1110 MetaFilter comments by gd779 (displaying 1001 through 1050)

Uh. Uh. It's hard to talk when your jaw hits the floor. So, gay rights are 'special' rights that no one really has to pay any attention to because you'll get your Federal money, anyway. Just claim your priviledge is more important than some one else's priviledge. (Found via CubicleGirl )
comment posted at 2:59 PM on Jul-25-01
comment posted at 6:41 PM on Jul-25-01
comment posted at 2:48 PM on Jul-26-01
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Jul-26-01

More stick fighter action! This is one of the more interesting uses of Flash. Mmm tasty! (be warned, 2 meg download but well worth the wait)
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Jul-24-01

Congress Will Hold Hearing: Is Income Tax Legitimate? Robert Schulz’s We The People Foundation announced that the Justice Department and the U.S. Congress had committed in writing to appear in a recorded public meeting with IRS representatives. There they will officially answer charges challenging the legal jurisdiction of the IRS and the illegal enforcement of U.S. income tax laws against U.S. citizens.
comment posted at 7:20 PM on Jul-23-01

a drive to impeach five U.S. Supreme Court justices "egregiously bad behavior, high crimes and misdemeanors.'' (Reuters --> Yahoo --> Plastic --> here)
comment posted at 3:17 PM on Jul-23-01
comment posted at 3:27 PM on Jul-23-01

Kind of like shooting fish in a barrel but far less cruel. I can't help but love these sorts of compilations. (from McSweeney's)
comment posted at 3:29 PM on Jul-23-01

Bill Clinton responsible for the Genoa protestor's death? Yes, according to the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. This makes me think that if Bill Clinton didn't exist, the right would have to invent him. (Think of all those fundraising letters...)
comment posted at 11:22 AM on Jul-23-01
comment posted at 11:27 AM on Jul-23-01

These aren't your father's Objectivists -- they're WACKY! They like wacky rock music! They care for wacky birds! Being Objectivists, they believe themselves to be pundits -- but WACKY ones! I mean, look at these costumes -- these are Objectivists who knows how to have fun!
comment posted at 6:46 PM on Jul-22-01
comment posted at 8:15 PM on Jul-22-01
comment posted at 3:33 PM on Jul-23-01

As a soon to be minted threehundreddollar-inaire, I'm one of more than 90 million Americans who has received notice of my tax rebate on the way. But some 32 million Americans are due no tax rebate, and are now receiving notices in the mail to this effect- a letdown that Democrats are trying to capitalize on. Is the tax break going to backfire on Bush and the Republicans... ? << more inside >>
comment posted at 1:55 PM on Jul-22-01
comment posted at 2:12 PM on Jul-22-01
comment posted at 2:14 PM on Jul-22-01
comment posted at 7:10 PM on Jul-22-01
comment posted at 5:53 AM on Jul-23-01
comment posted at 4:37 AM on Jul-24-01

Italian Police raids Italian Indymedia.org and Genoa Social Forum More information and/or pictures can be found at these links: MSNBC CNN Il Nuovo Corriere della Sera

According to protesters radio, the Genoa Social Forum is going to release a video that shows police infiltration in rioters and more police abuse pics.

I believe there that must be no space for violence, unless one is subject to violence against his will. That's why I believe that policeman had the right to attack protesters to defend themselves and to defend peaceful protesters. But I think that's it's very difficult to understand what really happened in this situation.

Apparently one indymedia reporter from UK is now in coma after being beaten from police, and more then 50 protesters were seriously harmed. The police were looking for unsual weapons like maces and usual weapons like knifes. Police also accused Genoa Social Forum of being a "cover" for the violent protesters.

What do you think about fitting a mini-recorder in every policeman armor ? I think police activity needs to be recorded because they're the only ones authorized to use violence when necessary but they can also abuse this power easily when no camera is around.

Remember the police chases scenes you can see on tv ? They're usually made from TV helicopters. I've seen more then one chase ending with police professionally stopping the chased offender, without doing them any harm, even if pointing a gun at them. While sometimes I've seen police beating people senseless without any good reason ; and giving a punch to a policeman, while completely wrong, isn't an action that deservers over-reaction when 3-4 cops kick the hell out of the offender.

