1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 1051 through 1100)

Why I Do Porn Even Though I'm Very Bright And Could Have Done Anything I Wanted. Apropos the earlier thread on women and promiscuity, here's an essay by Asia Carrera, Unreal skin maker, webmaster, and porn star, explaining why she chose to make adult films as a career.
comment posted at 10:24 AM on Aug-4-00

The flip side of the DejaNews linking fracas. Here's a story about YellowBrix (love that name) who supply a news feed with appropriate words pre-hotlinked to your products. This isn't exactly the same problem as the Deja thing for a couple reasons, but the original newswriters *still* didn't know their words would be linked. It's not as bad... but is it acceptable?
comment posted at 12:10 PM on Aug-3-00
comment posted at 2:56 PM on Aug-4-00

Rubberburner.com has been making the rounds via email and weblog, as has supergreg.com. They both look a little too "perfect" to be true, don't they? Turns out they're both carefully crafted ad sites, designed to sell us Lee jeans. Will we be seeing more of the Mahir ad model? I wonder how they went about spreading it initially....
comment posted at 12:19 PM on Aug-2-00
comment posted at 12:33 PM on Aug-2-00
comment posted at 11:42 AM on Aug-3-00

Babe in a Bottle? One could only hope so!!! Will Jenna from survivor pose nude for Playboy? Will Colleen change her mind from "no" to "yes"??? Who would you like to see in Playboy??? Does anyone here besides the sexist men care?
comment posted at 12:33 PM on Aug-2-00
comment posted at 9:02 AM on Aug-3-00

What's the right answer? FEMA's plans to use the Army to quell serious civil disturbances that might crop up during the Republican Convention almost certainly violates Posse Comitatus... but can the Army National Guard cope with the stuff? And can it chop to FEMA in the first place?
comment posted at 2:20 PM on Aug-2-00
comment posted at 2:23 PM on Aug-2-00

Somewhere, people are saying, "This never happens to Alan Greenspan."
comment posted at 9:04 AM on Aug-3-00

Not just a deranged, hateful old man with a gun... a drunken deranged, hateful old man with a gun... (I personally attended an event at one of these "various universities" - social drinker my ass...)
comment posted at 7:48 PM on Aug-1-00

Do the time warp Surf with the browsers of yesteryear...
comment posted at 7:05 PM on Jul-31-00

Mozilla Savaged By Suck. Yet another high-profile site calling for the open-source quagmire that might be Netscape 6 one day to put up or shut up. No word whether some crank from Mozilla has called Greg Knauss a Microsoft-loving son of a whore yet.
comment posted at 4:02 PM on Jul-31-00
comment posted at 7:19 PM on Jul-31-00

"Naming and shaming" needs to stop is being claimed by groups who are meeting with News of the World executives. These groups claim that releasing information about pedophiles to communities is degrading and sparks more violence than good. They beleive making jail sentences longer will become a better alternative to hilighting offenders, and help to reform them to the point where the information is not needed by those around them.
comment posted at 4:09 PM on Jul-31-00

AltaVista redesigns. Comments? I like it.
comment posted at 5:23 PM on Jul-30-00
comment posted at 4:12 PM on Jul-31-00

This just in: Napster's injunction to shut down tonight at midnight has been stayed (I'll add a url to a story when CNN writes it - BTW, how crazy is it that the napster news gets top level precedence as breaking news on a site as big as CNN? screenshot)
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Jul-29-00
comment posted at 4:21 PM on Jul-31-00

Crazy Drunk Guy. Hilarious. Web developer shares RealAudio recordings of an unknown, crazy (but entertaining) drunk guy who keeps calling him at the office to chat. An example of the miracle of the web, that he is able to share this with the world...
comment posted at 11:53 AM on Jul-29-00

These sliding menus may not be anything much to you design mavens out there, but to a simple engineer/management consultant like myself, they are addictively neat. Whenever I check out the site, I find myself pulling them out and playing with them while deciding where to go in the site. How'd they do that?
comment posted at 12:16 PM on Jul-29-00

I still haven't gotten my PIN number in the mail from ICANN. Has this happened to anyone else? How am I supposed to put The Head Lemur into office?
comment posted at 8:00 PM on Jul-27-00

I am speechless. I can't imagine the time and effort it took to create this. Unless of course there is some program out there that will do it for you. If there is, then it is just "kewl."
comment posted at 8:10 PM on Jul-27-00

Shut it down! Napster ordered to shut down immediately. Backlash anyone?
comment posted at 8:19 PM on Jul-27-00

A new feature from Deja.com "will automatically link mentions of product names in discussion threads to a commerce area on its site." Is it really useful, as Deja claims, or does it imply endorsements for the linked products by the authors of the posts?
comment posted at 2:36 PM on Jul-26-00

