2067 MetaFilter comments by Witty (displaying 301 through 350)

Selected images from Saturday's anti-war rally in San Francisco. More from Zombietime. Warning: contains snarky captions.
comment posted at 10:24 AM on Sep-28-05
comment posted at 10:31 AM on Sep-28-05

Beyond DeLay: The 13 Most Corrupt Members of Congress. CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) has released a report detailing the dirty business of many members of Congress.
comment posted at 8:59 AM on Sep-27-05

Losing Gilligan and Maxwell Smart just a few weeks apart is sad. What great memories of a very funny show and a funny man.
comment posted at 12:55 PM on Sep-26-05

Sheehan arrested for... protesting. Will the ACLU please, PLEASE take this case up to the highest courts in the land. Enough with the police intimidation and ritual abuse of power.
comment posted at 2:08 PM on Sep-26-05

Chinese food around the world. Ethnic Chinese immigrants worldwide took their cuisine with them. New Yorkers are familiar with Cuban-Chinese restaurants, owned by ethnic Chinese from Cuba who served steam tables of ropa vieja and chuletas right next to the pork fried rice and wonton soup. In Jamaica & Trinidad, Chinese immigrants pioneered jerk chicken lo mein and bok choy & callaloo stirfries.

Or how in Peru, Chinese Peruvians developed their country's restaurant industry and created a national dish, lomo saltado along the way.

But then there's the Indian-Chinese food popularized by the descendants of ethnic Hakkas who moved to Mumbai in the 18th century. Personally, I'm partial to some lollipop chicken or gobi manchurian with a nice, cold Kingfisher.
comment posted at 12:13 PM on Sep-22-05

Are we slaves of our own land?
So now we are yelling:
You stole the Olympic Gold Medal from us;
You are a dastardly thief.
You can steal everything and go on a rampage;
You are a monstrous thief.
comment posted at 11:04 AM on Sep-22-05

Football's live streams live football matches on the internet
comment posted at 3:52 PM on Sep-21-05

Why is everybody mad about the cups?

Last month there were those who were mad about “made-in-Israel-paper cups” at the King Khaled National Guard Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Now it’s a quote from novelist Armistead Maupin inscribed on Starbucks coffee cups at Baylor University that have made others mad!

Concerned Women for America charged that Starbucks is promoting a homosexual agenda with some paper cups containing Maupin’s quote:
"My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short."
CWA demanded that the cups containing the quote be removed from campus. Baylor Dining Services complied with the request.

(What exactly is the “homosexual agenda”?)
comment posted at 2:26 PM on Sep-21-05
comment posted at 2:56 PM on Sep-21-05

In July, Georgia federal judge William C. O’Kelley ordered Barrow County to remove a Ten Commandments plaque from its courthouse. The suit was filed by ACLU Georgia, which not only succeeded in getting the plaque removed, but also recovered $150,000 in attorneys’ fees and expenses. Ten Commandments-Georgia pledged to reimburse the county for its legal expenses. In order for the group to raise the last $52,000 it needs to meet that pledge, it has put the actual Ten Commandments plaque that was removed from the courthouse under the order of the court up for auction on eBay.
comment posted at 9:15 AM on Sep-13-05

Pentagon Revises Nuclear Strike Plan - The Pentagon has drafted a revised doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons that envisions commanders requesting presidential approval to use them to preempt an attack by a nation or a terrorist group using weapons of mass destruction. The draft also includes the option of using nuclear arms to destroy known enemy stockpiles of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. [...] The first example for potential nuclear weapon use listed in the draft is against an enemy that is using "or intending to use WMD" against U.S. or allied, multinational military forces or civilian populations. Hmm, if we nuke them, then I guess we destroy the evidence that they were planning to use WMD against us....
comment posted at 11:43 AM on Sep-12-05

Are scrub jays and ravens as smart as chimpanzees? Studies by Nathan J. Emery and Nicola S. Clayton suggest that crows, ravens, jays and other members of Corvidae may be chimpanzees mental equals. Evidence suggesting this includes tool making, the ability to use memories of past experiences and plan for the future, and relatively large brains.
comment posted at 10:11 AM on Sep-12-05
comment posted at 10:11 AM on Sep-12-05

In 1992, General Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, awarded the prize for his strategy essay competition at the National Defense University to Lieutenant Colonel Charles Dunlap for 'The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012'. Rumor is, Colonel Dunlap's essay has been circulating among the military's top brass and strategists.

