2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 1251 through 1300)

Grand Old Petroleum. GOP. Get it? The DNC really cracks me up sometimes. This is, however, an interesting development in politics. Is every issue going to have its own clever webpage in the future? The mind boggles.
comment posted at 8:34 PM on May-17-01

Bush's energy plan. We knew it was coming. Arguing the United States "faces the most serious energy shortage since the oil embargoes of the 1970's," Bush proposes the expansion of drilling, a new commitment to nuclear power, and a review of vehicle mileage standards. If you really want to dig--er, I mean drill--into it, the proposal is available on the White House website.
comment posted at 11:35 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 5:39 PM on May-17-01
comment posted at 5:40 PM on May-17-01

Subliminable messages on CNN? If you crane your head just right and pretend the S was on the same line, and look at CNN's ties to the liberal media, and -- Oh, forget it.
comment posted at 5:57 PM on May-17-01

I still can't get over the fact that the U.S. President and Vice President have been arrested five times between them. For those keeping score, that's 2 DUIs for Cheney and one for Bush, and two disorderly conducts for Bush. I know, I know, many other presidents have committed far greater crimes, these were mistakes of youth, etc. etc. But five arrests between them? Sigh.
comment posted at 10:34 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 6:00 PM on May-17-01
comment posted at 6:25 AM on May-18-01

I'll be giving $50 to some Metafilter user (or group of users). The winner will be the person who links to the item that I consider to be "coolest." I set the bar here: in order to win, your item must be at least as cool as this, otherwise, I will declare myself the winner.

Aside from the increased size of the prize (the result of a few users who chipped in to the collection I took up), all other rules are identical to those of last year's Metafilter $30 Giveaway.

I will make my decision at 5 pm Friday, Chicago time.
comment posted at 10:47 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 11:12 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 11:13 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 9:11 PM on May-17-01
comment posted at 9:15 PM on May-17-01

what should we be doing to voice our opposition to dangerous, gas-guzzling, CO2-emitting, vision-obstructing, environment-destroying conspicuously-consumed SUVs? what can one do to prevent others from driving these monstrosities? should we ticket them? should we stick "i'm changing the climate" stickers on them? should we stick potatoes in their tailpipes? should we shoot out their windows? is there any way to educate suburban families that SUVs are simply an unnecessary addition to their lifestyle? should we resort to retaliatory vandalism? can SUV owners ever have a meaningful discussion with those who object to their vehicles? i do my part by not buying an SUV, but could i do more? should i?
comment posted at 10:57 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 11:03 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 11:23 AM on May-17-01
comment posted at 9:34 PM on May-17-01

Where (and how) does the European Community think they're going to store a million gigabytes of data per day -- for seven years?
comment posted at 9:29 PM on May-16-01

Ballot boxing. John Prescott, the UK's Deputy Prime Minister and Tony Blair's right hand (or should that be left jab) man was involved in a skirmish today while on the campaign trail, seemingly throwing the first punch. Politicians seem to be addressing the issue of voter apathy in more erm, 'innovative' ways these days.
comment posted at 3:49 PM on May-16-01
comment posted at 8:46 PM on May-16-01

Kids' Abuse Drives U.K. Pensioner to Suicide Stories like this really make my blood boil. This is happening all of the time in the UK. Many of our children are completely uncontrollable. Lots of Brits live in fear of children who bombard their houses with bricks and deliberately scratch their cars.
But the police remain powerless since the courts can't sentence these children to hard time. In a country where hard discipline is discouraged, is it time to start really spanking children again? No, I think it's time to start spanking the parents.
comment posted at 3:56 PM on May-16-01
comment posted at 3:59 PM on May-16-01

Godspeed, Kaycee Nicole Kaycee Nicole passed away May 14, 2001. RIP
comment posted at 2:57 PM on May-15-01

Playing the Willie Horton card? The Tories' first party election broadcast claims that Labour has released rapists to offend again. Even a former ex-chairman of the party calls the film "disturbing" for its tacit apportioning of blame, and its similarities to the famous ad used by Bush Sr. in 1988. After Labour's positive but anodyne "we've done nice things, and here's Geri Halliwell" broadcast, are we now set for a dirty media war till June 7th?
comment posted at 2:30 PM on May-15-01
comment posted at 2:50 PM on May-15-01

You don't need to be important to be a victim of government mind control -- even fifty year old retired men living in trailer homes can be victims of satellite turn signal sabotage.
comment posted at 2:17 PM on May-15-01

From the International Herald Tribune: How's this whole separation of church and state working out? AG John Ashcroft: "It is against my religion to impose my religion on people..."

