2436 MetaFilter comments by hama7 (displaying 101 through 150)

Operation Tiger Claw Whereupon a student exercises his right to free speech in a public school setting...
comment posted at 6:19 AM on Jul-8-04
comment posted at 6:57 AM on Jul-8-04
comment posted at 7:03 AM on Jul-8-04

You don't support Democrats. Why should your ketchup?
comment posted at 1:21 PM on Jul-7-04
comment posted at 1:25 PM on Jul-7-04

tinyurl used so as not to ruin the joke, link is to gizmodo, safe for work, but may cause a freakout.
comment posted at 12:28 PM on Jul-7-04

Streetcars, buses and trolleys of the former USSR. An extensive collection of pictures of public transportation from the Baltic to Siberia. Here's a babelfish translation of the index page. (via The Daily Czech)
comment posted at 5:03 PM on Jul-6-04

Benefit Concert: Calexico in Calexico. The band Calexico will play for the first time ever in the City of Calexico July 9th in a benefit concert promoting border crossing death awareness. Since the U.S. Border Patrol began to document these deaths in 1999, over 2000 illegal immigrants have died in search of a new life in the United States. Calexico, formed by Joey Burns and John Convertino, will donate all proceeds to a non-profit organization supporting humanity.
comment posted at 3:14 PM on Jul-6-04

Kerry picks Gephardt for VP ...and he picks Edwards too! Gore wins... or not!
Don't you just love unfounded pronouncements and anonymous sources? Maybe it's time to hang them all out to dry...
comment posted at 6:39 AM on Jul-6-04

An editorial in support of legalizing marijuana (or at least modifying pot laws) from none other than William F. Buckley Jr. in the National Review.
comment posted at 8:03 AM on Jul-6-04
comment posted at 3:06 PM on Jul-6-04

347 square feet? Hyper-efficient living space.
comment posted at 7:52 AM on Jul-5-04

In heartland, Cheney touts "conservative values" and therapeutic use of "F-word" After his controversial, widely and inconsistently reported use of the "F-word" - recently declared to be "abhorrent" by FCC head Michael Powell (as uttered by Bono) - Dick Cheney's "no regrets", "felt better after I had done it" justification suggests that the "if it feels good, do it" ethic of the 60's counterculture has now spread to the conservative mainstream. Some see a role reversal, as a confused type of postmodernist, relativistic thinking gnaws into the conservative zeitgeist. Seventy year old Florence Orris, at a Parma, Ohio Cheney/Republican rally, sympathized with Cheney's "F-word" catharsis, and with relativist values : "I'm almost getting to that point with my Democratic friends..." (from main link) "Conservatism, as I understand it, has always had as its end the cultivation of virtue in the individual and the community," writes one conservative who asks - is it reasonable to look towards the state, and to potty mouthed politicians, for the promotion of public values? Laments one observer of the "Culture Wars", "Who is behind the effort to undermine our moral standards and enslave our people?"
comment posted at 9:55 AM on Jul-4-04

Beershots :: Microscopic Views of Beers from Around the World.
Also, an assortment of cocktails.
Shamelessly stolen from Plep
comment posted at 6:10 PM on Jul-4-04

The Stop Bush Project
...a documentation of anti-Bush sentiment from around the world expressed through graffiti, placards, flyers and other spontaneous, 'guerilla' means.
comment posted at 7:40 AM on Jul-4-04
comment posted at 7:53 AM on Jul-4-04

"Stop beating up your women because you can't find a job." Strong words from a paragon of the African American community.
comment posted at 6:24 AM on Jul-2-04

The CDC recently issued new HIV prevention guidelines that would mandate all organizations that get any federal funding to submit all surveys, curricula, web materials, posters, ads, brochures, etc. to new community-based Policy Review Panels. Politically appointed censors rather than health officials will now decide what's acceptable in terms of HIV prevention and education. Materials must promote abstinence and include a message about the ineffectiveness of condom use in preventing the spread of HIV and STDs. There is a period of public comment on the new regulations until August 16. - more inside -
comment posted at 6:47 AM on Jul-2-04
comment posted at 8:12 AM on Jul-2-04
comment posted at 10:48 AM on Jul-2-04

