2221 MetaFilter comments by interrobang (displaying 251 through 300)

the first full release of Photosynth. Stonehenge. Venice. Previously 1,2,3. PC only.
comment posted at 9:45 AM on Aug-23-08

EC Comics great Jack Kamen (probably best known today as the father of inventor Dean Kamen) has died at 88.
comment posted at 7:28 PM on Aug-7-08

[via MetaFilter Music] "This is a live recording of Royal Quiet Deluxe, my band from 1998. The track features manipulated drum machines and vocals, bass, and two chickens playing keyboards. The band was short-lived and a (very) minor local legend in Virginia in the late 1990s. This is our story."
comment posted at 8:46 PM on Aug-2-08

Man kills two, injures 7 others, in church shooting. Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church had "just put out a sign this week which says it welcomes gays." Link to Knoxville news. And the updates page. Greg McKendry, a 60 year old foster parent, attempted to subdue the shooter and was killed in the process. Knoxville's police chief says the man accused of a shooting that killed two people at a Tennessee church targeted the congregation because of its liberal social stance. The church sponsors the Spectrum Cafe, a meeting place for GLBT youth. A Facebook page has been created so you can express your condolences.
comment posted at 1:13 PM on Jul-28-08

Wrong side of the art. This blog was originally made as an easy access page to view/manage my collection of movie posters specializing in cult/horror/exploitation/B/sci-fi and basically any other genre to which one may refer as 'shit'. Don't forget the blaxploitation, naziploitation, nunsploitation, and bruceleeploitation, and watch out out if you're at work: some B-movies aren't for kids.
comment posted at 3:56 PM on Jul-26-08

Pamela and Bubba get married down at the Waffle House. Be sure to click on the photo essay (slideshow) link on the bottom. It does require suffering through a commercial but it's worth it.
comment posted at 2:02 PM on Jul-26-08

Lionel Richiie's voice has a makeover in this creepy audio dub of the video to Hello. If you get bored half way skip to the Sinister/ridiculous drama at the end.
comment posted at 10:03 AM on Jul-23-08

The Historic American Sheet Music archive at the Duke University Library has over 3000 pieces published in the United States available online, from the 1850s up to 1920. Composers represented include well-known names such as Scott Joplin, Irving Berlin, and John Philip Sousa. All the music is now in the public domain, and may be printed and performed freely. [Note: Language or stereotypes may occasionally be NSFW.]
comment posted at 7:37 PM on Jul-22-08

Tiled Background Designer is just a small, useful tool to create patterns. Experiment with pictures, colors, textures and transparency to get best result.
comment posted at 6:08 AM on Jul-17-08
comment posted at 6:50 AM on Jul-17-08

Next-Door Neighbor, from SMITH Magazine, takes a bunch of renowned artists and writers from the world of Indie Comics and asks them to tell stories about, well, memorable Next-Door Neighbor experiences. "The Next-Door Neighbor I Don't Know," by Harvey Pekar and Rick Veitch is worth a look, of course, but personal favorites for me include "Halloweens Ago," and "Hank & Barbara." And after reading, "Dream Train," be sure to check out the video link of the subject playing an old cowboy song.
comment posted at 6:37 PM on Jul-16-08

The end of Moore’s influence came when, years later, she tried to block the publication of a book by E. B. White. Watching Moore stand in the way of “Stuart Little,” White’s editor, Ursula Nordstrom, remembered, was like watching a horse fall down, its spindly legs crumpling beneath its great weight.
comment posted at 5:33 PM on Jul-14-08

Former White House spokesman Tony Snow developed colon cancer in February 2005 thanks to having suffered from ulcerative colitis for much of his life; he died today from that ailment. Snow was a "Fox News Sunday" anchor, a Fox News Channel political analyst, a guest host for Rush Limbaugh's radio program, the host of Fox News Radio's "The Tony Snow Show", and a NPR commentator. Chief of Staff Josh Bolten told staffers that unless they could commit to staying the full remainder of Bush's term, they should leave by Labor Day 2007, prompting Snow's resignation (due to what he said were financial reasons), where he was succeeded by Dana Perino. He played the guitar, saxophone and flute and was in a band called Beats Workin'. "Bush's wavering conservatism has become an active concern among Republicans, who wish he would stop cowering under the bed and start fighting back against the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Wilson," said Snow in a column. "The newly passive George Bush has become something of an embarrassment."
comment posted at 3:49 PM on Jul-12-08

Skulls Unlimited: For all your osteology needs.
comment posted at 8:55 PM on Jul-10-08

"Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was in Denver, CO, today for a town hall meeting. The event, at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, was billed as 'open to the public.' Yet Carole Kreck, a 61-year-old librarian carrying a 'McCain=Bush' sign, was taken away by police [on orders from McCain's security detail] for trespassing. A police officer told Kreck:
'You have two choices. You can keep your sign here and receive a ticket for trespassing, or you can remove the sign and stay in line and attend this town hall meeting.'
Kreck received a ticket for trespassing and her court date is July 23."*. Video of Kreck's encounter with the police.
comment posted at 5:41 PM on Jul-7-08

