2584 MetaFilter comments by aaron (displaying 1501 through 1550)

PG & E declaring bankruptcy. So if every website in the bay area goes down, it may not be due to the dotcom fallout. And remember kids, when the lights go off, you'll want to loot your local Fry's before anything else.
comment posted at 12:44 PM on Apr-6-01
comment posted at 2:16 PM on Apr-6-01
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Apr-6-01

Is anyone else getting really irritated over the no right click java-scripts? The thing does mostly nothing, if you wanted to steal something, you could through the source code, and most of the sites that are tacky enough to place it in there have really crappy graphics anyway. What I use the right click for is opening a link in a new windows, if there's a list of links and you go through them one by one. *Sigh*
comment posted at 7:29 AM on Apr-6-01

Foreign Media Reaction. A regular report from the Office of Research of the US State Department which summarizes opinions, official and journalistic, on hot-button issues in newspapers around the world. Currently covers the Sino-American dogfight. Incredibly thorough. A good one to set up under an Internet Explorer subscription.
comment posted at 7:21 PM on Apr-5-01

Girl dies during radical therapy session. The mother has been given limited immunity for her testimony against the therapists. This is some scary beans -- does anybody have any experiences with this kind of therapy?
comment posted at 7:27 PM on Apr-5-01

If Only It Was Arafat. Good. If he was who they say he was, he deserved it. Keep Playing Hardball. The Israelis should play this kind of hardball for a few years. Then the rocks will stop, things will settle down, perhaps the Palestineans will stop claiming Jerusalem, get some kind of real government, and then, perhaps their own little state. Then again, since no Arab state comes close to being a democracy, perhaps that will never happen.
comment posted at 4:55 PM on Apr-5-01

Say what you want about him... but STILE PROJECT is as much a part of the internet at MetaFilter ...or, it would be, if he wasn't being shut down for allegedly displaying a copyrighted image in a banner ad that wasn't even stored within his website. And apparently his site isn't the only one targetted.
comment posted at 4:57 PM on Apr-5-01

Parent's name their baby "Espn" after the all sports network ESPN. One of my pet peeves is when parents name their babies something "unique" or "cute." I read somewhere that the director Robert Rodruiguez named his kid Rocket. Don't these parents understand how much teasing their children are going to have to endure? Aargh.
comment posted at 7:29 PM on Apr-5-01

Stung by the "Sopranos," the lawyers strike back The Italian American Defense league suing because the HBO show Sopranos defames Italians...is their claim with or without merit?
comment posted at 4:33 PM on Apr-5-01

"I love my stillborn daughter so much, I'm putting her picture on my site for all the world to see!" Am I wrong to be somewhat disturbed by this? She even had to have "the bruises" photoshopped out!
comment posted at 11:15 AM on Apr-5-01
comment posted at 11:07 PM on Apr-5-01

Perry Wacker gets a 14 year sentence. For killing attempting to smuggle 60 people into the UK, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison. For killing 58 of them he was sentenced to a further 6 years. He should have gotten the death sentence, or at least life-without-parole. Why was he charged with manslaughter instead of murder?
comment posted at 9:48 AM on Apr-5-01

Mathowie needs our help... seems he can't figure out how to speed up his morning toast. Certainly someone here can point him towards breakfast enlightenment...
comment posted at 10:01 AM on Apr-5-01

The reason Flash, and quite possibly the Internet itself, was created. It's got a single brief AYBABTU reference, but apart from that, it's pure, random, lunatic genius.
comment posted at 11:30 PM on Apr-4-01

Another year, another 25 under-reported news stories. Courtesy our fine friends at Project Censored, take a gander at the articles mainstream media shied away from throughout 2000, while aiming the consolidated investigative spotlight at all that presidential bollocks, and J-Lo's breakup with Puffy.
comment posted at 10:27 PM on Apr-4-01

Rudy Giuliani: Cultural Gestapo? C'mon NYC, I expect you guys to be a bastion of liberalism. Is this kind of stuff gonna happen to LA's Porn Valley soon? Not if they elect this man mayor...
comment posted at 10:31 PM on Apr-4-01

Who Goes To These Things? Now? Self Explanatory
comment posted at 4:12 PM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 9:40 PM on Apr-4-01

What Europe thinks of America - the Guardian newspaper has a light-hearted look at the way Europe and America perceive each other. Also amusing is something they wrote for Dubya; 'The World: A Primer'.
comment posted at 4:01 PM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 4:03 PM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 4:31 PM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 5:08 PM on Apr-4-01

That's My Bush! - Premiers tonight on Comedy Central. From Matt and Trey, the creators of South Park. This is either gonna be really great or reeeeeaaaallllyyy bad.
comment posted at 10:51 AM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 11:58 PM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 9:54 PM on Apr-5-01
comment posted at 9:49 PM on Apr-6-01

France slams the US.
comment posted at 11:53 AM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 11:54 AM on Apr-4-01