Vice Adm. Allen's appointment as successor to FEMA Director Michael Brown could be conditioning Americans (intentional or not) to accept the idea of Martial Law. Rep Cynthia McKinney's (D-GA) mention of "impeachment" four days ago on the House floor was omitted from the record. If our representatives will not be heard and if we do not want to live under a military dictatorship, then what? It makes me think of Romania (1989) Of course there's always concentration camps and slave labor.
comment posted at 6:47 AM on Sep-12-05
comment posted at 9:26 AM on Sep-12-05
comment posted at 11:53 AM on Sep-12-05

Quick! Hide the bodies! FEMA's coming. (Or was that the DoD?) via Atrios
comment posted at 6:13 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 6:34 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 7:22 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 8:10 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 9:04 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 9:06 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 10:14 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 10:46 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 10:52 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 10:53 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 11:22 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 11:41 AM on Sep-7-05

Yet to draw national sympathy--and shock? Some hurricane survivors are being allowed to return to check their homes and authorities are working to deal with the dead. But how many people may remain in mortal peril? The NOLAView weblog reports some ongoing, hair-raising situations: "Kathy Frank is stranded and trapped at 1737 Valence Street. She is text messageing. . . . Right now it is Monday at 12 pm." "[A]rson fires have been set in the Bywater and criminals are still in control of the streets at night." And this is within New Orleans. What about rural areas--struggling and receiving little or no federal assistance? And the spread of infectious disease and other post-hurricane threats?
comment posted at 1:13 PM on Sep-5-05
comment posted at 1:41 PM on Sep-5-05
comment posted at 2:03 PM on Sep-5-05
comment posted at 8:20 AM on Sep-6-05
comment posted at 10:00 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 10:58 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 11:07 AM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 11:20 AM on Sep-7-05

America's President
A lot of dead people. New Orleans in utter chaos. Iraq is going crazy. And George Bush is on a naval base, playing guitar. What is it with the US President? How can a political leader be so insensitive? How can his own team of people be so callous?
comment posted at 4:44 AM on Aug-31-05
comment posted at 5:03 AM on Aug-31-05

Overshadowed - images by Keith Kin Yan
comment posted at 6:30 AM on Aug-19-05

real genius (not to be confused with reel genius) — or something a little like it — can be found in dusty corners of the web :: not all are evil :: one has a lego portfolio :: this homebrew pipe organ is amazing (this guy also builds marble machines and built a digital camera from a flatbed scanner) :: some teach the rudiments of wisdom :: i like the micronomicon :: i'm sure there are thousands of other shards of genius out there waiting to be discovered :: have a baby genius in your home? try the alphabet for geniuses! (just be careful...)
comment posted at 5:47 AM on Aug-18-05
comment posted at 5:48 AM on Aug-18-05

"It is time to implement Islamic law in Bangladesh": 100 to 300 simultaneous explosions took place throughout almost every Bangladeshi district today, with credit taken by Jamatul Mujahideen Bangladesh, an extremist group banned by the government earlier this year.
comment posted at 7:29 AM on Aug-17-05
comment posted at 11:07 AM on Aug-17-05
comment posted at 11:56 AM on Aug-17-05

Bush administration opposing .xxx TLD. Back in June, ICANN approved an application for a .xxx TLD extension. The application was a result of research conducted by the ICM Registry and the International Foundation for Online Responsibility to develop a strategy for identifying a TLD string for the responsible online adult-entertainment community that would transcend geographic regions and languages while having high recognition and lasting value for both registrants and Internet users. Based on this research, ICM and IFFOR selected .xxx as the sole string for this application based upon its high ranking in the aforementioned criteria. In testimony to COPA Commission, Sen. Joe Lieberman endorsed the idea of an Internet "redlight district" (pdf) holding Internet sites to the same standard as X-rated movie theatres. Bowing to pressure from the Family Research Council and other "conservative" groups, Michael Gallagher, assistant secretary at the Commerce Department, has asked for a hold to be placed on the contract to run the new top-level domain until the .xxx suffix can receive further scrutiny. The Bush administration has hinted it may unilaterally to block .xxx from being added to the Internet's master database of domains.
comment posted at 9:02 AM on Aug-17-05

So you're on a trip to Japan with your mate before the World Cup. Your mate generously offers to wait for your bag at the carousel and tells you take his bag through customs. Next thing you know you are sitting in prison with frostbite possibly for the next 20 years. Your mum sets up a website to help get you out. Your "mate" is later arrested in Belgium for duping someone else, denies everything and is released on bail. Years later he is found dead on a railway line in Gloucester. You're still in jail after your final court hearing. Your 3 year old son doesn't understand where daddy has gone.

Nothing wrong with worldwide drug importation laws. Nothing at all.
comment posted at 5:23 AM on Aug-17-05
comment posted at 11:27 AM on Aug-17-05

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