1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 851 through 900)

It's all over... And I can honestly say that watching this Olympics has shaken all the pre-Games cynicism out of my system. It's been wonderful to watch, looked wonderfully organised, and suffused with a sense of good spirit by its hosts... good on you, mates.
comment posted at 11:27 AM on Oct-1-00

The Dutch demonstrate yet again that they have the most open-minded and progressive culture on the planet. They've also legalized cannibis.
comment posted at 11:32 AM on Oct-1-00
comment posted at 3:06 PM on Oct-1-00

Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic Jakob Nielsen says "to take the Internet to the next level, users must begin posting their own material ... the vast wasteland of Geocities confirms this. Giving users a home-page editing program does not turn them into good writers." Meg takes Nielsen to task: "his recommended approach is crazy ...Why bog kids down with HTML?" Blogs, of course, are her solution. But for some folks this simply doesn't add up. Saying kids shouldn't learn HTML because Blogger exists is like saying they shouldn't learn to add because calculators exist.
comment posted at 9:14 AM on Oct-2-00
comment posted at 8:32 AM on Oct-3-00

Who owns your name? I could not find this story on the web. I saw it in print. It appeared in an article by Geoffrey Vanderburg in the Friday Sept. 29th Edmonton Journal.
Here's an excerpt. "An internet company with links to the National Firearms Association has been ordered to give up a Web site using Justice Minister Anne McLellan's name. Smartcanuk Internet Services has been told to transfer control of annemclellan.com to Canada's justice minister, McLellan's Edmonton lawyer said Thursday"
Al Green, owner of Smartcanuk... says the ruling sets a "very very dangerous precedent."
"Sandra Sellers, an eResolution arbitrator...., decided Monday to grant transfer of annemclellan.com and annemclellan.org to McLellan."
McLellan was able to demonstrate that the domain name was identical or similar to a trade-mark, that Green had no legitimate interests in the name, and that the name was being used in bad faith....
Green argues McLellan is not a trademark, she's not famous and his use of the Web site does not constitute "bad faith"

I think I have to agree with the arbitrator on this one. If there is one last sacred domain we should be entitled to it is our own names. Although in the case of the John Smiths of the world that position is likely to take some heat. Any thoughts people?
comment posted at 9:32 PM on Sep-30-00

"It is important that we show the diversity of the University of Idaho." And we'll do whatever it takes to show it. [more inside]
comment posted at 9:25 PM on Sep-30-00
comment posted at 6:53 AM on Oct-2-00

Watch an urban legend work its magic! First, read the post at the top of the page, then SCROLL DOWN AND READ THE COMMENTS.
comment posted at 7:05 AM on Oct-2-00

Small town America. In the wake of a scandal involving a hidden video camera taping in the girl's junior high locker room, teacher Dennis Curtis and Assistant Principal Gary Ferguson have been recommended for dismissal.

So what's the problem? Curtis and Ferguson are the whistleblowers, not the alleged culprits. Harry "Noonie" Red Eagle Jr., seen positioning the camera on one of the tapes, has resigned. His father is the superintendent of the school system, and recommended Curtis and Ferguson be fired.
comment posted at 2:01 PM on Sep-30-00

What happened to the Open Directory? Does anyone know why this site has gone down?
comment posted at 7:29 AM on Sep-29-00
comment posted at 2:04 PM on Sep-30-00

It's about time. (More inside)
comment posted at 10:06 AM on Sep-28-00

That's $229.5 million per... Who says silicone is harmful? I'm tempted now to go get some myself.
comment posted at 9:59 AM on Sep-28-00

when you aren't protesting anything, why not protest nothing?
comment posted at 1:49 PM on Sep-28-00

Don't have what it takes to compete in the Olympics? Buy your way to glory.
comment posted at 7:21 PM on Sep-27-00

Tom Clancy doesn't write his own books!!! While not totally surprising, somewhat disappointing if the story and rumors are true.
comment posted at 12:40 PM on Sep-27-00
comment posted at 7:48 PM on Sep-27-00

Are you Pee-Shy? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. In fact, recent studies show that about 7% of the public, or 17 million people, may suffer from this social anxiety disorder. Often referred to as Pee-Shy, Shy-Bladder, Bashful Bladder, etc.