Mr. Roh, tear down this firewall! South Korea's previous efforts to censor the beheading video of Kim Sun-Il have escalated considerably. They are now blocking most major weblog services, including Blogger/Blogspot, TypePad, and LiveJournal -- a degree of censorship for weblogs even greater than that of China. The rallying cry of opposition seems to be centering around this letter :
"I am writing this letter not primarily to criticize all Koreans .... No, my purpose is more specific: to cause the South Korean government as much embarrassment as possible, and perhaps to motivate Korean citizens to engage in some much-needed introspection. To this end, I need the blogosphere's help .... The best and quickest way to persuade the South Korean government to back down from its current position is to make it lose face in the eyes of the world." If you are interested in giving the South Korean Ministry of Information and Culture a piece of your mind, please email them at: webmaster@mic.go.kr.
comment posted at 1:46 PM on Jul-1-04
comment posted at 7:56 AM on Jul-2-04
comment posted at 2:55 PM on Jul-2-04

The Moral Values Party With thousands of Republicans set to invade the city this summer, high-priced escorts and strippers are preparing for one grand old party. Agencies are flying in extra call girls from around the globe to meet the expected demand during the Aug. 30-Sept. 2 gathering at Madison Square Garden. "We have girls from London, Seattle, California, all coming in for that week," said a madam at a Manhattan escort service. "It's the week everyone wants to work." "It's going to be big," agreed one operator at a midtown escort service.

Now that's what I call moral clarity!!
comment posted at 7:58 AM on Jun-30-04

Art to Enchant: Some of the works of Shakespeare as interpreted by various illustrators throughout the centuries.
comment posted at 4:56 PM on Jun-29-04

Consider the scorecard. During Clinton's two terms, the median income for American families increased by a solid 15% after inflation, according to Census Bureau figures. But it rose even faster for African Americans (33%) and Hispanics (24%) than it did for whites (14%). The growth was so widely shared that from 1993 through 1999, families in the bottom fifth of the income distribution saw their incomes increase faster than those in the top 5%. By comparison, under President Reagan in the 1980s, those in the top 5% increased their income more than five times faster than the bottom 20%. Likewise, the poverty rate under Clinton fell 25%, the biggest eight-year decline since the 1960s. It fell even faster for particularly vulnerable groups like blacks, Hispanics and children. Again the contrast with Reagan is striking. During Reagan's two terms, the number of Americans in poverty fell by just 77,000. During Clinton's two terms, the number of Americans in poverty plummeted by 8.1 million. The number of children in poverty fell by 50,000 under Reagan. Under Clinton the number was 4.1 million. That's a ratio of 80 to 1. Clinton's Biggest Gains Not on Conservative Critics' Radar
comment posted at 11:12 AM on Jun-29-04
comment posted at 11:14 AM on Jun-29-04

Basement Beauties. Photographs by Mack Sennett.
comment posted at 9:41 AM on Jun-29-04

comment posted at 11:01 AM on Jun-26-04

Al Gore. John Kerry. Adolf Hitler. In a new ad from the Bush campaign, these opposition mavens are linked right before the viewer's eyes.
comment posted at 1:32 PM on Jun-25-04
comment posted at 2:46 PM on Jun-25-04
comment posted at 6:55 PM on Jun-25-04
comment posted at 8:20 PM on Jun-25-04
comment posted at 5:50 AM on Jun-26-04
comment posted at 11:47 AM on Jun-26-04
comment posted at 7:38 PM on Jun-26-04
comment posted at 6:58 AM on Jun-27-04
comment posted at 11:54 AM on Jun-27-04
comment posted at 3:01 PM on Jun-27-04
comment posted at 3:32 PM on Jun-28-04

Art, Link, Letter: Abba Richman's beautiful The Alphabet and Dean Allen's rustic Found Alphabet are collections of letter shapes found in various outdoor objects.
comment posted at 1:41 PM on Jun-25-04

Space Art through the ages.
comment posted at 1:11 PM on Jun-24-04

Michael Moore, or Michael snore? (I am so funny its almost pointless) Are people judging a film before it is seen? Is our nation so solidified on partisan ideals that our own political idealogies only want to oppose the "other side"?
comment posted at 7:32 AM on Jun-22-04
comment posted at 12:35 PM on Jun-23-04

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