Suck, Feed and Plastic on the ropes? (item two) Word is that Automatic Media is feeling the pinch and time is running out. The company behind the three already-mentioned properties relies on advertising revenue it is simply 'too hip' to attract, writes to the Dotcom Scoop, and it has apparently tried to license out the Slash-based community publishing system used on Plastic as well. Will they survive? And should they? Discuss. (via MediaNews)
comment posted at 11:12 AM on Apr-4-01
comment posted at 10:23 PM on Apr-5-01

Hanging a dead chad . . . The Miami Herald has completed the recount of undervotes from all 67 counties in Florida. The findings? The Herald says it best: . . . under almost all scenarios, Bush still would have won. Indeed, in one of the great ironies of the bitter 2000 election, Bush's lead would have vanished only if the recount had been conducted under severely restrictive standards advocated by some Republicans. Go figure.
comment posted at 12:12 PM on Apr-4-01

Can you camera do this? Kodak's MC3 looks to hot to trot featuring an MP3 player, Digital Video recorder and camera. There's not much reason I can see not to run to the store and grab one now!
comment posted at 11:15 PM on Apr-3-01

Now they're putting URLs on our license plates. This Internet thing has finally gone too far. (Though the thought of Dale Earnhardt license plates is itself disturbing.)
comment posted at 12:05 PM on Apr-3-01
comment posted at 3:20 PM on Apr-3-01
comment posted at 10:31 PM on Apr-5-01

Post Office May End Saturday Delivery... One day I'll be may be able to tell my children, "When I was your age mail was delivered six days a week." My children will respond in awe.
comment posted at 11:45 AM on Apr-3-01

The-Artist-Once-Again-Known-As-Prince debuts his new single on Napster - The Work - Pt. 1, which is the first track from Prince's new album, The Rainbow Children will be available on Friday. Prince has worked without a major label contract since 1994 after a contract dispute with Warner Music.
comment posted at 4:20 PM on Apr-3-01

Babs a Democrat? Say it ain't so! OK, so it's not really a surprise...but if this "memo" from Babs to fellow Dems is, in fact, real (and not a belated April Fool's joke), then I wonder: who the heck does she think she is? Does she hold a leadership position of ANY party, let alone the Dems? Sure, contributors have the right to "influence" their party of choice, but to flat-out admit very publicly that the Dem leadership has no cajones? She's only making it worse for the Dems (ha!). And besides, isn't she doing what she rails against in Republican contributors - using her $$$ contributions to sway her party in directions that she approves of?
comment posted at 9:43 PM on Apr-2-01

For those interested in the history of the Internet, the RFC #100 seems like a useful starting point: " For historical reasons and for readers interested in tracing through the stages of development of a topic, a brief summary is given for each NWG/RFC relevant to a particular category."Which is good, since even RFC 1 makes it sound like the Internet had already started. I was hoping that RFC #1 was entitled "The Internet: A Novel Approach to Computer Networks."
comment posted at 1:19 PM on Apr-2-01

US Spy plane lands on Hainan after collision with Chinese jet. Bush wants the crew back. And the plane too, along with all the equipment, please.
comment posted at 1:05 PM on Apr-2-01

The anti-Napster or Napster's future?... File sharing as perceived by the music industry. I wonder if there isn't a deal with Napster already. But what are they going to do with all the Napster clones?
comment posted at 12:58 PM on Apr-2-01

The link between Reagan's party and Clinton's persecution After power itself, conservative Republicans have wanted nothing more than to round out the 20th century with the ledgers balanced. They needed a Democratic Richard Nixon and a Republican Franklin D. Roosevelt. Tom Teepen makes a pretty good case here. Clinton wasn't Nixon, and Reagan sure as hell wasn't FDR.
comment posted at 12:49 PM on Apr-2-01

"The Jonestown Reenactment is an inclusive art project, actively seeking involvement and participation from like minded individuals."

Sorta like the original Jonestown!
comment posted at 3:27 PM on Apr-1-01

Very important article about Israel, says Jorn An article published on Arab web site, with intro by Gore Vidal, and re-issued with intro by Edward Said, is written by highly credentialled Israeli professor. Well, the opening intro para by Vidal is just plain contrary to facts. The Russian leader, Stalin, was violently anti-semitic and yet his country (33-13) also voted for the State of Israel. Did the "Jewish Lobby" give Joe a few million too? Jorn. This stuff is getting tiresome. Be anti-Israel if you will. But please do not become a bore.
comment posted at 11:37 AM on Apr-1-01

The dog mauling case in San Francisco continues to make for some bizarre news. Turns out that the possible sexual abuse of the animals did in fact happen. The dogs had also previously attacked another woman.
comment posted at 11:43 AM on Apr-1-01

Happy April Fool's Day! I just stumbled across my first prank page of the season. How about you?
comment posted at 12:03 PM on Apr-1-01

Screw nature - It's baseball that we have to save! He gets to be President and manage a baseball team. Truly, America is the land of dreams.
comment posted at 9:57 PM on Mar-31-01

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