2067 MetaFilter comments by Witty (displaying 1251 through 1300)

Planting evidence: A Stroll Down Memory Lane. Would the Bush administration attempt to plant WMDs in Iraq in an effort to fight off "Iraqgate" and gain some credibility? I don't know, but there certainly is precedent as outlined by this VIPS article.
comment posted at 11:57 PM on Jul-16-03
comment posted at 10:42 AM on Jul-17-03

Did America Walk Into A Trap? In stories reported by Newsweek and Fox News it appears possible that the armed resistance now being encountered by US/British forces was part of Saddam Hussein's plan all along. The documents that have been found essentially say that should Baghdad fall, the Baath party loyalists should fade into society and extract vengeance on the occupying soldiers bit by bit. The nightmare scenario before the war was urban combat, Mogadishu style. But now it appears that Hussein may have upped the ante with this "guerrilla-type campaign".
comment posted at 12:05 AM on Jul-17-03
comment posted at 10:34 AM on Jul-17-03

escaped robo balloon will we be seeing more of this in coming years? this story is amusing - and perhaps a caution? via the always good yewnkee.com
comment posted at 5:30 PM on Jul-16-03

NASA laboratory enhancement of the surveillance tape used to nab suspect in West Virginia Target sexual assault. It's nice to know NASA can use image enhancement technology to catch child molesters, but can't use it to find holes in space shuttles.
comment posted at 7:15 PM on Jul-16-03

What's on the menu? Perhaps fat and calories. "Five states have taken up similar bills this year, with none being passed so far." Will bills like these ever get passed? Will we ever see nutrition facts on fast food wrappers? Will consumers ever bother to read them?
comment posted at 4:56 PM on Jul-15-03

spectacular attacks [note: flash]
comment posted at 10:29 AM on Jul-15-03

Apple G5 Porn. Devoted mac fans have been waiting a long time for the new G5 desktops. But of course you won't be able to get one til later this summer. Somehow these swedish blokes got their hands on one and you can feel the hardware worship with every wide angle shot. via Macslash
comment posted at 10:59 PM on Jul-14-03

METALFILTER: Rob Halford reunites with Judas Priest. "Ripper" Owens, the fan who replaced Halford (inspiring the movie Rock Star), has been a "complete gentleman" about the decision, though opinion of the fans is mixed. Still no hope for a Osbourne/Black Sabbath Reunion, but (on the plus side) also no plans for a Halford reality series.
comment posted at 5:30 PM on Jul-14-03

The End of the Deep End. Citing safety reasons, North American cities are abolishing the standard public swimming pool that many of us grew up with. The deep ends of existing pools are being filled in, and new pools are being built shallower. Is this action too extreme, or are deep ends a real threat to public safety? (via Manifesto Multilinko)
comment posted at 12:51 PM on Jul-14-03

Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships You can register either in Freestyle or Original (the traditional over the shoulder -style). Alternatively, you can register as a team (max. three persons / team). There's also have a Junior category for competitors of under 12 years. Grading in Freestyle is based on style and aesthetics, whereas in Original the grading is purely based on length and style. In both categories theree prizes will be awarded. The current Ukranian record is 57 metres.
comment posted at 1:00 PM on Jul-14-03

Pay No Attention tothemenbehindthe Curtain. You maybe read about PNAC here, wherein numerous members of the current administration wrote down their grand plans for an American-led NWO. Pretty heady stuff, with Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz writing to Clinton in 1998 that "the only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction." Umm, that is... move along, citizen. Nothing to see here (thank goodness for Google's cache).
comment posted at 7:54 AM on Jul-13-03
comment posted at 8:07 AM on Jul-14-03

Susan Smith needs pen pals. Remember the woman who killed her two sons by driving her car into a South Carolina lake while they were strapped into their car seats back in 1994? Well, she's 31 and looking for people who are "not judgemental" and "sincere". She's a Christian who enjoys attending church and loves "rainbows, Mickey Mouse, the beach, the mountains, and waterfalls."
comment posted at 1:23 PM on Jul-10-03
comment posted at 1:24 PM on Jul-10-03
comment posted at 1:29 PM on Jul-10-03
comment posted at 1:33 PM on Jul-10-03

Since we're being morbid today, how 'bout a dose of Body Identity Integrity Disorder? People with this disorder really, really want to amputate part of their own body. Here's a first-person account from a so-called wannabe, a story about a doctor who used to perform amputations of healthy limbs for BIID patients, and the article in today's Slate about a new documentary. A couple of these sites raise an interesting question: why do psychiatric disorders seem to come and go with the times?
comment posted at 1:49 PM on Jul-10-03

The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.
comment posted at 11:51 AM on Jul-10-03

