24-06

BlogPulse keeps track of the most popular videos on the web, many of which have been featured in the blue recently. Are we trend setters or trend followers?
comment posted at 5:01 PM on Nov-23-06
comment posted at 5:20 PM on Nov-23-06

Study turns human genetics on its head. "The genome is like an accordion that can stretch or shrink . . . so you have no idea what's normal. We have to think of genetics in an entirely different way. We're actually more like a patchwork of genetic code than bar codes that line up evenly. Everything we've been taught is different now."
comment posted at 3:25 PM on Nov-23-06

Another incredible cityscape drawn from memory by the amazing Stephen Wiltshire (previously featured). The same clip on YouTube for those who don't like wmv's.
comment posted at 10:54 AM on Nov-23-06

Wee Planets. 360° panoramas warped to look like small planets. The perfect vacation destinations for the Little Prince.
comment posted at 11:21 PM on Nov-22-06

Michael ("Cosmo Kramer") Richards loses his mind. On stage at the Laugh Factory in L.A. last Friday, Richards flipped out at heckler and launched into a stream of racist taunts, all caught on video. The Seinfeld Curse strikes again.
comment posted at 3:36 PM on Dec-4-06

Galactus is Coming! Galactus is coming to eat your planet, and nothing can be done to stop him! There is only one way to be saved!
comment posted at 9:16 AM on Nov-20-06

Wikipedia Brown - a minimystery for the internet generation.
comment posted at 8:19 AM on Nov-20-06

A concession e-mail to returning House Rep Satveer Chaudhary from loser Rae Hart Anderson. [via]
comment posted at 1:00 PM on Nov-18-06

The People You Meet When You Walk Down the Street...
A small slice of Atlanta street culture...
via Peachtree Screed.
comment posted at 1:05 PM on Nov-16-06

In a rare interview out of character, Sacha Baron Cohen discusses his reaction to the controversy over Borat:

And the reason we chose Kazakhstan was because it was a country that no one had heard anything about, so we could essentially play on stereotypes they might have about this ex-Soviet backwater. The joke is not on Kazakhstan. I think the joke is on people who can believe that the Kazakhstan that I describe can exist -- who believe that there's a country where homosexuals wear blue hats and the women live in cages and they drink fermented horse urine and the age of consent has been raised to nine years old."

Maybe this Kazakhstan doesn't exist--but Borat's antics sometimes aren't far off the mark from other parts of the world where gang-rape and stoning are meted out as punishment. Is it so silly to appreciate Borat as a comical icon from these dark corners of the world? Who is ignorant of what is really happening in the world--Cohen or his unwitting interviewees?
comment posted at 7:33 AM on Nov-16-06
comment posted at 8:53 AM on Nov-16-06

A month of the venerable, slow moving comic Mary Worth, precisely acted out by fans. Requires QT. via the equally venerable, slow moving memepool.
comment posted at 10:03 AM on Nov-12-06
comment posted at 12:24 PM on Nov-12-06

A year-by-year archive, from 1930 to the present, of every poignant, creepy, tacky, tragic, goofy, beautiful and, yes, kinda slutty cover of the magazine that started out as Astounding Stories of Super Science and became Analog, with lots of changes in between. [via the horse's neck]
comment posted at 12:01 AM on Nov-12-06

When Jack Williamson published his first story, Isaac Asimov was eight years old. Seventy-three years later, his novella, "The Ultimate Earth," won the Hugo and Nebula awards. Easily the longest career in science fiction, and one of the most distinguished, came to a close yesterday: Williamson died at the age of 98. (Boing Boing, Locus.)
comment posted at 11:30 AM on Nov-11-06

The Rolling Stones have produced a few of the Greatest Albums of All Time. Now Exile on Main Street, said by many to be The Stones their best work, has had its demo tracks and outtakes leaked on to the web. via
comment posted at 11:34 AM on Nov-7-06
comment posted at 11:35 AM on Nov-7-06
comment posted at 11:37 AM on Nov-7-06
comment posted at 11:41 AM on Nov-7-06
comment posted at 12:10 PM on Nov-7-06
comment posted at 12:11 PM on Nov-7-06

Minotauromaquia - a stop motion animated short set to Stravinsky's in which Picasso confronts the minotaur and some other painted characters come to life. The image of the Minotaur is a recurring symbol of self in Picasso's works. (main link via Milinkito [more])
comment posted at 12:39 PM on Nov-5-06

Newsfilter: U.S. Seeks Silence on CIA Prisons
"The Bush administration has told a federal judge that terrorism suspects held in secret CIA prisons should not be allowed to reveal details of the "alternative interrogation methods that their captors used to get them to talk...the government, in trying to block lawyers' access to the 14 detainees, effectively asserts that the detainees' experiences are a secret that should never be shared with the public."

Previously: (1) (2)
comment posted at 10:06 AM on Nov-4-06
comment posted at 10:32 AM on Nov-4-06

Ted Haggard, one of the most prominent evangelical pastors in the nation, resigned today as president of the National Association of Evangelicals amid allegations that he carried on a three-year sexual relationship with a male prostitute. He also steps down as pastor of of his 14,000-member New Life Church while a church panel investigates, saying he could "not continue to minister under the cloud created by the accusations."
comment posted at 3:45 PM on Nov-2-06
comment posted at 3:54 PM on Nov-2-06
comment posted at 9:49 PM on Nov-4-06
comment posted at 9:50 PM on Nov-4-06
comment posted at 9:50 PM on Nov-4-06
comment posted at 9:51 PM on Nov-4-06
comment posted at 7:39 PM on Nov-13-06
comment posted at 8:45 AM on Nov-14-06

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