1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 1401 through 1450)

A concerned Vermont parent wrote an interesting letter to the editor regarding the gay rights conflict.
comment posted at 9:00 AM on May-13-00

The next wave in Internet Advertising in the post Blair-Witch era.
comment posted at 5:35 PM on May-12-00

Does "Battlefield Earth" make anyone else nervous? The film has a deep connection to the church of Scientology - an organization that has seen a certain amount of controversy (though I don't wish to belittle the belief system of anyone). This connection seems to have gone unnoticed. Is there cause for concern when a heavily marketed film is surreptiously tied to an organized religion?
comment posted at 8:22 PM on May-11-00
comment posted at 8:44 PM on May-11-00

And from the "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" file comes today's entry. 63,000 philanthropists get the shaft.
comment posted at 1:07 PM on May-11-00

Any server can read all your IE cookies. From any domain. Anyone. I was just explaing to my folks that the reason cookies are (generally) safe is that this was NOT possible. Well, it's possible now.
comment posted at 3:36 PM on May-11-00

Microsoft does it, again.
The company you love to hate is at it again, this time attacking Slashdot users. Does MS really not get it this bad? I can't belive it...
ps. The Slashdot server seems to be slashdotted itself.
comment posted at 10:16 AM on May-11-00
comment posted at 12:48 PM on May-11-00
comment posted at 8:19 PM on May-11-00

Northpoint blows chunks - how they can prepare for new technologies is beyond me. forgive me if i'm bring up a dead or overtired subject but i'm new here... I'm on a personal campaign to let the world know how crappy Northpoint DSL is... I'll try to keep this as short as possible but basically we run a small business out of our house. We're developers. Working via modem isn't really an option (especially when you've got ancient, multiplexed phone lines). When our 1-up/1-down sDSL finally started working my roommate and I didn't leave the house for a week.

Anyway, to make a long story a tad shorter, it's been down for three weeks now. we've lost several days and several thousand dollars worth of billable hours sitting on our butts waiting for technicians to show up whenever they please. I am NOT pleased, and what also really irks me is the fact that basically, Northpoint runs the DSL monopoly in my brooklyn neighborhood. We have no other choice. I'm also taking this to dsl reports. I just really don't think DSL technology is that ready for the masses.
comment posted at 6:37 AM on May-11-00

Stealing is bad. These folks seem to think it's okay to rip off another site's design and pass it off as their own work-- right down to the identical manifesto! They even have the balls to post a copyright notice. Unbelievable.
comment posted at 10:21 AM on May-11-00

Although this story doesn't sound like much, the FTC coming down on Time Warner, the effects could be great. Time Warner has agreed to ban their minimum pricing on featured new CDs, admitting that for the last seven years, these compact discs have been artificially overpriced. Do you think making CDs cheaper for the first time in years had anything to do with all the attention mp3s have been getting from consumers?
comment posted at 2:19 PM on May-10-00

Napster did it- blocked more than 317,000 names used by its subscribers, which have been identified by the hard rock band, Metallica, as allegedly infringing on the copyrights of the group's music.
comment posted at 6:56 AM on May-11-00

(No link, but at least it's on topic :-)
Submitted for your approval: the recording industry has shot themselves in the head, forcing users to switch from Napster, which at least gave them a mechanism to charge people who wanted to pay, to the decentralized approach of Gnutella, et al, which makes that completely impossible. Opinions?
comment posted at 2:10 PM on May-9-00
comment posted at 10:52 AM on May-11-00

Cruel and unusual? "Expert witnesses testified that the brief delays give the body time to recover and increase the chance the person will feel pain." What a crock... I wonder if the 3 year old baby he killed and dismembered felt any pain? The punishment should fit the crime. Although the death penalty doesn't deter crime, if we punished those in the same manner that they commited the murder, then maybe criminals would think twice... then again, maybe not.
comment posted at 12:50 PM on May-9-00
comment posted at 7:33 AM on May-10-00
comment posted at 11:58 AM on May-10-00
comment posted at 2:24 PM on May-10-00
comment posted at 7:07 AM on May-11-00
comment posted at 7:08 AM on May-11-00

Told ya so... Wrong guy. Thank god, I thought he was headed for the chair for sure.
comment posted at 12:51 PM on May-9-00

I owe Dan Gillmor an apology, dammit. On April 1st, I blogged here at MeFi this story about Stanford filing an IPO as an example of a rather lame April Fool's joke. Well, it turned out to be a little closer to the truth than I thought.
comment posted at 12:11 PM on May-9-00

Verizon Wireless is jumping on the copyright lawsuit bandwagon. This time they're picking on 2600. Me thinks they're playing with fire.
comment posted at 7:55 AM on May-9-00

Oh, ghod; here we go again. This is, so far, actually sounding promising: "News from the cross-platform deleting community". Whomever's running it, don't blow your cover. Just add a link to me; 'k? ;-)
comment posted at 6:32 AM on May-9-00
comment posted at 7:36 AM on May-10-00

Should same-sex couples be banned from adopting children? Last week, Mississippi Governor Ronnie Musgrove signed legislation banning gay and lesbian couples from adopting children. The new law takes effect July 1, and three other states already have similar restrictions.
comment posted at 6:34 AM on May-9-00

Unbelievable news nugget of the day: my friend Matt Lavallee has been slapped with a cease-and-desist order from the Mattel Toy Corporation for his personal domain, mattl.com. I guess no one with a name that sounds like a misspelled company is allowed to buy domains from now on? Something needs to be done, corporations do not own the web.
comment posted at 7:30 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 7:43 AM on May-10-00
comment posted at 7:18 AM on May-11-00
comment posted at 9:23 AM on May-13-00

In this sendmail.net piece, Greg Knauss (of Winerlog-when-it-was-good fame) asserts, among other things, that if a court subpoenas your email, and it's encrypted, that you can be tossed in jail for contempt if you don't give them the keys. Um, hello? 5th amendment? Does anyone have references either way on this one?
comment posted at 7:33 PM on May-8-00

Does MySQL suck? That isn't actually the topic of a thread at the OpenACS project site... but everyone sure *thinks* it is. :-) OpenACS is a project to port the ArsDigita Community System off of Oracle onto PostgreSQL (of which, BTW, v7.0 ships this week). If this is your cuppa, check it out. [via /.]
comment posted at 3:13 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 7:36 PM on May-8-00

What happened to Array? Poof! Another editthispage site is gone. Does this have anything to with the whole winerlog debacle?
comment posted at 12:41 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 3:16 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 7:39 PM on May-8-00

Mind Games for Tech Success: You've Got to Play to Win. Interesting article from today's Washington Post showing how high tech recruiters are using Games and Theory to identify hot prospects.
comment posted at 12:42 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 1:15 PM on May-8-00

Could voluntary online payments be a viable revenue model for online content? [via ev] For that matter, could this be a valid way to pay for MP3 music?
comment posted at 12:00 PM on May-8-00

The new MetaTalk is now live as is the MetaFilter Network site, which also mentions another new site in the works. Discuss the MetaTalk site, and if you want to take issue with me, of all people, self-blogging, do it here.
comment posted at 7:10 AM on May-8-00
comment posted at 12:01 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 1:20 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 1:20 PM on May-8-00

Do you carry too much crap around with you?
[ via PDABuzz ]
comment posted at 7:08 AM on May-8-00
comment posted at 8:35 AM on May-8-00
comment posted at 12:04 PM on May-8-00
comment posted at 7:42 PM on May-8-00

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