1846 MetaFilter comments by Krrrlson (displaying 1301 through 1350)

2004 Ohio vote count integrity
Bay Village: 9948
Fairview Park: 9948
North Olmstead: 9948
Rocky River: 9948
Westlake: 9948
comment posted at 10:01 PM on Nov-9-04

Seattle, WA, U.S.A. – Jones Soda Co. (the "Company" or "Jones Soda" or "Jones"), announces today its limited edition holiday pack of five new seasonal flavors which includes: Green Bean Casserole Soda, Mashed Potato & Butter Soda, Fruitcake Soda, Cranberry Soda and Turkey & Gravy Soda.
comment posted at 5:33 PM on Nov-8-04

A little over the top? I know some people are depressed but......this?
comment posted at 1:32 PM on Nov-8-04

Robert J. Vanderbei is trying to show us we're not as divided as it seems.
It's not quite the City Vs. Country conflict that you may have understood it to be in this years election. Methinks, perhaps, this extends to other political opinions as well.

Lots of great voting result visualizations are available at this blog. Including my favorite, state results, with electoral votes dictating the relative size of the state. I'm not explaining it well. Go look here.

I *promise* this'll be the last political post for a while. I know we're all wretchedly sick of it.
comment posted at 4:59 PM on Nov-7-04
comment posted at 5:06 PM on Nov-7-04

Two Americas, but not the ones you might have thought. Apologies for perpetuating ElectionFilter, but this page has, in addition to all the blue/red/purple maps we've seen, a bar graph at the bottom of the page that I find fascinating. To quote the authors, "It appears that there are, as the pundits have been telling us, 'two Americas,' but they are not the ones people usually talk about. They are 'divided America,' where people split roughly evenly between Republican and Democrat, and 'decided America,' where everyone is a Democrat. " (via Crooked Timber)
comment posted at 9:27 AM on Nov-7-04
comment posted at 1:37 PM on Nov-7-04

Southern Conservativism explained from the inside. "I get very antsy when I see this entire election outcome being blamed on radical conservatism or on ignorance or stupidity. Because really when people talk about "radical" conservativism, what they really mean is Southern conservativism, specifically the kind that originated in the Southern Baptist church in the late 70's/early 80's. And that makes me unhappy. I am an ex-Southern conservative." An interesting read coming out of the election fallout.
comment posted at 9:45 AM on Nov-7-04
comment posted at 9:57 AM on Nov-7-04
comment posted at 1:52 PM on Nov-7-04

A bizzare pattern of impossible anomalies This has long been known : the welter of financial ties of Diebold and ES&S to the radical religious right (with stakeholders currently, it seems, on the secretive CNP) and Bob Fitrakis notes : "Wherever Diebold and ES&S go, irregularities and historic Republican upsets follow." Howard Ahmanson was the original funder for Bob and Todd Urosevich's Data Mark,which became ES&S, Bob later left to head Diebold ,maker of HAVA Act mandated touch screen voting machines used in Ohio and Florida and elsewhere....Ahmanson is a Christian Reconstructionist (a form of Dominionism ) who has talked of imposing Biblical law on the US - including the death penalty for gays and drunkards - and is also a main funder of the Chalcedon Foundation. However, the most bizzare patterns of anomalies in Florida came not from touch-screen but optical scan machines. Florida's central vote tabulator also is Diebold made, raising questions on the a bizzare pattern of anomalies in which a large number of counties in Florida had increases in Republicans votes over expected levels - by an overall average of 50% to 100% and - in one county, as high as 700%. Meanhwhile, here are graphs of variance between exit poll results for battleground states.
comment posted at 1:46 PM on Nov-5-04
comment posted at 2:24 PM on Nov-5-04
comment posted at 2:44 PM on Nov-5-04
comment posted at 9:10 PM on Nov-5-04
comment posted at 9:58 AM on Nov-6-04

comment posted at 9:45 AM on Nov-5-04

First Felony Spam Convictions
Hopefully the first of many convictions of these bottom feeders.
comment posted at 1:11 PM on Nov-4-04
comment posted at 3:36 PM on Nov-4-04

Kerry Won... Greg Palast presents information on how votes were "spoiled," and thus never counted, in states like Ohio and New Mexico, resulting in Bush's re-election. Unfortunately, he concludes by saying that there will probably be nothing done about it.
comment posted at 11:57 AM on Nov-4-04

Spoilage Greg Palast has an interesting article in Tom Paine claiming that Kerry has won Ohio and New Mexico. Has anyone else heard of this?
comment posted at 9:24 AM on Nov-4-04

Your Reaction to the 2004 Presidential Election, Uncensored. nothing you say here will be edited in any way whatsoever. please respect that, and your fellow contributors to this open discussion.
comment posted at 9:59 AM on Nov-4-04