It could be more people than that. And the majority of them are men. But how many have the guts to step forward and publicly admit it? Not many.
comment posted at 1:52 PM on Sep-28-00

The DropLift: A wonderful culture jamming project. I was involved in the early stages, back when it was initially being discussed. I can't believe that they actually made it happen! The DropLift site itself provides all the materials necessary to get involved.
comment posted at 1:00 PM on Sep-27-00

Norm and Cliff may be headed to the Supreme Court to battle some sticky isssues. Should a studio own characters and use them in any way they see fit, despite the actors' wishes? Or do actors have a say in how their likenesses are used? Who really "owns" a character?
comment posted at 7:59 PM on Sep-27-00

"Internet Killed The Video Star" should be the Official© Anthem of the Internet
comment posted at 8:01 PM on Sep-27-00

What if they had a school shooting and no one reported it? *sigh* I watched the typical US evening news broadcasts hoping to see some coverage of this event, but there was none. I don't want to believe that the reason it went underreported was because it happened at an "inner city" school and the media has the perception that "those people kill each other all the time, what's one more?" but the small, dark, pessimistic part of myself is starting to believe I'm right.
comment posted at 8:04 PM on Sep-27-00

Does this teach any males here anything? I'm sure that it would be very useful to someone. Though I'm not sure who exactly.
comment posted at 8:35 PM on Sep-27-00
comment posted at 8:03 AM on Sep-28-00
comment posted at 10:20 AM on Sep-28-00

US Supreme Court denies the government's Microsoft appeal, 8-1, and sends it back to the goddam Circuit Court for yet another year of hysterical lies and bullshit. Score one for the enemy.
comment posted at 8:51 PM on Sep-27-00

How bizarre. University of Texas at Dallas "Words and Phrases that Offend Students" (mostly blacks and women). So stunned, I don't know what to think of it.
comment posted at 7:15 AM on Sep-26-00

TiVos are raining from the sky! Jason Kottke won, so I entered. I won, and while my piece was obviously a piece of literary genius, it wasn't *that* good. I think we need to do a scientific study -- who can write the stupidest "Why I Want a TiVo" essay and still win?
comment posted at 1:17 PM on Sep-28-00
comment posted at 7:34 AM on Sep-29-00

I don't know how serious this guy is, but he does have a comprehensive Fag Facts page. Some times I don't know what is good satire and what is just ignorant hate propaganda.
comment posted at 8:51 AM on Sep-25-00

Dear Australia, I'm so sorry we foisted this upon you. Love, plinth.
comment posted at 9:25 AM on Sep-23-00

Reuters 09/22 6:34PM -- NBC, which in August bid for the exclusive right to host a presidential debate, said on Friday it would broadcast a baseball game instead of the first showdown between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush. "We have a contract with major-league baseball. You don't seriously think we have any interest in democracy, do you?,'' said NBC spokeswoman Barbara Levin. "If we were offerred more than the value of the baseball contract, we would be televising it.''
comment posted at 9:37 AM on Sep-23-00

The Adventures of Lacey Brazeer. [Yet Another] Feminist comic strip. Courtesy, unsurprisingly, of Charlotte. I found this screamingly funny; YMMV.
comment posted at 12:57 PM on Sep-22-00

We've heard of intelligence and emotional intelligence, but what about spiritual intelligence? Gary Zukav is spiritually brilliant. He frequently appears on Oprah, from which I assume (accepting all implicit risks) that his audience consists largely of women. Which is too bad, because men have quite a lot to learn from this man as well, and it would do a world of good (being, unjustly, a man's world) if every man did.
comment posted at 8:04 AM on Sep-22-00

Wall of Sound Soundbooth goes public beta
I've never seen an Internet radio site that gives you so much control over what you're listening to. Stations are streamed, but on a track by track basis, so you can pause and skip tracks. You can create your own stations to mix genres, specific albums, specific artists or even specific tracks. Am I naive? How does it compare to other Internet radio?
comment posted at 4:37 PM on Sep-20-00
comment posted at 8:09 AM on Sep-22-00

NBC pulls slasher parody ad. Could someone please explain to me how this ad encourages violence towards women?
comment posted at 4:42 PM on Sep-20-00
comment posted at 1:35 PM on Sep-22-00
comment posted at 10:27 PM on Sep-22-00

I like this site, but it looks an awful lot like this other site. Have you no respect for the property of others, Stewart? Must you steal to make yourself feel good?
comment posted at 1:14 PM on Sep-22-00

The author of The Anarchist Cookbook wants is to go out of print, but his publisher owns the copyright and keeps pumping them out. I had always heard the CIA published it, and filled it with faulty recipies designed to kill anybody messing with bomb materials.
Might be another twist on recent copyright discussions, but what do I know, I paid for my copy of Steal This Book.
via BoingBoing
comment posted at 8:59 AM on Sep-20-00

Manny Poppins? Would you hire a male nanny? I don't see any problems with it as long as there is a good back-ground check.
comment posted at 9:04 AM on Sep-20-00

The rabbit is out of the hat when it comes to frivolous genetic manipulation of living creatures. And he glows in the dark.
comment posted at 8:39 AM on Sep-19-00

Frozen body falls from plane en route from Moscow
Pretty sad story when you think about it, that someone could be so desperate to get to a better world that they would attempt something so dangerous.
comment posted at 8:42 AM on Sep-19-00

That 2-way satellite Internet service that we were all musing about a few weeks back may be this offering from Gilat2Home, who prudently decided that that was way too...
comment posted at 3:29 PM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 4:29 PM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 8:49 AM on Sep-19-00

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