Dex and Courtney's wedding is off ... and you can find out why by watching JenniCam. "Jennifer Ringley ... is in the eye of a virtual storm as a result of her relationship with Dex, ex of Dex and Courtney, whose wedding invitation promised a 'spiritual love fest' of 'two souls uniting in harmony' (it was still on Courtney's Web site -- www.latitude11.com -- even as Jenni's cam showed her and Dex having sex in her bedroom)."
comment posted at 4:00 PM on Jul-25-00
comment posted at 8:27 PM on Jul-27-00

Concorde crashes near Paris. Oh, no. Not again...
comment posted at 12:58 PM on Jul-25-00

Arrgghh! Yuck! I guess orange is the new white.

Wrong Way! Go Back!
comment posted at 7:29 PM on Jul-24-00

Legal weed in Alaska? It could be true, very soon. Tell your friends in AK to register to vote!
comment posted at 7:31 PM on Jul-24-00

Double Entendre and the Design of Public Lavatories. From a recent Wall St. Journal article on the architecture of bathrooms...

"Bathrooms are for more than just relieving the kidneys," says Ian Schrager, owner of 16 boutique hotels in New York, Los Angeles, London and elsewhere. "It's about someone coming out with a smile on their face and wanting to tell their friends about it because it's fun."

As one of the promoters behind Studio 54, I imagine Mr. Scharger is no doubt aware of the double meaning of the above quote. The article is interesting, but of course you need a subscription to read it, as such, I have taken the liberty of posting the article myself without the WSJ's permission.
comment posted at 4:09 PM on Jul-24-00

Stephen King's new serial is now online. The download is free, but he's asking people to pay; the next installment will be posted only if he receives payments for at least 75% of downloads.
comment posted at 4:13 PM on Jul-24-00

It's the year 2000; I was promised flying cars. I don't see the flying cars. Why are there no flying cars; why; why!?
comment posted at 10:40 PM on Jul-22-00
comment posted at 4:19 PM on Jul-24-00

The government and FBI are innocent of any wrongdoing at Waco. Special Counsel John Danforth is '100% certain' that agents did not fire on Davidians or set the fires responsible for the 80 deaths. Also, he concludes that the government did not engage in any sort of cover-up.
comment posted at 9:02 PM on Jul-21-00
comment posted at 11:53 AM on Jul-22-00

A new survey of online music aficianados supports claims that the Napster crowd has been making for months: MP3-swappers are more likely to purchase music after listening to it for free.
comment posted at 9:08 PM on Jul-21-00

WaSP! blasts Netscape. Good, good, good... about f**king time. All of my Netscape cronies are now using I.E. because of exactly what this letter says.
comment posted at 9:15 PM on Jul-21-00

Finally An honest review of Harry Potter.
comment posted at 9:17 PM on Jul-21-00

ICANN's Report on new Top Level Domains came out a few days ago, and I saw a list in a paper of some of the new proposed TLDs. These include: .shop, .travel, .news, .sex or .xxx, .web, .arts, .store. Two things worthy of discussion - what's the difference between .shop .store and .web (and where are other CONTENT based divisions such as .gay, .fan, .info, .zine, .kids) and secondly, why are these supposedly GLOBAL domain names all in full uncompressed English?
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Jul-21-00
comment posted at 4:23 PM on Jul-24-00

Read the comment.
comment posted at 9:20 PM on Jul-21-00

Imminent Death of Internet Predicted! Napster killed the Internet star, says record exec Edgar Bronfman Jr. "Let me tell you what else is in trouble here: the Internet. In the end, the Internet itself will not be able to survive if it becomes a haven for illegal activity. Copyrights must be protected online."
comment posted at 7:41 AM on Jul-20-00

Got a question for OJ? Duhhhhhh. Hello. Hey OJ. Did you do it? Heh heh.
comment posted at 9:44 PM on Jul-21-00

You are a loser because I say so. Ellison, the second richest person in the world, decides to give some come-upance to the intellectual elite his human resource people are probably now kicking themselves in the head over.
comment posted at 3:39 PM on Jul-18-00

Mitnick is free to use computers for work
"[The] federal judge has ruled that such blanket restrictions are unacceptable and job offers should be considered on a case-by-case basis."
comment posted at 3:40 PM on Jul-18-00

The fact that this article isn't condemning of this is amazing. Being from Long Island, I can say that less than 1/2 hour from this house are, basically, slums. Areas of very great poverty.
comment posted at 3:51 PM on Jul-18-00

Harry Potter is a head. Who knew? The things some people will find to be paranoid about...
comment posted at 7:38 PM on Jul-17-00

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