1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 901 through 950)

Got to get this (just couldn't find a better link on Adobe -- the press release is very dry) which basically means finding someone else who's bought it and copying it of them.

So, given the in depth discussion of design copyright here, where do we stand when it comes to software?

Who can honestly say they haven't got any major pieces of software on their machines that they didn't pay for? And has any private individual ever been caught with same?
comment posted at 12:45 PM on Sep-17-00

froschi.blogger.com Pure curiousity?! I'm wondering what significance this new blogger subdomain actually has?
(I'm not the only curious person)
comment posted at 8:56 AM on Sep-19-00

I'm blogging Tropical Storm Gordon. If you live on the West coast of Florida, or know someone who does, I'll try to help you keep an eye out. If you don't, well, ignore this, ok? ;-) [Flames to /meta/talk.]
comment posted at 11:46 AM on Sep-17-00
comment posted at 8:17 AM on Sep-18-00

Lars' statement to the Comittee - I don't know how many lawyers co-operated for writting this, but it's the art of writing at its best. It almost convinced me to stop trading .mp3 files. What do you think about Lars' speech?
comment posted at 3:28 PM on Sep-16-00

I have no doubts that people will get exercise from watching this workout video, but somehow, I don't think it's going to be aerobics. Check the reviews, I didn't even know there was a genre like this. This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen at Amazon, anyone seen anything weirder?
comment posted at 12:52 PM on Sep-17-00

Not to extend his 15 minutes of infamy, but, he has a story to tell. Just hear him out.
comment posted at 1:05 PM on Sep-17-00

Has Google finally sold out? You may have already seen this via Robot Wisdom - evidence that Google has monkeyed with their search engine to give preference to partner Yahoo!'s pages. I guess it had to happen sooner or later, but I'm sad. Anyone know of a better search engine on the horizon that still has integrity?
comment posted at 12:38 PM on Sep-13-00

A great essay on copyright from the Atlantic Monthly... Hardly new [1998]... but a great read nonetheless. Of course, it might have been better to have placed it under the previous Powazek posting, but I still can't figure out how to post a link within a thread. Well, that and it's only tangentially related.
comment posted at 3:33 PM on Sep-13-00

US Energy Department page a ripoff from Intel.com? I was just reading about the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve and while I was reading the page I had the strange feeling that the template was copied from another site. So is this some kind of generic template or was it an original Intel production?
comment posted at 12:17 PM on Sep-9-00
comment posted at 8:33 PM on Sep-11-00

Music IS Commerce. Awright. I'm sick of this. It is beyond trendy to lump in Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Backstreet etc. as "non-music" because they're "corporate" and exist to make money.

So? What's the big deal? It's fun music. Why is it there's one generation who refuses to acknowledge what the masses like? Why is it as soon as something reaches critical mass, it is no longer of any "artistic" value?
comment posted at 12:28 PM on Sep-9-00

MC Hawking in da ho-use! Damn straight! You don't know Da Good Doctor till you get his phat beats in your ass. Or something. Check out the MP3s, yo, and move while you groove to the discography, news and pictures. Wicked science by day, masta gansta rapper by night. Byatch.
comment posted at 12:29 PM on Sep-9-00

Dennis Miller explained... How many football fans will check this on Tuesday mornings to find out what the hell he's talking about?
comment posted at 12:42 PM on Sep-9-00

Death of the Websafe Color Palette? Bring some coffee, these people bring a lot of math to their idea.
comment posted at 2:49 PM on Sep-8-00
comment posted at 2:56 PM on Sep-8-00
comment posted at 2:58 PM on Sep-8-00

Greg does it again, in an extremely well-written piece on lawyers slapping geeks with a good ol' Cold Fish of Reality. (thoughts inside)
comment posted at 6:54 AM on Sep-8-00

As long as you're at Sears to get your child's school uniforms, you can also attend to...uh...other problems.
comment posted at 6:55 AM on Sep-8-00

A historical rebuttal to the currently rabid NRA. Michael Bellesiles analyzes gun culture throughout American history and finds a number of points that disagree with Chuck Heston's version of 'Merica. Not surprisingly, the NRA is livid. At the risk of posting flamebait, will people ever be able to approach this issue from a reasoned, educated perspective, rather than responding with knee-jerk reactions?
comment posted at 6:57 AM on Sep-8-00
comment posted at 7:14 AM on Sep-8-00

More Amazonian sneakery - Depending on a number of factors, among them the type of browser you are using, Amazon will charge you a different price for the same DVD. According to Amazon it's all in an effort to better serve the customer.
comment posted at 7:38 AM on Sep-7-00

Was the Kursk submarine sunk by NATO submarines? Was it a collision that triggered the torpedo to explode?
comment posted at 1:19 PM on Sep-6-00
comment posted at 7:40 AM on Sep-7-00

Does Amazon deserve my statistics? I knew this was coming but I was hoping that it would all turn out for the better and Amazon would come to their senses. So the question is, are Wish Lists worth my data? Will ownership of my spending habits, phone number, address, credit card, browsing habits, and email address become the new price for using the Internet as a consumer?
comment posted at 1:23 PM on Sep-6-00

