2067 MetaFilter comments by Witty (displaying 1201 through 1250)

Teen abduction foiled by cell phone cam. And here I was saying that those phone cameras were simply gimmicky.
comment posted at 1:23 AM on Aug-2-03

Million for Marriage. "Mobilizing a million people for the right of every American to get married."

Tired of just talking about it? Then do something about it.
comment posted at 7:53 AM on Aug-1-03

Watch this trailer and see if you can guess who made this movie. And if you check imdb, you'll also see that the one of the stars isn't shown or mentioned anywhere in the trailer or on the site. Interesting marketing tactic. I wonder if it will pay off.
comment posted at 6:14 AM on Aug-1-03
comment posted at 6:44 AM on Aug-1-03

Experimenting with images using animated .gifs, Jim Gaspernini presents stereo images on the screen by simply putting the right and left images in an animated .gif. (more inside)
comment posted at 4:13 AM on Aug-1-03
comment posted at 5:12 AM on Aug-1-03

Axis of Medieval? Hot on the heels of Bush's announcement that his adminstration is seeking ways to ban gay marriage, the Vatican has issued a document condemning same-sex unions as "deviant" and "gravely immoral." One Bishop has warned Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien (a Catholic) that "his eternal salvation is in jeopardy. He is making a morally grave error and he's not being accountable to God." Are we witnessing a coordinated attack on the burgeoning campaign for broader gay rights? What is the relevance of the Church's edicts, in combination with Bush's announcement? Are we about to see "the backlash" that some gay rights activists have warned of, or is this the (almost) last gasp of self-evidently outmoded thinking?
comment posted at 7:50 AM on Jul-31-03
comment posted at 8:01 AM on Jul-31-03

Sharpie Takes Blame for Flag Desecration. The flag-signing scandal has finally been put to rest.
comment posted at 1:10 AM on Jul-31-03

A heartbreaking death. Police in Shreveport, Louisiana shoot an unarmed man eight times in nine seconds.
comment posted at 2:29 PM on Jul-30-03
comment posted at 5:42 AM on Jul-31-03

Help NYC break the record for world's largest picnic... Local NYC cable access freaks The Unbelievable Show will be hosting an attempt at the Guinness-certified world's largest picnic in Bryant Park on Sunday, August 3rd. Hulabilly, a Hawaiian/Western Swing/Hot Jazz band will be there and donations will be accepted for City Harvest. Wherever you are, back away from the glow and enjoy the summer while you still can...
comment posted at 7:21 AM on Jul-29-03

The Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, California takes the impeachment question directly to the local street and neighborhood and asks the following question on it's marquee. What is an impeachable offense? Lying to wage war? Or lying about sex? Across the country billboards and marquees have been commonly used to express political sentiment (original link from Buzzflash)
comment posted at 6:44 AM on Jul-29-03

Bob Hope passes way. Will there ever be another like him? Thanks for the memories Bob!
comment posted at 7:12 AM on Jul-28-03
comment posted at 8:02 AM on Jul-28-03

"We're walking from Chicago to San Francisco. Many have responded with, "You guys are stupid!" Some, on the other hand, have said, "Wow, that's cool!" Either way, we hope you'll keep coming back to see what will happen next in our walking adventures."
Current mileage, photo galleries, and journal entries abound -- and really, when was the last time you walked 627 miles (inside of 60 days)?
comment posted at 1:07 PM on Jul-24-03

It's a crazy idea, but it just might work. Anyone have a couple of million to invest in getting rich and putting the RIAA out of business?
comment posted at 11:49 AM on Jul-24-03

Uday & Qusay's death - a failure?! Salam Pax thinks the U.S. "wasted a chance to show Iraqis they really are doing something". Robert Fisk asked in yesterday's press conference "Surely, the possibility of the immense amount of information they could have given coalition forces" justified efforts to try to take them alive. The military had time, the element of surprise, special forces troops, and nonlethal weapons -- so why did they attack with rockets and TOW missiles? Where is Saddam? Could we have learned more about Iraq's WMD programs? Is it better for the Bush administration to not have some questions answered?
comment posted at 10:14 AM on Jul-24-03
comment posted at 1:40 PM on Jul-24-03

Congress to bicyclists: get a car! A new transportation appropriations bill would eliminate $600 million of annual federal funding for "transportation enhancements" (more info here), such as bike paths and walkways, while increasing funding for highways. Is this a proper reflection of U.S. transportation habits, or just a scheme to deprive alternate transportation of much-needed funding?
comment posted at 2:34 PM on Jul-23-03

