2221 MetaFilter comments by interrobang (displaying 151 through 200)

"This is for the guy who needed a card to come out to his parents." (Youtube) David Ellis Dickerson draws on his previous job as a Hallmark greeting card writer to create funny, poignant cards for people with unconventional greeting card emergencies (but he won't do cards aimed at making people feel bad).
comment posted at 12:37 PM on Oct-12-09

Know Thy Congressman (an Apps for America Project of Sunlight Labs) provides a handy bookmarklet that lets you get a quick overview of Congresscritters that you might not be familiar with. The winners for Round Two of Apps for America (focusing on data.gov) were announced yesterday.
comment posted at 1:17 PM on Sep-10-09

The U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan is guarded by gross perverts. (Photos!)
comment posted at 5:29 PM on Sep-1-09

Investigating Bellini's Feast of the Gods takes apart the layers of Feast of the Gods, painted by Giovanni Bellini, repainted by Dosso Dossi, and repainted again by Tiziano Vecellio--that is, Titian. Visitors can see the results of x-rays and other imaging techniques, view the painting's changing context in the Duke of Ferrara's gallery, and examine details in close-up.
comment posted at 8:04 PM on Aug-31-09

One girl - seven deadly sins. A rare instance when the artist and the model are the same person. Her other works..
comment posted at 9:57 AM on Aug-26-09

Edward M. Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts, has died at age 77. After a rocky youth (including scandals of cheating and reckless driving), Kennedy followed his brothers into politics, making health care his cause, and eventually went on to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Anticipating his own death, he had been trying to create a quick transition for his replacement as a vote on health care reform rapidly approached.
comment posted at 6:25 AM on Aug-26-09

In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war. Space Hulk returns.
comment posted at 7:03 AM on Aug-17-09

Dinner at El Bulli: The Best Restaurant in the World. a comic book style guide with videos.
comment posted at 10:50 AM on Aug-14-09

If you loved the 80's cartoon and toys, you owe it to yourself to see a true rendering of the Joes as re remember them with an all-star cast: The Ballad of G.I. Joe (SLFunnyorDie). With Julianne Moore as Scarlett and Billy Crudup as Zartan.
comment posted at 9:02 AM on Aug-11-09

Fox have offocially announced that Ridley Scott has officially signed on to direct the new 'Alien' prequel. He certainly did a great job on the original but can he match his previous truimph? Given the number of projects he has in gestation (heh) maybe any celebration is premature...
comment posted at 8:47 AM on Jul-31-09

Michael Savage unplugged. Behind the scenes. "This year, Savage is celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of his radio career. On the air one day, he marked the occasion in typically perverse fashion: by thinking of all the listeners who stuck around, and all the ones who didn’t. “Some were fifteen, they’re now thirty,” he said. “Some were five, they’re now twenty. They grew up on me. Their fathers are dead; the guys who had it playing in the car are gone. They’re still here, they can’t believe it. I’m their voice of freedom. I’m the last hope. I’m the beacon. I’m the Statue of Liberty. I’m Michael Savage. I’ll be back."”
comment posted at 9:58 PM on Jul-30-09

Hello, New York! New York, wake up you f*ckers! Free Music! Free Love! In 1968, two years before those other guys, Jefferson Airplane played their apocalyptic psychedelia from a NYC rooftop, before police shut them down. Filmed (staged?) by Jean-Luc Godard.
comment posted at 8:16 PM on Jul-30-09

Canadian actor Les Lye, who played many characters on the TV show You Can't Do That on Television, among other roles, has passed away. Perhaps Mr. Lye's most famous character was Barth, the cafeteria chef on the show. Someone pour out a bottle of green slime for the man.
comment posted at 9:07 AM on Jul-23-09

This is how to start a wedding. Totally and utterly SYTLy, but still the best thing I've seen this week.
comment posted at 7:23 AM on Jul-23-09

People adore Zappos. Will that continue now that Amazon has bought them for nearly a billion dollars? In a battle of new wave corporate communication, Jeff Bezos announced it on Youtube while the Zappos' CEO posted his letter to the employees on their blog. (Previous Zappos posts: 1, 2)
comment posted at 8:36 PM on Jul-22-09

Man Not Superman based on a story by Jonathan Goldstein about a mortal man dealing with the pressures of dating Lois Lane. Found on Post-it Note Stories: Stories illustrated on little yellow Post-It Notes in beautiful black Sharpie. (via).
comment posted at 9:03 AM on Jul-22-09
comment posted at 9:39 AM on Jul-22-09

The New York Times profiles Jack Vance (but fails to mention Vancian Magic. (Curse you Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition!)
comment posted at 5:31 PM on Jul-16-09
comment posted at 5:38 PM on Jul-16-09
comment posted at 10:35 AM on Jul-17-09

(Still) Declassified. "In January 2009, I had an idea; photograph people in their homes that have placed a wide variety of personal advertisements. Although I imagined most people wouldn’t want to give up their anonymity, I rightly imagined some would be willing to. "
comment posted at 8:30 AM on Jul-2-09