Da... da... da... DA DAAAA...
comment posted at 4:03 PM on Sep-4-00
comment posted at 7:36 PM on Sep-5-00

It's nice to know that sexism still reigns at computer conventions. These are from ECTS. (It will be a sad day when the booth-babe becomes extinct. In the mean time, these women can have my soul just by asking for it.)
comment posted at 3:59 PM on Sep-4-00
comment posted at 7:43 PM on Sep-5-00

Imagine if this kind of determination was directed toward accomplishing something useful. In a way this reminds me of those 'ultimate defiance' cartoons where the frog is choking the shit out of the pelican even as it slides down its throat. Noble, indomitable human spirit - or just another bored, rich guys bizarre ongoing self destruction?
comment posted at 4:07 PM on Sep-4-00

Lizard Tech has these proprietary formats for digital documentation and images that compress really well (3MB versus 150MB PDF etc) and produces better output. According to Communication Arts Sept/Oct issue there is a new image standard they're working on with other groups called jpeg 2000 that looks pretty cool with better images overall.
comment posted at 1:21 PM on Sep-3-00
comment posted at 4:04 PM on Sep-4-00

Sears presents... the school uniform superstore.
comment posted at 4:11 PM on Sep-4-00

Hands off the Internet! Argh. It frustrates me that we can't get "The Powers That Be" to see things this way.
comment posted at 4:10 PM on Sep-4-00

Despite the claims from Nobel Prize winning scientists that fat people have better sex lives (via memepool), the thought of this woman scares the hell out of me.
comment posted at 4:29 PM on Sep-4-00

It's Jerry Lewis's weekend; we just live in it. Nothing says holiday fun like a 21.5-hour parade of handicapped children!
comment posted at 4:33 PM on Sep-4-00

spoofmail A dangerous but hugely amusing pasttime. You could start world war three with this
comment posted at 8:56 PM on Sep-1-00
comment posted at 8:59 PM on Sep-1-00

If you can't beat em... Pearl Jam join the bootleggers. Makes me wish I was into them. Hope other bands will follow suit.
comment posted at 10:44 AM on Aug-31-00

ESPN redesigned.
comment posted at 6:54 AM on Aug-31-00

Yahoo now has a PayPal-style service. What is Yahoo not doing these days? And how does this relate to them being a media company? They've got the directory, bill payment, auctions, bookmarks, and a music player, among their many offerings. It seems like they've copied many major internet applications and put them in one place. Are they the "Microsoft" of the web in terms of innovation?
comment posted at 5:55 PM on Aug-30-00

It is the first week in school for a lot of students. What can I say - some obviously handles the change better than others ;-)
comment posted at 3:50 PM on Aug-29-00

"The world is turning into a cesspool of imbeciles!" "I don't want your input! You wanna input something, write your own goddamn story, moron!" "There's no amount of money in the world that could get me to do a commercial for McDonald's toadburgers." Choice quotes from a hilarious, scathing interview with Harlan Ellison. (From the "AV Club," one of the few non-parody/baloney sections of the Onion.)
comment posted at 2:41 PM on Aug-29-00

chelsea.clinton@ox.ac.uk? The Times is reporting that Miss Clinton is planning to follow in her father's footsteps. Though probably not too closely... I'd imagine that it'll be easier for her to fit into the college environment once she doesn't have the Secret Service in tow, but I'm still intrigued how she'll get on here...
comment posted at 2:51 PM on Aug-29-00

For those of you who don't want to violate the law by linking from your website to the DeCSS source code, you can now link to a [semi-]dramatic reading of the source code (3.5MB MP3), and this semi-alternative sort of Dylanesque folk song of the code (6.3MB MP3).

And no, I'm not making *any* of this up. Thanks to Dave at The Stuffed Dog. He can't blog it, but *I* sure can. :-) [Amazingly enough, they're both pretty good, although the song is a bit over driven. ]
comment posted at 2:59 PM on Aug-29-00

Code Name Mainstream (via NYTIMES)
One of those dumb MF posts that most of you would've found in your daily clicking reports on the strides in acceptance made by opensource advocates. Posted merely for initiating discussion, of course.
comment posted at 3:24 PM on Aug-28-00

ABC Mistakes Onion Story for Real News. Hilarity Ensues!
Couldn't resist... the "dummy" story even vaguely resembles my "White House Staff Eats Its Young" headline...
Now, compare and contrast with the handling of John Stossel's bogus lab results, or CBS' Craig Kilborn "sniper" sniping, or the Bryant Gumble mumble, or any other recent major media screw-up...
comment posted at 10:50 AM on Aug-28-00
comment posted at 4:36 PM on Aug-29-00

Color me surprised. My annoyance at Tom Clancy for the shoddy quality of Rainbow Six is well known. I had expected to give up on him entirely; I didn't even plan to buy the new one in hardcover without reading it first...
comment posted at 12:29 PM on Aug-27-00

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