2067 MetaFilter comments by Witty (displaying 701 through 750)

Shutting Down NYC for one day in protest of the RNC. A couple of guys from New York propose to protest the Republican National Convention by trying to get every New Yorker to call in sick for one day -- 9/1 -- one day before Bush's acceptance speech.

CNN article link

While I'm doubtful about the chance for success, it's always good to creativity with dissent.
comment posted at 5:44 AM on Aug-30-04

Operation Truth seeks to educate the American public about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from the perspective of the soldiers who have experienced them first-hand. It was founded by U.S. Army Reservist Paul Rieckhoff, who gave a Democratic radio address in May.
comment posted at 10:05 AM on Aug-26-04

Swift Boat Veterans' lawyer leaves Bush campaign. "I cannot begin to express my sadness that my legal representations have become a distraction from the critical issues at hand in this election," Benjamin Ginsberg wrote in a resignation letter to Bush released by the campaign.

Ginsberg's acknowledgment Tuesday evening that he was providing legal advice to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth marked the second time in days that an individual associated with the Bush-Cheney campaign had been connected to the group, which Kerry accuses of being a front for the Republican incumbent's re-election effort. The Bush campaign and the veterans' group have said repeatedly that there is no coordination. More inside...
comment posted at 11:00 AM on Aug-25-04

Tivo Time!
The major news networks just got snubbed it seems. Whatever your position this is guaranteed to be entertaining. Even my 'newsfilter' link has a few chuckles! Don't miss the fun tonight!
comment posted at 1:32 PM on Aug-24-04

A 16 year-old girl was hanged in Iran for having a "sharp tongue," i.e. back-talking the judge.
comment posted at 12:17 PM on Aug-23-04

Huckapoo! OMG is that the worst band name ever, or what? ...Daniel Radosh extends his healthy obsession with teenage female celebrities with a list of why Huckapoo is now officially his new favorite band. ("Say what you want about Modest Mouse, but do they have a logo like that?")
comment posted at 11:19 AM on Aug-20-04

Thoughts from Within is an interesting multimedia poem from Woody Harrelson, whose work has been previously discussed on Metafilter here. [Warning: link goes directly to .swf flash file]
comment posted at 11:28 AM on Aug-20-04
comment posted at 2:06 PM on Aug-20-04
comment posted at 9:48 AM on Aug-23-04

Introducing: Metal Rubber. "Twist it, stretch it double, fry it to 200°C, douse it with jet fuel—the stuff survives. After the torment, it snaps like rubber back to its original shape, all the while conducting electricity like solid metal." Sounds familiar, no? Here's the son of the Roswell air field's intel officer, describing the debris he says he saw in 1947: "It was possible to flex this stuff back and forth, even to wrinkle it, but you could not put a crease in it that would stay, nor could you dent it at all. I would almost have to describe it as a metal with plastic properties." The UFO freaks are already all over the "back engineering" of Roswell crash debris. Meanwhile, there's something unusual in the sky over Minnesota right now.
comment posted at 11:06 AM on Aug-20-04

George W. Bush's latest TV ads juxtapose Iraq's and Afghanistan's flags with footage of Olympic sport, proclaiming, "At this Olympics, there will be two more free nations — and two fewer terrorist regimes." At a campaign stop, Bush said, "just the image of the Iraqi soccer team playing in this Olympics. It's fantastic, isn't it? What a fantastic thought." The possibly medal-bound Iraqi soccer team, however, objects to any such association. While Bush goes on to say, "Here's a country now, battling for a country that is now free. It wouldn't have been free if the United States had not acted," Ahmed Manajid, midfield goes so far as to say, "if he were not playing soccer he would 'for sure' be fighting as part of the resistance."
comment posted at 11:56 AM on Aug-19-04
comment posted at 1:17 PM on Aug-19-04

"This site was created with one goal; to create the most comprehensive online archive of information and digital photos of the Coventry Vermont Phish show, August 14th and 15th 2004." Seems odd to think folks went to the trouble of dedicating an entire website to just a single concert, until you learn it was the very last one for Phish.
comment posted at 3:10 PM on Aug-17-04
comment posted at 3:31 PM on Aug-17-04

When he was seven years old, Brandon Maxfield was accidentally shot in the face, becoming permanently paralyzed below the neck. [More inside]
comment posted at 5:45 PM on Aug-9-04
comment posted at 6:55 PM on Aug-9-04
comment posted at 7:26 PM on Aug-9-04
comment posted at 8:03 PM on Aug-9-04
comment posted at 12:11 AM on Aug-10-04

