462 MetaFilter comments by Jubey (displaying 301 through 350)

Superherodom after 40. A series of paintings by Andreas Englund. Coral cache here.
comment posted at 10:25 AM on Aug-29-11

Birthweight link to lifespan and lifelong health. 'Why does one person die younger and another survive to old age? Lifestyle and genetic factors play a role, but' 'a better predictor of future health is our birthweight and what it tells us about our development in the womb.' 'The birthweight of a baby reflects how well it was nourished in the womb and the risk of chronic disease in later life. It is better to be 7lb (3.2kg) at birth than 6lb - better to be 8lb than 7lb. This implies that variations in the supply of food from normal healthy mothers to normal healthy babies have huge implications for the long-term health of the baby.'
comment posted at 7:43 PM on Aug-25-11

Cat-Scan.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.
comment posted at 2:10 AM on Jul-14-11

Starting July 1, to make Sydney more liveable, the state government of New South Wales (NSW) will pay AU$7000 to Sydneysider families that relocate from metropolitan areas of Sydney to rural NSW.
comment posted at 9:45 PM on Jun-29-11

Much better, IMHO, than the Beloit list. 40 Things That Will Make You Feel Old (via Buzzfeed)
comment posted at 2:19 AM on May-13-11

"But when Britney [Spears] got healthy, Jamie’s lawyers actually pushed for greater authority and, on October 28th of 2008, Jamie secured a permanent conservatorship. PERMANENT. HE OWNS HER FOREVER."
comment posted at 1:34 AM on Apr-9-11

Irish dancing flash mob in Sydney's Central Station. The dancers included twenty members of the Riverdance show and dancers from local Irish dancing schools.
comment posted at 4:23 PM on Mar-17-11

…But a few rare people will point out the stuff that they like, call you out on some of the dumb shit that you’re writing, and gently but forcefully suggest ways to make your dumb shit better. Treasure these people. Learn to recognize them. These people are your only hope. [...] You’re going to find them, and you’re going to hang out with these people as much as possible. You’re going to go drink coffee with them at 2am in shitty diners; you’re going to become new best friends with them; you’re going to call them at all hours on the phone.

How to be a writer, by Oliver Miller.
comment posted at 12:53 AM on Feb-27-11

"You come and you do everything, all the things you don't do with your wife out of respect, you let yourself do here. Because here they are like a rag for you. If one doesn't want to do something she can go home. There will be another one within seconds, so you can do whatever you want." .... "You can do everything and everything alright. And why is that? Because with my employees, when I tell them to do something, they better do it. So even if she's a really good employee, she has to get up in the morning and go to work and she has to make my fantasies a reality because I am paying her money."
What do Israeli sex tourists in Thailand really think?
comment posted at 4:43 AM on Feb-6-11

Princesse Ghislaine de Polignac , who has died aged 92, was the former wife of Prince Edmond de Polignac, and more than once survived crises that would have consigned a less determined person to social ostracism. Here's a sketch of her as a younger woman.
comment posted at 1:22 PM on Feb-5-11

"Every year my wife and I throw a party and when I send out the photos I add famous people."
comment posted at 4:10 PM on Dec-1-10
comment posted at 5:06 PM on Dec-1-10
comment posted at 5:09 PM on Dec-1-10

Y'know, I never really got into Phish (wiki) but, man, they just sound so good here.
comment posted at 5:10 AM on Oct-19-10

The Hughes family does a good deed and gets beaten up by some in the international development community, reigniting the debate on poverty tourism. (previously)
comment posted at 8:34 PM on Aug-22-10

The first episode of season four of Mad Men (so much previously [meta-previously]) aired tonight. Shortly after, the first "Mad Men"': A Conversation blog entry was posted on the Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog. There will be a post for every episode.
comment posted at 10:38 PM on Jul-25-10

The Process will make you want to slap your marketing department. (SLYT)
comment posted at 4:51 AM on May-26-10

This year's Top 10 Sexy Geeks
comment posted at 12:54 PM on Dec-28-09

Vadim Ponorovsky, owner of New York restaurant Paradou, wants his customers emails for his newsletter. When the waitstaff failed to collect them he fired off a nasty email to motivate them.

Somebody sent it Gawker.

Ponorovsky explains what he was thinking to Grubstreet and Black Book Magazine.