Cartoon in Times Prompts Inquiry by Secret Service I know these guys have to investigate jokesters and fools who threaten the President, but this has the broad outlines of Federal intimidation of the press. Bah humbug on the SS, good for the lawyers for smackin' the guy down, and double good for the L.A. Times for reporting it to their readers. (Reg. req. to read story. Sorry 'bout that, kittens.)
comment posted at 1:46 PM on Jul-22-03
comment posted at 3:38 PM on Jul-22-03

samorost ... an entrancingly beautiful and organic, flash-based puzzle/story. Move your cursor around the screen and figure out how to help the little guy save his home.
comment posted at 12:03 PM on Jul-22-03
comment posted at 12:03 PM on Jul-22-03
comment posted at 1:32 PM on Jul-22-03

$15 million burning a hole in his pocket. Having made millions in real estate, this Philadelphia philanthropist is using the money as an object lesson to his children by giving it all away. Now that all the money is pretty much gone, he's in the hospital today giving away a kidney to a complete stranger. Will his children get more out of this example than they might have out of college? Could you do what this couple is doing? (Before you answer, note: they don't even have cable!)
comment posted at 10:05 AM on Jul-22-03
comment posted at 11:55 AM on Jul-22-03
comment posted at 1:16 PM on Jul-22-03
comment posted at 3:32 PM on Jul-22-03

PC Audio 'toy' now an inexpensive MIDI controller , thanks to this program. The Mixman DM2 is still a toy, but DM2 to MIDI opens up a world of soft/hardware options for this cheap device. I've tried it with NI's Traktor and Ableton Live, and it works very nicely.
comment posted at 10:04 AM on Jul-22-03

Lock 'im up. For a long time. That's what I say you do with anyone who commits multiple counts of vehicular manslaughter (in this case, ten). But will this driver even be charged, or will we just let him be? After all, he's 86. We, as a society, can't make this nice old man spend the rest of his days in prison, if convicted? Sure, the public discussion regarding his age in this horrible tragedy centers around the right of older people to continue driving without testing their ability and senses, but I want to focus on this: What's the unwritten age limit on convicting and sentencing someone like Russell Weller?
comment posted at 1:59 PM on Jul-21-03
comment posted at 2:13 PM on Jul-21-03
comment posted at 2:27 PM on Jul-21-03
comment posted at 2:54 PM on Jul-21-03
comment posted at 9:44 AM on Jul-22-03

Sure, we'd like to boycott the RIAA, but how do we go about it? With the RIAA Radar, that's how. The Radar can tell you whether a particular album was released by a member of the RIAA. Not only that, it will show you the RIAA membership of the top 100 albums as well as the the top 100 non-RIAA albums on Amazon. There's even a bookmarklet. [via magnetbox]
comment posted at 10:12 AM on Jul-21-03

The Nintendo Famicom is 20 years old ..... and I (along with may others here I suspect) have owned every single last version. It's oulasted many bizzare offerings from it's now defunct arch rival. There's even a booming market it both retro consoles. It all makes me feel older than I thought I was though.
comment posted at 12:01 PM on Jul-21-03

Watchdog's Bark Judicial Watch, the group that's been suing for access to Cheney's Energy Task Force notes, finally gets some docs, and guess what? Way back in 2001, Cheney, et al, were looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields. Is this the bookend clue, that coupled with Rumsfields 9/12 comments about going after Iraq, starts to shed real light on the administrations foreign policy objectives?
comment posted at 5:58 AM on Jul-18-03

John Dean's analysis of the administrations case for War. "What I found, in critically examining Bush's evidence, is not pretty. The African uranium matter is merely indicative of larger problems, and troubling questions of potential and widespread criminality when taking the nation to war. It appears that not only the Niger uranium hoax, but most everything else that Bush said about Saddam Hussein's weapons was false, fabricated, exaggerated, or phony."
comment posted at 5:06 AM on Jul-18-03

Tucker Max produces evidence of encounters with Miss Vermont. Remember Tucker Max? Found earlier in this MeFi thread, Max was sued by Miss Vermont Katy Johnson for allegedly lying that he slept with her (she's a champion for abstinence) and then writing the gory details of her getting sozzled at a wedding. A judge forbade him from writing about her or linking to her. But now Tucker posts pictures and a video to back up his story. Will he now counter-sue? (Oh, and please think twice before clicking the Katy Johnson link. I beg you.)
comment posted at 12:42 AM on Jul-18-03
comment posted at 4:54 AM on Jul-18-03

Soy Luke Skywalker, vengo a rescatarla! [geocities... unfortunately]
comment posted at 10:57 AM on Jul-17-03
comment posted at 10:58 AM on Jul-17-03

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