1630 MetaFilter comments by baylink (displaying 301 through 350)

Jef Raskin, creator of the Macintosh project at Apple, says the windows-based interface is passé. "In my current interface designs, everything you need is laid out for you. You just zoom in, and as soon as you can read the text or see the graphic details, you can work on them. Then there's no need for windows, which you are forever opening, closing, moving or fooling with."
comment posted at 9:45 AM on Feb-15-01

The W3C opens a can of whoopass on the browser manufacturers with this detailed list of bugs they'd like to see remedied. Will this result in any changes whatsoever, or will Microsoft and Netscape continue to ignore what they should be doing?
comment posted at 1:54 PM on Feb-13-01
comment posted at 6:53 AM on Feb-14-01

Is this finally it? Ever since I got my Cable Modem, Napster, and a CD burner I have wondered if the genie was ever going back in the bottle. It's gonna be fun to watch them try.
comment posted at 11:53 AM on Feb-10-01
comment posted at 5:50 PM on Feb-10-01
comment posted at 7:55 PM on Feb-10-01
comment posted at 7:55 PM on Feb-11-01
comment posted at 2:09 PM on Feb-13-01

It's become second nature for many of us to head straight to Google when trying to find something, and more people seem to be discovering the site all the time. These days, savvy New Yorkers are Googling for love.
comment posted at 12:23 PM on Feb-10-01

Kittens for Sale! This twisted, yet somewhat humorous site is a PRANK by MIT students. Yet the FBI doesn't think so. They are taking it serious. One would think that catching all the pedophiles online would be a bit more important then a hoax internet site.
comment posted at 2:36 PM on Feb-9-01

The slashdot random story generator. Think slashdot is not updating often enough. Here's your answer :)
comment posted at 2:24 PM on Feb-8-01

Memorex hacked
Question. If you hack a site, is it really a good idea to leave behind your email address?
comment posted at 2:28 PM on Feb-8-01

Happy trails to you... until we meet again. Co-writer Dale Evans, dead at 88.
comment posted at 12:59 PM on Feb-8-01

"We're sorry, but the number you've dialled..." [ 11 second RealAudio file ] Found here, as part of a collection of recordings most of the rest of which will only be interesting to telecom geeks.
comment posted at 4:28 PM on Feb-7-01
comment posted at 1:01 PM on Feb-8-01
comment posted at 2:43 PM on Feb-8-01

Orgasmatronic! A medical implant in the works could offer women a chance to experience orgasms with the press of a button.
comment posted at 4:23 PM on Feb-7-01
comment posted at 2:46 PM on Feb-8-01

Matt has redesigned his home and it's certainly not the same as before. It seems to be the season for redesigning your weblog. Lots of change is in the air, and the results are a breath of fresh air, if these sites are anything to go by. (Note too, that he's using custom coldfusion/SQL code on this box to serve his personal site.)
comment posted at 4:02 PM on Feb-7-01
comment posted at 6:15 PM on Feb-10-01

Well, that's it. We're done for. Ebola hits North America...maybe.
comment posted at 8:36 PM on Feb-6-01

Engineering students hang VW Beetle from Golden Gate Bridge -- I vaguely remember hearing about some various CalTech annual pranks over the years - but this one took some effort. So much for non-chalantly transporting a rusty Beetle across the border anymore...
comment posted at 7:09 AM on Feb-6-01

So Shey tried to order a pair of Nike's from their custom shop with the word "sweatshop" on them. They refused three times, listing a new excuse every time. I smell a great culture jamming project. My suggestion? Let's all go do the same.
comment posted at 7:14 AM on Feb-5-01

Cringeley, from the Pulpit, on Starband satellite internet, and it's use with home LANs and non-Wintel machines. Yes, you *can* get an Ethernet connection to the external box instead of that silly-ass IP over USB thing...
comment posted at 11:42 AM on Feb-4-01
comment posted at 11:29 PM on Feb-4-01
comment posted at 8:32 AM on Feb-5-01
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Feb-5-01

Safari is a new service from O'Reilly which allows you online access to a number of their books for a monthly fee. While the concept isn't entirely new, (books24x7 comes to mind), the use of O'Reilly books and the monthly rate has promising potential. [Via Cam]
comment posted at 12:14 PM on Feb-4-01