If this article toes the line, then this one completely jumps overboard. In the wake of basketball player Kobe Bryant's recent legal problems, ESPN freely insinuates that perhaps his legal troubles are caused by his desire to boost the sales of his endorsed products. But don't sell Kobe short on marketing power, as we meFites can already attest. [more inside]
comment posted at 8:16 AM on Jul-10-03

Superior Victory Ping Pong (Windows Media) - a splendid fusion of human puppetry, bullet-time, and table tennis.
comment posted at 11:31 AM on Jul-9-03

Sept. 11, 2003: Photoblog your life
"I've been thinking about September 11th. I've been thinking about the United States response - The Patriot Act. Invading Afganastan & Iraq. Death. Fear. Oppression. It seems to me that this is NOT the America I want the world to know. So I propose a blogwide Photoblog your Life day on September 11th. Take your camera with you. Take pictures. Show the world your life. Show the world your daily delights. Show the world that we choose life, happiness and freedom."
[via Big Pink Cookie]
comment posted at 3:38 PM on Jul-8-03
comment posted at 9:49 AM on Jul-9-03
comment posted at 12:58 PM on Jul-9-03
comment posted at 8:01 AM on Jul-10-03

British Columbia joins Ontario as the second province in Canada to allow gay marriage. Not everyone is happy though.
comment posted at 12:47 PM on Jul-8-03
comment posted at 2:26 PM on Jul-8-03
comment posted at 4:01 PM on Jul-8-03
comment posted at 8:54 AM on Jul-9-03

The world's weather is going haywire. So says the World Meteorological Organisation. "The unstable world of climate change has long been a prediction. Now, the WMO says, it is a reality." Where is the Kyoto Protocol when you need it?
comment posted at 6:09 AM on Jul-3-03

Bush dares Iraqis to kill U.S. soldiers "There are some who feel like that, you know, the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is bring them on," Bush said. "We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation."
Is it wise to goad Iraqis into killing Americans?
Is it an impeachable offense?
comment posted at 1:42 AM on Jul-3-03
comment posted at 7:16 AM on Jul-3-03
comment posted at 7:42 AM on Jul-3-03

Dennis Miller Switches Teams It seems that Miller is stuping for Dubya now.
comment posted at 2:00 PM on Jun-30-03

"American Pie [the song] tells about the last decisive struggle between, Christian America and all the heathen armies of the world, who will be gathered on America's doorstep and according to the Bible, will invade America." "Could it be that "JESUS ACTUALLY FORETOLD THE ADVENT OF THE INTERNET?" [Warning: cheesy MIDI music background]
comment posted at 1:57 PM on Jun-30-03

"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did..." does this kind of talk coming from our president and the most powerful man in concern you? - or reassure you?
comment posted at 1:54 PM on Jun-30-03

The Optigan: OPTIcal orGAN. Long before synthesizers, ProTools, and Cubase, Mattel released a bizarre contraption called the 'Optigan' which operated by assigning each key to a track on an optical disc on which were recorded sounds of real instruments playing every individual note. This site is one guy's obsession with the instrument that may well be dead and forgotten if not for him. Check out his mp3s of his own, reasonably successful, band based around the instrument, to see how it sounds.
comment posted at 2:09 PM on Jun-30-03
comment posted at 12:32 AM on Jul-2-03

So the Dems love the latest Court ruling regarding Affirmative Action. A relatively new, but much discussed, theory called stereotype threat may have a profound affect upon newly renovated affirmative action policies within the US. Slightly more info. here.
comment posted at 2:25 PM on Jun-30-03
comment posted at 12:42 AM on Jul-2-03

Just Because They're Celebrity Chefs Doesn't Mean They Aren't Damn Fine Cooks: We're all supposed to yawn when it comes to TV Chefs, but that's just as silly as ignoring a writer or an actress because they're famous. Wolfgang Puck's website, for instance, is generously full of the most enticing recipes. On another note, my favourite TV chef, Rick Stein, has online a superb list of UK suppliers. Do you know of any other cuisine auteurs on the Web who are as generous with their savvy? Which chef wouldn't you mind having as your own private cook?
comment posted at 7:59 AM on Jun-30-03

Is soy safe? As an ardent herbivore, I was pretty shocked to learn that tofu can shrink your brain. In a major ongoing study involving 3,734 elderly Japanese-American men, those who ate the most tofu during midlife had up to 2.4 times the risk of later developing Alzheimer's disease. [...] higher midlife tofu consumption was also associated with low brain weight. (a dissenting opinion)

Could it be that little ole bean, found in over half of the food on supermarket shelves, is bad for you? [more inside]
comment posted at 2:31 PM on Jun-27-03
comment posted at 2:34 PM on Jun-27-03

comment posted at 1:34 PM on Jun-27-03

Play the Minimum Wage Game. Educational Friday Flash Fun. Well, sorta.
comment posted at 11:08 AM on Jun-27-03
comment posted at 11:43 AM on Jun-27-03

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