Is phonebooking illegal? No. Well...yes. Assault is assault. Just don't get caught.
comment posted at 2:16 PM on Aug-6-04
comment posted at 2:36 PM on Aug-6-04

First an award for outstanding journalism and now President Clinton to appear on the show. Is there no end to the respectable rise of the Daily Show?
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Aug-6-04
comment posted at 12:22 PM on Aug-6-04

The number 666 has been drawn by the Pennsylvania Lottery 12 times. Well, legally that is. On April 24, 1980, Pittsburgh personality Nick Perry, host of local TV shows and the live lottery drawing, fixed the lottery drawings. Perry has since passed away, but the story lived on in a (badly made) film adaptation. [more inside]
comment posted at 1:47 PM on Aug-6-04

Help the scarecrows scare the crows in this beautifully done Flash game: A Murder of Scarecrows.
comment posted at 7:24 AM on Jul-30-04
comment posted at 7:42 AM on Jul-30-04

We have all seen online quizzes to aid in making important life choices. For instance, this quiz purports to guide you in making career choices. Confused about religion and seeking to find a faith that suits your beliefs, now we have Belief-O-Matic.
comment posted at 5:26 AM on Jul-30-04

Michael Moore vs. Bill O'Reilly No, I'm not kidding. And yes, it is a Drudge link. Watch O'Reilly Godwin halfway through the interview.
comment posted at 2:02 AM on Jul-29-04
comment posted at 5:39 AM on Jul-29-04
comment posted at 7:20 AM on Jul-29-04
comment posted at 7:42 AM on Jul-29-04
comment posted at 4:46 AM on Jul-30-04
comment posted at 7:42 AM on Jul-31-04

Smoking Gun: Dentist Injects Semen into Patient's Mouths
In yet another freakish story that's almost too bizarre to believe, a dentist is accused of injecting semen into his patient's mouths during procedures.

I hope he gets a jail cell with the Penis Pumpin' Judge. Seriously though, what is wrong with these people? Do they want to get caught or are they just overtaken by their sexual fetishes that they lose control of themselves?
found via One Girl's Life
comment posted at 2:18 AM on Jul-29-04

How To Insult Gay Men And Women At The Same Time: Isn't Arnold Shwarzenegger getting a bit of a free ride? Sixties hero Paul Krassner (who notoriously described LBJ avidly fornicating JFK's bullet holed cranium on Air Force One) may be mellower and less forthright but his instincts seem as acute as ever. Btw, what other 60s yippies and figureheads are still relevant?
comment posted at 1:08 AM on Jul-28-04

So Jason Giambi (likely) has amoebas in his intestines. Funny, this is the kind of potentially fatal illness someone gets when their immune system is weakened by anabolic steroids. A good doctor of a professional athelete is going to tell his patient "if you want to, you know, live through this, stop taking steroids." Maybe that's why Giambi is only hitting .220 and looks like a pale facsimile of his former self. So given the BALCO investigation and baseball's utter unwillingness to address this issue seriously, how much longer do these guys get away with asking "Who you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?" before a prominent player goes the way of Lyle Alzado? Is it none of our business? Are steroids just part of modern sports?
comment posted at 5:44 AM on Jul-27-04
comment posted at 5:45 AM on Jul-27-04

A threat to national security! Adam McGaughey, the owner of a Stargate fansite has been slapped with criminal charges (Criminal Copyright Infringement and Trafficking in Counterfeit Services) after being reported to the FBI by the MPAA for including Amazon links to encourage fans to purchase DVDs of the show. To build its case, the FBI invoked a provision of the USA Patriot Act to obtain financial records from his ISP. And, since he "conspired" with thousands of fans worldwide by providing these Amazon Market links, he could be facing up to 20 years in jail if the government invokes RICO.
comment posted at 12:59 AM on Jul-27-04

comment posted at 9:45 AM on Jul-23-04

REO, Styx and Journey. On a cruise ship. Now you can take that cruise and mingle with three 80's mega-bands (if you purchase the platinum package) for seven days. Tickets anyone? [via Kill Ugly Radio]
comment posted at 2:19 PM on Jul-22-04

Kerry Edwards. Hi, My name is Kerry Edwards. Two years ago I registered this domain name to put up photos for my family and friends.
comment posted at 10:59 AM on Jul-22-04

Your Tax Dollars At Work! What better way to help the homeless find housing and employment than through a website? Surely the Internet is the solution to all society's problems.
comment posted at 11:17 AM on Jul-22-04

Nature or Nurture? Like father like daughter
comment posted at 1:17 PM on Jul-21-04
comment posted at 2:02 PM on Jul-21-04
comment posted at 9:37 AM on Jul-22-04

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