"Reach out" to these voters? Yeah. Then boil your hand till it's sterilized. An alternate view of the seemingly regional political divide in the United States.
comment posted at 12:40 PM on Nov-4-04

Peter Funch takes a hell of a photograph. {flash interface}
comment posted at 9:26 PM on Nov-3-04

Hidden pictures! In an effort to get back to that "best of the web" thing, here are some cool hidden pictures within pictures. Can you find them all without looking at the answers? (from B3ta)
comment posted at 12:01 PM on Nov-3-04

Kerry Concedes President Bush won a second term from a divided and anxious nation, his promise of steady, strong wartime leadership trumping John Kerry's fresh-start approach to Iraq and joblessness. After a long, tense night of vote counting, the Democrat called Bush to concede Ohio and the presidency, The Associated Press learned.
comment posted at 12:16 PM on Nov-3-04
comment posted at 8:25 PM on Nov-3-04

Michael Moore's final election message. Good luck everyone*.
* asterisk
comment posted at 5:11 PM on Nov-1-04

Nader finally goes off the deep end. Looks like he got his debates after all ... with action figures?!
comment posted at 12:13 PM on Oct-30-04

hi mom
comment posted at 11:22 PM on Oct-29-04
comment posted at 11:26 PM on Oct-29-04

Well, shit. Apparently NASA uses Photoshop to analyze photographs taken by spacecraft.
comment posted at 11:42 PM on Oct-28-04

Is this for real? I got this off the (blocked to us in the UK) official George W Bush website. But I can't believe it is real. I got to the site by entering "georgewbush.org" without the www.
comment posted at 9:43 AM on Oct-28-04

NSFW: Realdoll vs. Superbabe. A side by side comparison of top of the line ($5000.00 plus) pleasure dolls. Realdoll has a removable tongue but Superbabe has no tongue at all.
comment posted at 12:36 PM on Oct-26-04

With one week to go, Americans are being inundated by polls. At least 112 have been published for the presidential contest in the last week alone. Democratic pollster Mark Blumenthal maintains that, in the campaign's last hours, we tend to see 'undecided' voters 'break' for the challenger. Testing this theory, blogger Chris Bowers examined presidential poll results since 1976, and calculated that undecided voters broke for the challenger 86% of the time. So, is this really how it's going to turn out? Are the Republicans' attempts to 'steal' another election going to bear any fruit?
comment posted at 12:38 PM on Oct-26-04

Limecat is not pleased.

In the grand tradition of oolong comes Limecat, who is not pleased.
Also available, Limecat Mini: "The world's smallest displeased cat. Five new colors."
comment posted at 7:40 PM on Oct-25-04

The Coalition's lack of preparation left 380 tons of high explosives unprotected in Iraq. Now it looks like the DoD tried to cover it up. Where is your surprise now? (first one is NYT)
comment posted at 9:16 PM on Oct-25-04

Pinky goes to Mars. [via BoingBoing]
comment posted at 1:53 PM on Oct-24-04
comment posted at 4:05 PM on Oct-24-04

At what point does it become a little counter productive? While it's no secret that The Guardian is hoping for Kerry to win isn't there a level of rhetoric that hurts their cause? As their recent forays into influenceing the US vote might have shown them. Is a columnist hoping for assasination over the line? "... John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?"
comment posted at 2:27 PM on Oct-23-04
comment posted at 2:39 PM on Oct-23-04

SEIU union and other Democratic groups have been holding rallies at early voting locations in Palm Beach County, where they have a captive audience of voters standing in line. Normally campaign workers can not come with in 50 feet of polling places, but apparently that rule does not apply to this year's new Early Voting in Florida.
One woman who voted early in Boca Raton, at the Southwest County Regional Library, complained that as she stood in line, two men behind her were "trashing our president," Fletcher said, declining to identify the woman. She tried to ignore them. Then the man touched her arm and said, "Who are you voting for?"

"I said, `I don't think that's an appropriate question,'" the woman said she responded.

"Uh oh! We have a Bush supporter here," screamed the man behind her.

For the 2 1/2 hours she had to wait in line, she was heckled by the man. As they neared the voting room, someone in the rear of the line yelled, "I sure hope everyone here is voting for Kerry!" she reported.

That's when the man behind her held his hand over her head and screamed, "We have a Republican right here!" There were "boos and jeers" from the crowd.
comment posted at 1:38 PM on Oct-23-04
comment posted at 6:38 PM on Oct-23-04
comment posted at 8:50 PM on Oct-23-04
comment posted at 10:38 PM on Oct-23-04
comment posted at 11:01 PM on Oct-23-04
comment posted at 12:30 AM on Oct-24-04

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