1535 MetaFilter comments by cCranium (displaying 901 through 950)

CNN wants to know shoud voters in disputed parts of Florida be allowed to vote again. Right now the tide is against it.
comment posted at 4:33 PM on Nov-10-00

Planning on moving to Canada? Think twice. Not only will be abandoning the Land of Liberty, not only will you have a different election to worry about, but you'll also have to acclimate yourself to strange, foreign candy.
comment posted at 4:53 PM on Nov-9-00
comment posted at 5:07 AM on Nov-10-00

80% of newly found votes in the recount are for Gore. So either the inital vote count was biased for Bush, or the recount - which is being much more closely watched - is biased for Gore. (Or it's just a funny coincidence. Also, monkeys might fly out of my ass.)
comment posted at 4:43 PM on Nov-9-00

Counterstrike, the most popular networked first person shooter in the world, went gold today. If you have Half-life this mod is well worth the download.
comment posted at 4:38 PM on Nov-9-00
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Nov-10-00

The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution looks like it states that Texas cannot, in fact, cast its electoral votes for Bush and Cheney. Although he was careful to be photographed in Jackson Hole, WY, Cheney is in fact a resident of Texas and has a Texas driver's license. (Overheard from radio news) (Discuss)
comment posted at 10:20 AM on Nov-10-00

The first site to use the "SuperMedia" technology from Rail is up. The new Groovetech.
comment posted at 6:08 PM on Nov-8-00

My God! California has both a heart and a brain! [more]
comment posted at 12:21 PM on Nov-8-00

The US public proves yet again that it has no taste whatever, but does have an insatiable apetite for attractive young female skin. (But then, that was the only reason the TV show was ever successful.)

What's scary is that the reviewers seem to be liking it, too.
comment posted at 12:52 PM on Nov-5-00
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Nov-7-00

Armageddon in 30 years? Okay, so maybe hyped up a bit, but there's a 1:500 chance that whatever's out there might hit us. For now scientists don't know if it's really an asteroid, or just some leftover shuttle parts. [via SlashDot]
comment posted at 5:43 AM on Nov-6-00

This is unusual. Discuss.
comment posted at 8:15 AM on Nov-6-00

"Search. It's all we do. Test our results." So, is that braggadocio... or insecurity? Given the spate of "how [they] scammed Google" pieces lately, I find the newest addition to their home page... interesting.
comment posted at 8:02 AM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 8:12 AM on Nov-3-00
comment posted at 8:13 AM on Nov-3-00

Asshole of the year? G.W. Bush, who is expected to use opposition to Roe v Wade as a litmus test for new Supremes... got a 15 year old girl preggers in the 70s and paid for the abortion? Ethel seems convinced... make up your own mind.
comment posted at 11:41 AM on Nov-2-00

The number one thing that correlates with a region's high-tech success is the concentration of gay people living there.
comment posted at 6:24 AM on Nov-1-00
comment posted at 6:07 AM on Nov-2-00

Mr. Compassion. This man sickens me. "When did you graduate?" Bush asked her, as she recalls. She told him. That's when Bush told her that Yale "went downhill since they admitted women." Your president, America?
comment posted at 6:03 AM on Nov-2-00

OS X to support 2 button mice. Nice to see Apple finally catch up the cutting-edge, 1983 technology.
comment posted at 6:18 PM on Oct-31-00

Even if it didn't just plain old look neat [*large graphic*] the Clock of the Long Now is an awesome idea.
comment posted at 8:22 AM on Oct-31-00

signal succumbs to noise -- frankly i'm not surprised, but still it's depressing. then again i never really recovered from daljit daliwal's leaving ITN world news for public television...
comment posted at 8:15 AM on Oct-31-00

Bertelsmann, Napster to Develop Music Service
As part of this arrangement, BMG will be providing a loan to Napster, with a warrant to acquire some of Napster's equity.

