1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 701 through 750)

Wherefore art thou, NM? "Amid the intense legal and public relations battle for Florida and its 25 electoral votes, Al Gore may have lost a state: New Mexico."
comment posted at 6:02 PM on Nov-10-00
comment posted at 7:16 PM on Nov-11-00

a call for Gore to stop? This is a well reasoned argument but is sometimes rambling. Do you think it makes sense? Is Gore really loosing credibility? Should he really give up the fight? Discuss.
comment posted at 5:48 PM on Nov-10-00

Signs, signs, everywhere signs Modern Humorist takes a deeper look into the semiotic nightmare that is Palm Beach County.
comment posted at 8:11 PM on Nov-12-00

Wow! Non-election related news. Courtesy of Linux Weekly News (which came out this morning), a picture of the new ".com" version of Monopoly. Did they get the companies in the order of priority you would have expected?
comment posted at 8:22 AM on Nov-10-00

Electoral Defection. Let's say Bush wins Florida after the recount and other machinations. What if the electors meeting December 18 decide that they should forgo their state loyalty and abide by the nationwide popular vote? Also: Alabama's curious process in which, until 1976, voters actually voted for electors, not candidates, resulting in defections in 1960.
comment posted at 6:30 AM on Nov-10-00

The Memo issued to Palm-Beach poll workers on Tuesday morning.
comment posted at 6:34 AM on Nov-10-00

Porter Glendinning on a weblist noted: "According to http://www.tcpalm.com/_special/pres_returns.shtml, David McReynolds, the Socialist candidate who had the hole beneath Gore's on the ballot, got no more than 36 votes in any county in Florida except Palm Beach, where he got 302. Seems questionable to me." So we've definitely got a problem with the ballot. Is it do over time yet?
comment posted at 6:46 AM on Nov-10-00

Linear regression analysis adds approximately 2700 votes to Gore's tally -- "If Palm Beach county were like the other counties, according to estimates with Bush's votes Buchanan would have gotten around 600 votes in that county instead of 3407 votes he actually got. If we used Gore's votes to predict Buchanan's vote, we would have predicted Buchanan to get somewhere around 792 votes. ...[in any case] it can be claimed with a high degree of statistical confidence that the mistakes cost Gore somewhere between 2000 and 3000 votes. If Bush wins Florida by an amount smaller than this, such as 1700 votes, a strong claim can be made that the confusion over the unique ballot structure in Palm Beach cost Gore the presidency...."
comment posted at 7:34 AM on Nov-10-00

Official Florida Law on Paper Ballots. I've been reading from the pundits that the Florida ballot may be illegal because it "specifies that voters mark an X in the blank space to the right of the name of the candidate they want to vote for." (Quote from MSNBC) However, the Florida statue I found says "opposite such candidate's name." Has anyone heard this argument, and if the Dems are actually gonna try it?
comment posted at 4:46 PM on Nov-9-00
comment posted at 7:52 AM on Nov-10-00

There ARE 2,856 people who WOULD and DID vote for Buchanan once before. (for people who are whining about there not being 3000 people in Palm Beach who would vote for Buchanan)
comment posted at 4:58 PM on Nov-9-00
comment posted at 7:54 AM on Nov-10-00

The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution looks like it states that Texas cannot, in fact, cast its electoral votes for Bush and Cheney. Although he was careful to be photographed in Jackson Hole, WY, Cheney is in fact a resident of Texas and has a Texas driver's license. (Overheard from radio news) (Discuss)
comment posted at 5:12 PM on Nov-9-00
comment posted at 7:57 AM on Nov-10-00

Poor user interface elects George W. The second hole on the right does not correspond to the second candidate on the left (Gore), but rather to the first candidate on the right (Buchanan). While many people will notice this, many others, especially those with poor vision, will not. About 20% of Buchanan's votes in FL came from the county that used this ballot.
comment posted at 5:25 PM on Nov-9-00
comment posted at 7:59 AM on Nov-10-00

Confused about the electoral college? This may help you sort it out.
comment posted at 8:57 PM on Nov-8-00

US Votes Republican -- except for all the people. Anyone still need an explanation of the Electoral College?
comment posted at 12:33 PM on Nov-8-00
comment posted at 1:38 PM on Nov-8-00
comment posted at 6:06 PM on Nov-9-00
comment posted at 8:02 AM on Nov-10-00

Nevada, Colorado approve medical marijuana but Alaska's decrim measure goes down in flames.
comment posted at 2:12 PM on Nov-8-00

Conspiracy theorists, start your engines. Regardless of the outcome, those "9 missing ballot boxes" are going to figure in conspiracy theories for decades to come -- there are still people talking about how Nixon was robbed by the Daley machine in 1960. (The fact that a Bush is governor in Florida surely won't shut anyone up.)
comment posted at 10:00 AM on Nov-8-00
comment posted at 12:50 PM on Nov-8-00

It's not over yet folks! Democratic candidate Al Gore has called GOP presidential candidate George W. Bush for the second time tonight, retracting his earlier call congratulating Bush on his victory. Gore is expected to speak to his supporters in Nashville soon.
comment posted at 10:15 AM on Nov-8-00

The Onion, as usual. 'Nuff said.
comment posted at 1:24 PM on Nov-8-00

Can you die of an Adrenaline overdose? I'd had to see the blood level of adrenaline in Bush and Gore right now. But there's an advantage [more]
comment posted at 1:27 PM on Nov-8-00

World's biggest diamond robbery foiled. Yeah, this could have been serious, but it's straight out of The Thomas Crown Affair. Break through the Dome's gates with a JCB, sneak into the vault, escape on a powerboat. It's almost a pity that the Sweeney was there to foil it.
comment posted at 10:25 AM on Nov-7-00
comment posted at 1:55 PM on Nov-7-00

Webcasting:Doing it Legally. Or, just use live365.com and get saddled with whatever policies they decide to throw at you.
comment posted at 8:05 AM on Nov-7-00
comment posted at 1:58 PM on Nov-7-00

Fear and Loathing in the MLB : Gonzo progenitor Hunter S. Thompson kicks off his all-new ESPN column with a modest proposal on speeding up baseball.
comment posted at 5:25 PM on Nov-6-00
comment posted at 5:27 PM on Nov-6-00

Who owns the rights to your website if you write a book about it?
Michael J. Hammel posed this question today on a mailing list that I am on.
comment posted at 10:43 AM on Nov-6-00

This is unusual. Discuss.
comment posted at 8:27 PM on Nov-3-00

Why are people who commit felonies no longer allowed to vote? Are they no longer citizens?
comment posted at 4:18 PM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 4:19 PM on Nov-3-00

Synthetic Jailbait. That's what you get when you demonize attraction to sexy little 16 and 17 year old Britney wannabees. [parental advisory: explicit lyrics] [from Flutterby, which walks this beat more often than me.]
comment posted at 1:08 PM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 1:09 PM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 1:15 PM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 1:59 PM on Nov-3-00

"Search. It's all we do. Test our results." So, is that braggadocio... or insecurity? Given the spate of "how [they] scammed Google" pieces lately, I find the newest addition to their home page... interesting.
comment posted at 7:21 AM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 5:21 PM on Nov-3-00

Hordes of penguins falling over, does anyone else find this vision hilarious?
comment posted at 1:29 PM on Nov-3-00

Clinton's final days - this whimsical take on what Clinton's doing now that he hasn't got much time left is pretty funny. I'm amazed that they got Clinton to appear in it. What a good sport, he actually seems kind of likable in this thing. Not that I'd blow him, mind you.
comment posted at 1:31 PM on Nov-3-00

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