However, the department [DoJ] also issued new style guidelines for correspondence that carries Mr. Ashcroft's signature. They forbid, among other things, the use of "pride," which the Bible calls a sin, and the phrase "no higher calling than public service."
comment posted at 6:06 AM on May-15-01
comment posted at 6:34 AM on May-15-01

RealArcade is the future of gaming. Online downloads, rating, message boards, and high score lists are just the beginning of this game distribution-turned-instant-community application. When you can buy games online like this, whats the point of having a shrinkwrapped CD? (note most games are win95/8/ME only)
comment posted at 2:56 PM on May-14-01

The Tekken Torture Tournament wires competitors into a "modified Tekken III Playstation console which converts virtual damage into a bracing, but non-lethal electric shock." (If you live in the Los Angeles area and have a high tolerance for pain, there's still time to register.)
comment posted at 2:53 PM on May-14-01

If you like mix tapes, Art of the Mix is a must-see site. The site hosts an archive of over 9,000 mix tapes made by music lovers from around the world. You can post your own mixes and contact others for mix tape trades. There's also a discussion forum in which all aspects of making mix tapes are discussed.
comment posted at 3:18 PM on May-14-01

Social Security Numbers and privacy. I refuse to give my number out whenever possible, but it is getting worse all the time. Thankfully I can still buy batteries and refuse to give Rat Shack my telephone number, and tell Toy R Us where to go when they ask for my zip, but this is frustrating. Wasn't this what people feared about having identification numbers in the first place?
comment posted at 10:28 PM on May-14-01

Why Europe hates us, and why we don't need to care. Given the large amounts of US v Europe discussion here of late (see the death penalty and Eurovision threads as examples), I thought this opinion piece would be of interest.
comment posted at 10:31 PM on May-13-01
comment posted at 11:07 PM on May-13-01

botched executions:
warning: gruesome descriptions of bungled executions ahead.

also: the execution tapes - audio recordings in real player format.

whether for or against the death penalty, take a look.
comment posted at 3:58 PM on May-13-01

Is this the face of William Shakepeare? Only two likenesses of Shakespeare are considered to be genuine; both were created when he was in his final years, or after his death. On Friday the Globe and Mail reported that an anonymous engineer in a mid-sized Ontario city has a painting, handed down through twelve generations, of Shakespeare at the height of his career. It may be the only portrait painted of Shakespeare in his lifetime. Family lore states that it was painted by John Sanders, reputedly a bit actor in the same theatrical company as Shakespeare who also did such jobs as painting scene sets.
comment posted at 10:53 PM on May-12-01

Timber interests spoofs Dr. Seuss's Lorax with the Truax. Here's the Utne article where I saw it mentioned.

They can't seriously expect us to swallow that tripe. [3F03]

Diametrically opposed environmentalism squabbles to follow.
comment posted at 10:39 AM on May-12-01

The Eurovision Song Contest is tonight. Being an American, I don't understand it one bit, especially since the grand prize seems to be a one-way ticket to eternal obscurity. But someone must like it. "I want to shower you with sugar lumps/and ride you over fences..."
comment posted at 3:11 PM on May-12-01

Apparently arrogance isn't a job qualification I've read some attacks on dot-commers for being self involved yahoos. So the Chron found someone willing to own up to being a self involved yahoo in print. It's painful to read.
comment posted at 10:38 AM on May-12-01

This guy - Timothy McVeigh, mass murder - wins a stay of execution even though hes admitted several times his guilt. So the FBI mislays a couple thousand documents, from my P.O.V i cant think of anyone who wouldn't want to see him wearing two intravenous lines in his arms and watch the Potassium Chloride flowing as free as a bird......
comment posted at 9:50 AM on May-12-01
comment posted at 10:45 AM on May-12-01

Man's remains found in home presumed empty since 1997 ...his skeleton in the living room chair. "It makes you appreciate the fact that you have loved ones."
comment posted at 2:39 PM on May-11-01
comment posted at 10:25 PM on May-11-01

Any bets on weather Tim McVeigh will beat the Grim Reaper? How stupid can the FBI be, really? I mean, he was good as convicted anyway, so why not release all the documents?
comment posted at 2:41 PM on May-11-01

And now you know the rest of the story..............good day Well, we got chatting a bit about ol' Paul Harvey the other day, and it turns out that this is the 25th anniversary of his "The Rest of the Story" program. (more inside)
comment posted at 3:43 PM on May-11-01

Rep. Bob Barr (Georgia) in full support of Spam The title says it all. But read his reasoning. He would rid us of Clinton but protect the right of business to annoy us with spam.
comment posted at 12:26 PM on May-11-01

The Rumor is spreading. The Tallahassee Democrat gets up to 10 calls and emails a day asking why they haven't printed it. Vanity Fair is sort of writing about it in its July issue, they say. The Internet is all abuzz. But it seems that nobody can prove The Rumor, so instead they're simply going to keep talking about the fact the rumor exists until either someone comes forward with documentable proof, or until practically everyone knows about it anyway and thus the desired damage is done, regardless of whether The Rumor is true or not. It seems to have something to do with high-ranking Republican Florida state government officials and blowjobs, though. The same old "friend of a friend heard that Jeb and Katherine Harris are lovers" BS, or something newer? Doesn't the media have a responsibility to keep their trap shut until and unless they can come up with some real proof, rather than forcing it to come out by making the lack of provability into a so-called news story?
comment posted at 6:46 AM on May-11-01
comment posted at 6:57 AM on May-11-01
comment posted at 7:07 AM on May-11-01

Massachusetts' acting governor Jane Swift (R) is bed-ridden, about to give birth to twins. State legislators (mostly Democrats) are challenging her right to run the state via telephone. Sleazy, sexist politics? Or do they have a point? Is it irresponsble for an elected official to start a family while in office? (more inside)
comment posted at 10:15 PM on May-11-01

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