Jack "Marvel" Whiteside Parsons was the right hand man to Aleister Crowley, a founder of modern US rocket science, and early partner to L Ron Hubbard. Celebrate July 4th by investigating this major character in the birth of our age.
comment posted at 11:03 AM on Jul-5-08

Without explanation, all of Violet Blue's posts have been removed from Boing Boing, raising serious questions about ethics and revisionism that run contra to the thoughtful declarations of blogging pioneers. Is this hypocritical in light of BB's own public bouts with censorship? Or does this reflect an altogether different loss of control?
comment posted at 10:37 AM on Jun-30-08
comment posted at 10:55 AM on Jun-30-08
comment posted at 9:41 AM on Jul-1-08
comment posted at 2:15 PM on Jul-1-08
comment posted at 7:59 AM on Jul-2-08
comment posted at 8:03 AM on Jul-2-08

1,000 Beasts by Aeron Alfrey
comment posted at 11:10 AM on Jun-24-08

The Washington Post give the Associated Press the banhammer. It seems the A.P. doesn't like some blogs for using its headlines and excerpts. It's fair use, but A.P. disagrees. NYTimes take.
comment posted at 6:07 PM on Jun-16-08

Are you, like many others this summer, considering avoiding the costs & hassles of pricey foreign or domestic travel by having a "staycation" at home? Daily Show commenter John Hodgman (ably backed by Jonathan Coulton on the strings) enumerates the benefits of a "Holistay" (much better name) to help you make your choice.
comment posted at 9:56 AM on Jun-12-08

"'Uncle Adolf' referred to William Patrick as 'my loathsome nephew'." Willy Hitler, the son of Adolf Hitler's half-brother Alois Hitler, Jr., is one member of Hitler's extended family, although he wasn't easy to track down. After WWII, he changed his name and tried to live a private, secret life in the United States. Now, his three sons, relatives of Hitler living normal, regular American lives, have decided to never marry and let their family line die with them.
comment posted at 10:27 AM on Jun-6-08

I Am Trying to Take Your Cash is a spot on parody of the Wilco documentary I Am Trying to Break Your Heart by The Goblins. Along the same lines is All You Need is Cash by the Rutles. (previously)
comment posted at 11:20 AM on May-23-08
comment posted at 11:21 AM on May-23-08

The Hole in the Wall [via mefi projects] is our own interrobang's surrealistic cat story now being serialized at Top Shelf Comics as part of their new Webcomics section, and it's definitely something special - pen & ink & watercolor adventures of two cats exploring a mysterious and dangerous underground landscape. More comics like this will be posted there depending on the popularity of this one, so if you love art, great comics, or cats, you will want to check it out. This was a part of interrobang's Year in Comics project, so if you fall in love with the Hole in the Wall kittehs (you will!), go have look at his other stuff, as well.
comment posted at 10:02 AM on May-23-08
comment posted at 11:20 AM on May-26-08
comment posted at 2:05 PM on May-26-08

NewsFilter: The California Supreme Court has just overturned the state's ban on same-sex marriages. Read the decision.
comment posted at 10:59 AM on May-15-08

The Adventures of God-Man an occasional feature of Ruben Bolling's Tom The Dancing Bug strip
comment posted at 8:44 AM on May-15-08
comment posted at 9:01 AM on May-15-08

Childish superstition: Einstein's letter makes view of religion relatively clear.
comment posted at 12:08 PM on May-14-08

Robert Rauschenberg (previously), painter, sculptor, perfomance artist, printmaker, photographer, theater designer, technologist, dead at 82.
comment posted at 10:22 AM on May-13-08

The Chrysler Building: 77 floors, 319.5m (1048 feet) high, 29961 tons of steel, 3,826,000 bricks, near 5000 windows of total Art Deco coolness.
comment posted at 2:36 PM on Apr-30-08

Fritz Langs M as adapted by comicbook artist Jon J Muth.
comment posted at 4:10 PM on Apr-24-08

Free Speculative Fiction Online is a database of free science fiction and fantasy stories online by published authors (no fan-fiction or stories by unpublished writers). Among the authors that FSFO links to are Paul Di Filippo (14 stories), James Tiptree, Jr. (4 stories), Connie Willis (3 stories), Eleanor Arnason (3 stories), Bruce Sterling (5 stories), Robert Heinlein (7 stories), Ursula K. LeGuin (3 stories), Jonathan Lethem (5 stories), Michael Moorcock (6 stories), Chine Miéville (2 stories), Samuel R. Delany (3 stories), Robert Sheckley (8 stories), MeFite Charles Stross (33 stories) and hundreds of other authors. If you don't know where to start, there's a list of recommended stories.
comment posted at 2:08 PM on Apr-5-08

"I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right. It's as simple as it gets in this complicated world."

This story's making the rounds today, for a very, very good reason: A Victim Treats His Mugger Right
comment posted at 10:48 AM on Mar-28-08
comment posted at 10:50 AM on Mar-28-08
comment posted at 11:06 AM on Mar-28-08

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