Waiting for your ideas and comments...
comment posted at 10:54 AM on Jul-22-01

Are we too tough on crime? "Nationwide, crime rates today are comparable to those of the 1970s, but the incarceration rate is four times higher than it was then. It's not crime that has increased; it's punishment." Yes, of course, people who do bad things should be punished. But is the current system worth the social and economic cost? Is there any better way to go about this? (Note: Lots of interesting internal links within the article.)
comment posted at 7:25 AM on Jul-21-01
comment posted at 7:26 AM on Jul-21-01
comment posted at 7:49 AM on Jul-21-01

Hundreds flush with excitement during test of arena's plumbing "We just drank a lot of tea at El Fenix, and we're ready to do what we can for our Stars," Diana Parker said before marching off to her assigned station. You have to use a email and password...so use mine. It's worth it. email - 404@404.com password - password.
comment posted at 12:43 PM on Jul-20-01

Protester dies in G8 summit clash A demonstrator has been killed amid clashes in the Italian city of Genoa where the leaders of the world's major industrialised countries are meeting for an annual summit.
comment posted at 7:45 AM on Jul-21-01
comment posted at 9:36 AM on Jul-21-01
comment posted at 11:10 AM on Jul-21-01
comment posted at 1:06 PM on Jul-21-01
comment posted at 1:18 PM on Jul-21-01
comment posted at 3:21 PM on Jul-21-01

Want to Live Rent Free? Get sick. What is a landlord to do when they have the legal right to evict a tenant, follow all of the legal procedures to evict a tenant, and then the judge forces them to allow the tenant to stay, rent free, for an unspecified length of time? How is it that this man's landlord suddenly has to pick up the slack/cost left by government sponsored social services, at a steep personal cost?

At what point do you become responsible for other people's survival?
comment posted at 1:43 PM on Jul-20-01

Hello??? McFly???!!??? Tiny, but remarkable Pro-Bush/global-warming-as-myth protest in Bonn as reported by The Times. 40 deluded rich american kids against the world. Literally. And, no it's not a new reality TV series... although... I can see it now.... "Protester"(tm)
comment posted at 8:18 AM on Jul-19-01
comment posted at 8:23 AM on Jul-19-01
comment posted at 8:59 AM on Jul-19-01

Compassionate Conservatism? George W Bush has called on the World Bank to offer more grants (as opposed to loans) to developing countries. "The needs are many and undeniable, and they're a challenge to our conscience and to complacency. A world where some live in comfort and plenty while half of the human race lives on less than $2 a day is neither just nor stable." Copied from the always-excellent NextDraft. NYT registration required.
comment posted at 9:47 AM on Jul-18-01

Loosening the noose... but still leaving the rope around the neck. "Far from hastening its own demise by allowing the Internet to penetrate its borders, an authoritarian state can actually utilize the Internet to its own benefit and increase its stability by engaging with the technology." An interesting - if not entirely expected - report on Internet access in Cuba and the People's Republic of China.
comment posted at 8:50 AM on Jul-18-01

Win XP's Product Activation as a breeze to hack. Provided that RC1 still ships as is and you keep your RAM locked at a fixed number of sticks, it's simply a matter of keeping a backup of a DBL file. For all the ballyhoo, it's amazing that something this obvious slipped under the cracks. With WPA this sloppy, is this the only half-hearted facet of Windows XP?
comment posted at 9:07 AM on Jul-18-01

NYTimes: "How Bush Took Florida: Mining the Overseas Absentee Vote" "Their goal was simple: to count the maximum number of overseas ballots in counties won by Mr. Bush, particularly those with a high concentration of military voters, while seeking to disqualify overseas ballots in counties won by Vice President Al Gore.

A six-month investigation by The New York Times of this chapter in the closest presidential election in American history shows that the Republican effort had a decided impact. Under intense pressure from the Republicans, Florida officials accepted hundreds of overseas absentee ballots that failed to comply with state election laws. "
comment posted at 9:57 PM on Jul-14-01

Bush people considering making all Mexican illegals citizens. Three million Mexican illegals to be made citizens under this possible move. Guess who they will vote for?
comment posted at 5:20 PM on Jul-14-01

"I'm getting fat because I'm eating a lot," said the 12-year-old with a mental age of 8, who conceived four months ago after being raped by her father.
Anyone against abortion?
comment posted at 5:27 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 5:30 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:12 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:15 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:18 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:25 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Jul-14-01
comment posted at 7:33 AM on Jul-15-01
comment posted at 2:13 PM on Jul-15-01

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