The XFL takes to the field this Saturday.
comment posted at 9:13 AM on Feb-3-01

Bug Chasers : According to this article at Alternatives Magazine, there are gay men who are looking for HIV+ partners who will infect them. In fact, it even claims that some people "fetishize" the virus. I'm absolutely stunned. Can anyone confirm that this is really happening?
comment posted at 9:35 PM on Feb-5-01
comment posted at 9:36 PM on Feb-5-01

Pennsylvania School cut father's opportunity to lunch with his son after he has been there every day for four years. Due to his work schedule this is the only time he has to spend with his son.
comment posted at 7:25 AM on Feb-5-01

During the Super Bowl fans were subjucted to a "computerized police lineup" as they were entering Raymond James Stadium. According to law enforcement officials, it was used to "scan the crowd for pickpockets and terrorists..." Now the ACLU has demanded that public hearings about its use be held in Tampa. Were local officials using a legitimate tool of law enforcement or were they acting like Big Brother?
comment posted at 3:21 PM on Feb-3-01

Overwhelming majority favors keeping "Star Spangled Banner". Not fresh (1998 poll) but the topic has come up here several times recently. (more inside)
comment posted at 6:42 PM on Feb-1-01

Ev explains the Pyra situation. Sad news from the makers of Blogger.
comment posted at 6:26 PM on Feb-1-01
comment posted at 6:30 PM on Feb-1-01

Palmstories Porn for your Palm. The joke writes itself.
comment posted at 7:34 PM on Jan-30-01

Georgia approves a new state flag, which should displease just about everyone (historians, civil rights leaders, residents that call it "the war of northern aggression"). It looks like design-by-committee, in which everyone compromises to the point of utter pointlessness. It's certainly hideous, redesign contest anyone?
comment posted at 7:41 PM on Jan-30-01
comment posted at 9:18 PM on Jan-31-01

The next ultimate "where were you?" question? According to Tecumseh’s Curse, every U.S. President elected in a year ending in zero will die in office from natural causes or otherwise. This beg's the question "Where will you be when Bush dies?"[via cam]
comment posted at 7:54 PM on Jan-30-01

I'm surprised that none of us thought to post this: January 28 was the 15th anniversary of the Challenger explosion. For most of us Generation Xers, that day was the ultimate "where were you?" event, a moment as defining to our generation as the JFK assassination was to Boomers. Or at least that's what the media wants us to believe. In any case, it affected most people very strongly, and threw a hell of a monkey wrench into the US space program that we're arguably still recovering from. Worse, the shuttle's almost guaranteed to blow up again at some point, due to design problems and the inherent risks of space flight. So where were you on that day? How did it affect you? Do you think the nation was permanently affected?
comment posted at 6:48 AM on Jan-30-01

Ok, time to drop the recent religious wars, and return to the traditional religious wars. "Linux is just a fad", saith Microsoft. Genties and ladelmen, start your engines.
comment posted at 6:55 AM on Jan-30-01

a 13-year-old gets third-degree burns after watching mtv's 'jackass'. Who are these kids? Do you think mtv is responsible for their direct actions?; or are these just silly kids doing dumb stuff?
comment posted at 7:55 PM on Jan-29-01
comment posted at 2:28 PM on Feb-13-01

See? Y'all sent me off to TVTechnology, and I found something interesting... Remember a couple years ago -- The Day The Pagers Died? They died because Galaxy 4 fell over, which in turn was because its Satellite Control Processors broke.

Both of them. 4 other birds are down one processor; a total of 25 are in danger -- all built on the Hughes HM-601 satellite 'bus'. What is it we always say about genetic diversity being good? Wouldn't you hate to be the engineer on the hook for *this* 12 billion dollars?
comment posted at 7:47 PM on Jan-29-01

GOP measure to allow for our govt to assassinate those deemed worthy of it. introduced by Bob Barr in Senate today. I assume they mean non-Americans?
comment posted at 1:36 PM on Jan-29-01

This link is a couple of weeks old, but its message is eternal: DON'T POSE THE DEAD.
comment posted at 1:16 PM on Jan-29-01

Napster caves. So what is the best alternative for dial-up connections?
comment posted at 12:13 PM on Jan-29-01

dear debb- we're all going to have sex with each other and you're not invited! -kucha

[you're all bitches. -debb]
comment posted at 7:20 AM on Jan-29-01

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