If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em!
comment posted at 11:02 AM on Oct-31-00

This is the true story of what happens... when seven strangers... are picked to live in a house and have their lives taped... to see what happens when people stop being polite fat and start being real skinny. America's obsession with weight loss continues on ABC. It's the anti-Fat Project.
comment posted at 8:13 AM on Oct-31-00
comment posted at 8:14 AM on Oct-31-00
comment posted at 10:54 AM on Oct-31-00

The redesign blitzkrieg continues: Webvan is getting a new look, complete with light influences from Aqua and - yes - amazonesque tabs. As an added bonus, it won't work with Macs. I'm interested to see how this plays out.
comment posted at 4:39 PM on Oct-31-00

Now while these guys are not exactly the most unbiased source for an evaluation of the PlayStation 2, they have nonetheless backed up their evaluation with a lot of convincing hard information on the performance and in particular about the financing. If these guys have got it right, Sony's going to take a bath on this; they'll never come close to recouping their costs of production, let alone all the research they did. If these guys have it right, Sony will lose money on the PS2 as long as they sell it. This Is Not Good. (Unless you hate Rambus, like I do, because this means both of their markets will collapse.)
comment posted at 6:14 AM on Oct-31-00
comment posted at 4:36 PM on Oct-31-00

Isn't this how the IMDB got started? Maybe this guy will eventually be able to sell out. (But to who?)
comment posted at 5:59 AM on Nov-1-00

Ninga? Nintendo and Sega to form joint company. With Sony and M$ to contend with, it doesn't come as much of a surprise.
comment posted at 2:03 PM on Oct-30-00
comment posted at 5:53 AM on Oct-31-00
comment posted at 5:58 AM on Nov-1-00

Patrick Farley's latest comic is a great halloween treat. Anyone know of other good online comic artists?
comment posted at 1:55 PM on Oct-30-00
comment posted at 4:54 PM on Oct-30-00

About.com acquired by old-media concern Primedia for $690 million in Primedia stock. One of the true original web-content concepts has found a valuation anchor.
comment posted at 5:46 AM on Oct-31-00

Introducing Flash 6 - now only 98% Bad!
Jakob Neilsen focuses his alertbox on the evils of Flash, calls it 99% bad. Take that Rob Burgess, CEO of Macromedia (who last week equated the technology have-nots with being damned to Hell).
comment posted at 5:13 PM on Oct-30-00
comment posted at 8:08 AM on Oct-31-00
comment posted at 4:32 PM on Oct-31-00

Unsafe in any state. Salon trashes the Nader campaign big time, mainly claiming that his run for the Presidency is "reckless" and "dangerous". In an alleged democracy, doesn't any candidate who passes muster with the entry requirements have the right to run for the office?
comment posted at 1:15 PM on Oct-30-00
comment posted at 4:47 PM on Oct-30-00

U2's site gets a redesign, losing the befuddling wireframe "studio" concept for something a little more familiar: a timeline-cum-blog, taking elements of Classic Motown and U2log.
comment posted at 5:44 AM on Oct-31-00

More than you wanted to know about the "Tomb Raider" movie. What's weird about it all is that the timing sucks. The game has gone through five successive versions and they've used the same basic engine for all of them. These days it's looking significantly dated, and the last couple of games have gotten really poor reviews. Of course, it probably still sells well to frustrated teenage boys, but I think the last couple of games haven't sold anything like the previous ones did because it's the same old same old.

By the time the movie finally comes out, the game may already be history.

Has there ever been a movie made from a computer game which was either a commercial or critical success? "Mortal Combat" and "Super Mario Brothers" spring to mind as counter-examples.
comment posted at 6:01 AM on Oct-30-00

Tiny little Nader on a magcard. According to a poster at my site, he and his wife stumbled over a mysterious mag-stripe card at the mall. On this card, the number "4" and a small dot. When examined with a jeweler's loupe, it proved to be a microscopic holographic image of Ralph Nader
comment posted at 5:53 AM on Oct-30-00

The Meatball Ad is mostly being run in California by the Buchanan Campaign. Today was the first time I saw it running in New York. I have not seen any of the other presidential candidates are running any TV ads here. The ad shows a man passing out while waiting for the 911 voice choice menu after choking from eating a meatball as the TV news in the background declares that English is no longer America's official language. (The link is to a quicktime file.)
comment posted at 5:49 AM on Oct-30-00
comment posted at 4:40 PM on Oct-30-00

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