The Waiter over at Waiter Rant weighs in.
comment posted at 8:07 PM on Nov-29-09

Cat-Scan.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.
comment posted at 10:42 PM on Jul-14-09

Try the Tantric Massage in London if you are travelling there I am overwhelmed by the Tantric massage that i have received from Carmella and Sutara. I mean it's a blessing. This is the best ever massage i have ever received. I know there are some restrictions in the US, so, the massage therapists aren't that open, but if someone's going to london, don't forget to try this and of course share your experience. P.S. For guys who might fantasies, i suggest to leave your imagination at home, this might not be something that you are looking for. Check the site before going.
comment posted at 4:29 AM on Jul-4-08

300 opened today. Slate's reviewer didn't like it -- "No one involved ... seems to have noticed that we're in the middle of an actual war. With actual Persians." Some people took him/her to task over it. Still others asked the director, "Is George Bush Leonidas, or Xerxes?" Obviously, the Frank Miller fanboys love it. And one of the guys from AintitCool says, "Just ass kicking that kicks ass that, while said ass is getting kicked, is kicking yet more ass that’s hitting someone’s balls with a hammer made of ice but the ice is frozen whiskey." But who knew the trailer's catch phrase "Then we shall fight in the shade" is actually lifted from Herodotus?
comment posted at 3:50 AM on Mar-10-07

Cat-Scan.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.
comment posted at 4:26 AM on Jul-14-06

Kiteboarding is an argument for the existence of God. And even if, like me, you don’t buy that particular argument, it’s still insanely cool. Armed with a kite, a harness and a board, you can show up your local skate rats (soundtrack includes language that is Not, strictly speaking, Safe For Work), fly over snow, ride waves and even indulge yourself over plain-vanilla dry land. Be careful, though. If angered, the wind could easily take you into orbit.
comment posted at 5:39 AM on Jul-14-06
comment posted at 5:41 AM on Jul-14-06

Some mid-week Flash fun.

Daniel: Wouldn't a fly swatter be easier?
Miyagi: Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything.
Daniel: Ever catch one?
Miyagi: Not yet.
comment posted at 8:14 AM on Nov-2-05

Its official, Pope John Paul II has died at age 84 in Vatican City. "The Holy Father died this evening at 21.37 in his private apartment"
comment posted at 3:12 AM on Apr-3-05

10 ads courtesy of AdAge.com (N.S.F.America)
comment posted at 1:33 AM on Dec-24-03

The Shark That Won't Be Caged: everyone knows the Carcharodon carcharias--usually by its popularized name The Great White Shark--but not many people have ever seen one, due to the fact that one has never survived for any significant length of time in captivity. Until recently, it was thought that the shark's sensitivity to electrical fields was the culprit, but an aquarium in Monterey Bay is out to prove that theory wrong (additional stories on attempt:1, 2). A previous, accidental capture of a Great White in a tuna net off the coast of South Australia suggests that it could be possible if the stress level can be kept low enough.
comment posted at 12:12 AM on Oct-1-03

Can't you get along with anyone? Allan Weisbecker, surfer, smuggler, writer, screen writer. A fun read.
comment posted at 1:41 AM on Sep-15-03

Fantastic images of a Great White Shark breaching (leaving the surface of the water, like a whale or a dolphin would). Note - they apparently usually exhibit this behavior when they are killing/feeding, so those with delicate sensibilities shouldn't click.
comment posted at 5:53 PM on Sep-11-03

Fucked up cats. Including but not limited to winged, extra-toed, and dwarf cats.
comment posted at 11:56 PM on Jul-11-03

Confessions of a Serial Dater... the absolutely positively true adventures of Dorelvis."Then he reneges on the wedding...I have already bought shoes."
comment posted at 6:22 PM on Jan-23-03

This is probably the most upsetting job post I've ever come across. I don't know whether I should pity this couple or be really disturbed by them.
comment posted at 11:44 PM on Nov-25-02

My laptop gets pretty hot but I never imagined it could cause burns! In fact this is probably the only injury that can be caused by a computer, apart from electrocution?
comment posted at 5:04 PM on Nov-24-02

No Child Unrecruited Under the "No Child Left Behind Act" passed earlier this year, secondary schools must provide military recruiters with the names, addresses and phone numbers of their students or risk losing federal aid. [More Inside]
comment posted at 11:30 PM on Nov-8-02

Paint By Numbers Proving that everything old school is new again. Choose from hundreds of masterworks from artistic greats such Georgia O'Keefe, Mark Rothko, Picasso and Monet or just paint up the perfect black velvet Elvis. Select your artwork, choose a color and click to fill. You'll never color outside the lines again. (This was just too fun to save for Friday.) [ Via Linky Dinky ]
comment posted at 4:49 PM on Nov-4-02

"Deep-fried chicken livers, crusty and delicious as any chicken liver ever, anywhere. Utterly wonderful, served with peppered cream gravy on the side."
Michael Stern - co-author (along with his wife) of numerous pop-culture classics - pontificates on the subtle joys of roadside diners, collaborative cuisine and comfort food. If all the talk of chicken-fried steak makes you want to hit the road, use his site to hunt down some choice noshing stops. Or just whip up some down-home grub yourself. Personally, I like a big ole pot of ravioli with a ketchup and butter sauce. Mmmm....
comment posted at 5:16 PM on Nov-4-02

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