Michael Jackson, the undisputed King of Pop, has died of cardiac arrest in Los Angeles, California. He was 50 years old.
comment posted at 7:20 AM on Jun-26-09
comment posted at 8:30 AM on Jun-26-09
comment posted at 8:51 AM on Jun-26-09
comment posted at 9:01 AM on Jun-26-09
comment posted at 9:15 AM on Jun-26-09

The American Nightmare (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Documentary on US horror films of the 60s and 70s and how their themes reflected the society of the time. Includes contributions from John Carpenter, Wes Craven, David Cronenberg, Tobe Hooper, John Landis, George R. Romero and Tom Savini. NSFW - horror gore plus extreme reportage.
comment posted at 10:01 PM on Jun-22-09

I'll admit it borders on LOLneocons, but it really takes it to a truly amazing level, reminiscent of the media outlets depicted in 1984, to see Salon.com editor-in-chief Joan Walsh's appearance on The O'Reilly Factor and then compare it with Bill O'Reilly's "remix" of the interview which actually aired. We already knew we were in the age of malleable media, but ... (See also Gawker's summary of what techniques Walsh employed to come out on top, which are generally useful in life, too.)
comment posted at 8:32 PM on Jun-16-09

RIP Hugh Hopper.
comment posted at 9:41 AM on Jun-11-09

At long last, Pringles have joined the family of potato chips after being shunned for years.
comment posted at 8:46 AM on Jun-1-09

Microsoft's new search engine, Bing, goes beta. Cribbed from live.com, the layout for bing is... strangely familiar. Early reviews are mixed, with mixed results, mostly noting that the results less useful than google, especially when it comes to google.
comment posted at 7:10 AM on Jun-1-09

Get Your Kid Off Your Facebook Page by Katie Roiphe You click on a friend's name and what comes into focus is not a photograph of her face, but a sleeping blond four-year-old, or a sun-hatted baby running on the beach. Here, harmlessly embedded in one of our favorite methods of procrastination, is a potent symbol for the new century. Where have all of these women gone? What, some future historian may very well ask, do all of these babies on our Facebook pages say about the construction of women’s identity at this particular moment in time?
comment posted at 8:01 AM on May-16-09

17 year old Julia Dales, from Canada, winner of the first Beatbox Battle Online World Championship. Her amazing wild card audition, "two minutes of DJ noises, a good bass line, a full drum kit, a remix of Justin Timberlake, Fergie and Nelly Furtado, some rewinds, a car starting, and an arsenal of other noises".The contest site.
comment posted at 9:17 AM on May-14-09

After receiving complains from upset parents, FEMA took the PDF coloring book "A Scary Thing Happened" offline, and now the story is spinning around the internet. Created by the Freeborn County Crisis Response Team in 2003 as a tool for children to use with a responsible parent or adult to help cope with the disaster, the book has been used with children who have experienced disasters related to Hurricane Katrina, California wildfires, floods and even the Interstate 35 bridge collapse, to name a few instances. There have even been international requests from the Australian Red Cross to use the coloring book as a model to aid Australian children. Looking for more than the offending page? The Smoking Gun has made the original PDF available, and FEMA still has three other coloring books online. (More coloring book fun inside)
comment posted at 9:55 AM on Apr-30-09

Just what is the deal with Jughead's weird crown cap? I'm learning to share investigates a forgotten history of haberdashery.
comment posted at 7:22 AM on Apr-28-09

By high school, her name was cool to many. "They were like, 'Oh yeah. Man, I wish I had your name. I love that. I'm going to name my kid after you.' I hear that so much and I go, Lord, please don't do that to that child." --Marijuana Pepsi Jackson [via]
comment posted at 11:24 AM on Apr-22-09
comment posted at 11:29 AM on Apr-22-09

Welcome to Sarien.net, the portal for reliving the classic Sierra On-Line adventure games. With its focus on instant fun and a unique multiplayer experience, Sarien.net hopes to win new gamers' hearts and promote the adventure game genre. Available currently: Leisure Suit Larry 1, Police Quest 1, and Space Quest 1.
comment posted at 4:23 PM on Apr-20-09
comment posted at 7:29 PM on Apr-20-09

For the last 50 years, grammar and style have been learned from The Elements of Style. That's not necessarily a good thing.
comment posted at 10:19 AM on Apr-11-09

Sarah Palin understands the importance of religion in politics. That's why the Political Action Committee preparing for her 2012 presidential bid is being run by John Coale - an OT-VII Scientologist.
comment posted at 8:46 AM on Mar-27-09

More paintings that I like: This time, they are by Kristin Cammermeyer. Here is a statement about the paintings. Here are some examples that I particularly like.
comment posted at 8:06 PM on Mar-21-09

Today Kansas became one step closer to raising its state minimum wage and shedding its embarrassing position as lowest set state minimum wage in the nation at $2.65 per hour. (Kansas minimum wage is lower than Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, though 5 states currently have no minimum wage whatsoever.) The Kansas Department of Labor estimates that over 20,000 Kansans earn less than the federal minimum wage. After passing the Kansas Senate by a vote of 33-7, will the Speaker of the House allow a vote on Senate Bill 160?
comment posted at 7:06 AM on Mar-19-09

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